# frozen_string_literal: true require 'zip' require 'pngdefry' require 'fileutils' require 'securerandom' require 'cfpropertylist' require 'app_info/util' require 'app_info/core_ext/object/try' module AppInfo # IPA parser class IPA attr_reader :file # iOS Export types module ExportType DEBUG = 'Debug' ADHOC = 'AdHoc' INHOUSE = 'inHouse' RELEASE = 'Release' UNKOWN = nil end def initialize(file) @file = file end def size(humanable = false) AppInfo::Util.file_size(@file, humanable) end def os AppInfo::Platform::IOS end alias file_type os def iphone? info.iphone? end def ipad? info.ipad? end def universal? info.universal? end def build_version info.build_version end def release_version info.release_version end def identifier info.identifier end def name display_name || bundle_name end def display_name info.display_name end def bundle_name info.bundle_name end def icons info.icons end # # Return the minimum OS version for the given application # def min_sdk_version info.min_sdk_version end def device_type info.device_type end def devices mobileprovision.devices end def team_name mobileprovision.team_name end def team_identifier mobileprovision.team_identifier end def profile_name mobileprovision.profile_name end def expired_date mobileprovision.expired_date end def distribution_name "#{profile_name} - #{team_name}" if profile_name && team_name end def release_type if stored? ExportType::RELEASE else build_type end end def build_type if mobileprovision? if devices ExportType::ADHOC else ExportType::INHOUSE end else ExportType::DEBUG end end def stored? metadata? ? true : false end def hide_developer_certificates mobileprovision.delete('DeveloperCertificates') if mobileprovision? end def mobileprovision return unless mobileprovision? return @mobileprovision if @mobileprovision @mobileprovision = MobileProvision.new(mobileprovision_path) end def mobileprovision? File.exist?mobileprovision_path end def mobileprovision_path filename = 'embedded.mobileprovision' @mobileprovision_path ||= File.join(@file, filename) unless File.exist?(@mobileprovision_path) @mobileprovision_path = File.join(app_path, filename) end @mobileprovision_path end def metadata return unless metadata? @metadata ||= CFPropertyList.native_types(CFPropertyList::List.new(file: metadata_path).value) end def metadata? File.exist?(metadata_path) end def metadata_path @metadata_path ||= File.join(contents, 'iTunesMetadata.plist') end def info @info ||= InfoPlist.new(app_path) end def app_path @app_path ||= Dir.glob(File.join(contents, 'Payload', '*.app')).first end def cleanup! return unless @contents FileUtils.rm_rf(@contents) @contents = nil @icons = nil @app_path = nil @metadata = nil @metadata_path = nil @info = nil end alias bundle_id identifier private def contents # source: https://github.com/soffes/lagunitas/blob/master/lib/lagunitas/ipa.rb unless @contents @contents = "#{Dir.mktmpdir}/AppInfo-ios-#{SecureRandom.hex}" Zip::File.open(@file) do |zip_file| zip_file.each do |f| f_path = File.join(@contents, f.name) zip_file.extract(f, f_path) unless File.exist?(f_path) end end end @contents end def icons_root_path iphone = 'CFBundleIcons' ipad = 'CFBundleIcons~ipad' case device_type when 'iPhone' [iphone] when 'iPad' [ipad] when 'Universal' [iphone, ipad] end end end end