== 1.1.2 - 9-May-2014 * Added the percent_used, bytes_total, bytes_free and bytes_used methods to the Filesystem::Stat class. Thanks go to xanview for the suggestion. * Changed File.exists? to File.exist? to avoid warnings in Ruby 2.1.x. * The convenience methods to_mb, to_gb, etc, are now defined in Numeric instead of Fixnum. * Added the to_tb method for terabytes. * Minor updates to the gem:create and gem:install Rake tasks. == 1.1.1 - 3-Oct-2013 * Solaris now always uses statvfs64 on Solaris for better 64-bit support. Thanks go to Jeff Shantz for the spot. == 1.1.0 - 19-Jan-2013 * Converted the Windows source code to use FFI. Consequently, there is now a single gem rather than separate gems for Windows and Unix. * Revamped the Windows tests. == 1.0.0 - 11-Jan-2012 * Converted everything from C to FFI for the Unix flavors. The Windows source code remains untouched. == 0.3.4 - 19-Nov-2010 * Fixed a bug where negative block counts were happening on very large hard drives. Thanks go to Jonas Pfenniger for the spot. * Refactored the clean task in the Rakefile. * Some cosmetic source code changes. == 0.3.3 - 21-May-2010 * Added a workaround for the Sys::Filesystem#block_size member to deal with a bug in OS X. Thanks go to Josh Pasqualetto for the spot. == 0.3.2 - 29-Dec-2009 * Source has been moved to github. * Added the 'gem' task and removed build logic from the gemspec. * Updated the install task. * Minor correction to the manifest. * Removed some junk build files that were inadvertently included in the last gem. == 0.3.1 - 5-Aug-2009 * Now compatible with Ruby 1.9.x. * Changed license to Artistic 2.0 * Updated the gemspec, including the explicit addition of a license and test-unit as a development dependency, as well as an updated description. == 0.3.0 - 26-Feb-2009 * Added support for OS X and FreeBSD thanks to an awesome patch by Nobuyoshi Miyokawa. * Added the Filesystem.mount_point method that takes a file and returns the mount point it's sitting on. == 0.2.0 - 30-Dec-2008 * Added the Filesystem.mounts method for iterating over mount or volume information. == 0.1.1 - 28-Mar-2007 * Bug fix for BSD flavors. Thanks go to Jeremy Kemper and Ole Christian Rynning for the spot. * Bug fix for OS X (along the same lines as the BSD fix). Thanks go to Aurelian Dehay for the spot. * Some Rdoc improvements for the C extension. * Tweaks to the gemspec. * Added synopsis to the README. == 0.1.0 - 17-Nov-2006 * Initial release. Alpha. Code is stable, but API is not.