Armot ===== [![Build Status](]( Armot is a minimal rails 3 library for handle your model translations. It's heavily based on [puret](, by Johannes Jörg Schmidt, as it does basically the same but relying on the i18n ActiveRecord backend to store and fetch translations instead of custom tables. Choosing between puret or armot is as always a decision based on your custom requirements: 1. If your application is multilingual and it's translated with default yaml files with i18n Simple backend, you should definitely go with Puret. In this scenario your application contents are multilingual but doesn't dynamically change, they're always the same. 2. If your application is multilingual and also you want to give access to change it's contents, you might have chosen another i18n backend like activerecord to be able to edit the translations in live. In this case armot gives you some advantages: - Your translations are centralized. If you're giving your users (maybe the admins of the site) the ability to change it's multilingual contents, it means that you already have an interface to edit I18n translations. Use it to edit your model translations too. - Use all i18n advantages for free, like fallbacks or being able to speed up model translations with Flatten and Memoize. - Don't worry about eager loading translations every time you load translated models. - Easy to set up, no external tables. Installing armot ---------------- First add the following line to your Gemfile: gem 'armot' Using armot is pretty straightforward. Just add the following line to any model with attributes you want to translate: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base armotize :name, :description end This will make attributes 'name' and 'description' multilingual for the product model. If your application is already in production and with real contents, making an attribute armotized won't do any difference. You can expect your models to return their old values until you make some translations. Usage ----- Your translated model will have different contents for each locale transparently. I18n.locale = :en car = Product.create :name => "A car" #=> A car I18n.locale = :es = "Un coche" #=> Un coche I18n.locale = :en #=> A car Be aware that armot doesn't take care of any cache expiration. If you're using Memoize with I18n ActiveRecord backend you must remember to reload the backend with an observer, for example. Development with armot ---------------------- Since armot stores model translations in an I18n ActiveRecord backend, in development you also need to use that backend in order to see model translations. If you're using Simple backend in development I recomend you to chain it with the ActiveRecord backend, this way you can see both of them. I18n.backend =, I18n.backend) Migrating from puret -------------------- If you want to migrate your current model translations from puret to armot, simply run this rake task: rake armot:migrate_puret