define("dojox/mobile/SearchBox", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dijit/form/_SearchMixin", "dojox/mobile/TextBox", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/keys", "./sniff" ], function(declare, lang, SearchMixin, TextBox, domClass, keys, has){ return declare("", [TextBox, SearchMixin], { // summary: // A non-templated base class for INPUT type="search". // baseClass: String // The name of the CSS class of this widget. baseClass: "mblTextBox mblSearchBox", // type: String // Corresponds to the type attribute of the HTML `` element. // The value is "search". type: "search", placeHolder: "", // incremental: Boolean // Set true to search on every key or false to only search after // pressing ENTER or cancel. incremental: true, _setIncrementalAttr: function(val){ // summary: // Custom setter so the INPUT doesn't get the incremental attribute set. // tags: // private this.incremental = val; }, _onInput: function(e){ // tags: // private if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER){ e.charOrCode = 229; }else if(!this.incremental){ e.charOrCode = 0; // call _onInput to make sure a pending query is aborted } this.inherited(arguments); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.textbox.removeAttribute('incremental'); // only want onsearch to fire for ENTER and cancel if(!this.textbox.hasAttribute('results')){ this.textbox.setAttribute('results', '0'); // enables webkit search decoration } if(has('iphone') < 5){ domClass.add(this.domNode, 'iphone4'); // cannot click cancel button after focus so just remove it this.connect(this.textbox, "onfocus", // if value changes between start of onfocus to end, then it was a cancel function(){ if(this.textbox.value !== ''){ setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ if(this.textbox.value === ''){ this._onInput({ charOrCode: keys.ENTER }); // emulate onsearch } }), 0 ); } } ); } this.connect(this.textbox, "onsearch", function(){ this._onInput({ charOrCode: keys.ENTER }); } ); } }); });