require_relative 'textarea' require_relative '../../hint' module CCS module Components module GovUK class Field < Base class Input < Field # = GOV.UK Character count # # This is used for generating the character count component from the # { GDS - Components - Character count} # # This is a wrapper around a Textarea module and so makes use of the methods in {Textarea} # # @!attribute [r] textarea # @return [Textarea] The initialised textarea # @!attribute [r] fallback_hint # @return [Hint] The initialised character count fallback hint # @!attribute [r] character_count_html_options # @return [Hash] HTML options for the character count class CharacterCount include ActionView::Context include ActionView::Helpers private attr_reader :textarea, :fallback_hint, :character_count_html_options public # @param (see CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input::Textarea#initialize) # @param character_count_options [Hash] options for the character count # @param context [ActionView::Base] the view context # # @option (see CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input::Textarea#initialize) # # @option (see initialise_character_count_html_options) def initialize(attribute:, character_count_options:, context:, **options) character_count_attribute = options[:form] ? "#{options[:form].object_name}_#{attribute}" : attribute initialise_textarea(attribute, character_count_attribute, context, options) initialise_character_count_html_options(character_count_options) initialise_fallback_hint(character_count_attribute, context, character_count_options) end # Generates the HTML for the GOV.UK Character count component # # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] def render tag.div(**character_count_html_options) do concat(textarea.render) concat(fallback_hint.render) end end private # Initialises the Textarea for the character count # # @param attribute [Symbol] the attribute of the field # @param character_count_attribute [String] the name of the field as it will appear in the textarea # @param context [ActionView::Base] the view context # @param options [Hash] options that will be used for the textarea # # @option (see CCS::Components::GovUK::Field::Input::Textarea#initialize) def initialise_textarea(attribute, character_count_attribute, context, options) ((options[:attributes] ||= {})[:aria] ||= {})[:describedby] = [options.dig(:attributes, :aria, :describedby), "#{character_count_attribute}-info"].compact.join(' ') options[:classes] = "#{options[:classes]} govuk-js-character-count".lstrip @textarea = attribute, context: context, **options) end # Initialises the charcter count options # # @param character_count_options [Hash] options for the charcter count # # @option character_count_options [String] :maxlength the maximum number of characters. # If +maxwords+ is set, this is not required. # If +maxwords+ is provided, the +maxlength+ option will be ignored. # @option character_count_options [String] :maxwords the maximum number of words. # If maxlength is set, this is not required. # If +maxwords+ is provided, the +maxlength+ option will be ignored. # @option character_count_options [String] :threshold the percentage value of the limit at which point the count message is displayed. # If this attribute is set, the count message will be hidden by default. # @option character_count_options [Hash] :fallback_hint ({}) additional parameters that will be used to create the hint containing the character count text: # - +:count_message+ replaced the default text for the count message. # If you want the count number to appear, put %s in the string and it will be replaced with the number # - +classes+ additional CSS classes for the fallback hint HTML def initialise_character_count_html_options(character_count_options) character_count_html_options = { class: 'govuk-character-count', data: { module: 'govuk-character-count' } } %i[maxlength threshold maxwords].each do |data_attribute| character_count_html_options[:data][data_attribute] = character_count_options[data_attribute].to_s if character_count_options[data_attribute] end @character_count_html_options = character_count_html_options end # Initialises the charcter count fall back hint # # @param character_count_attribute [String] the name of the field as it will appear in the textarea # @param context [ActionView::Base] the view context # @param (see initialise_character_count_html_options) # # @option (see initialise_character_count_html_options) def initialise_fallback_hint(character_count_attribute, context, character_count_options) fallback_hint = character_count_options[:fallback_hint] || {} fallback_hint_length = character_count_options[:maxwords] || character_count_options[:maxlength] fallback_hint_default = "You can enter up to %s #{character_count_options[:maxwords] ? 'words' : 'characters'}" text = format(fallback_hint[:count_message] || fallback_hint_default, count: fallback_hint_length) classes = "#{fallback_hint[:classes]} govuk-character-count__message".lstrip @fallback_hint = text, classes: classes, attributes: { id: "#{character_count_attribute}-info" }, context: context) end end end end end end end