Lanes.emptyFn = -> Lanes.fatal = (args...) -> Lanes.warn(args...) throw new Error(args...) Lanes.warn = (msg...) -> return unless console if msg[0] instanceof Error console.warn(msg[0].stack) else console.warn(msg...) null distillTypes = (type, ns) -> _.reduce( type.split( '.' ), ( ( memo, val ) -> return if memo then memo[ val ] else null ), ns ) Lanes.u = { withReactContext: (newContext, fn) -> previousContext = Lanes.Vendor.ReactContext.current Lanes.Vendor.ReactContext.current = _.clone newContext ret = fn() Lanes.Vendor.ReactContext.current = previousContext ret makeComparatorUsing: (method) -> (a, b) -> Lanes.u.comparator(a[method], b[method]) comparator: (a, b) -> if a < b then 1 else if a > b then -1 else 0 objectForPath: (path) -> parts = path.replace(/\.js$/, '').split('/') last = null _.reduce( parts, (memo, val) -> last = memo[val] || memo[ _.classify(val) ] || last , Lanes) objectPath: (FILE) -> FILE.path path: (FILE) -> FILE.path.join("/") dirname: (FILE) -> FILE.path[0...FILE.path.length - 1].join("/") findObject:(name, subPath, file = FILE) -> if _.isObject(name) name else file.namespace[subPath]?[name] || Lanes[subPath]?[name] || Lanes.u.getPath(name) findRelative: (name, file) -> parts =, file.path.length - 1), (comp) -> _.classify(comp) ) obj = _.reduce( parts, ( ( memo, val ) -> return if memo then memo[ val ] else null ), Lanes ) obj?[name] isModel: (object) -> _.isObject(object) and object.isProxy or object instanceof Lanes.Models.BasicModel isCollection: (object) -> object instanceof Lanes.Models.Collection || object instanceof Lanes.Models.BasicCollection || object instanceof Lanes.Models.SubCollection isState: (object) -> _.isObject(object) and object.isProxy or object instanceof Lanes.Models.State # Can be called one of two ways: # With ns being a string, which will attempt to deref it then deref name inside it # or with ns being an object, which will dref name inside it getPath: ( name, ns = 'Lanes' ) -> return name unless _.isString(name) ns = "Lanes.#{ns}" if _.isString(ns) && !ns.match("Lanes") object = distillTypes(name, window) if ! object ns = if _.isObject(ns) then ns else distillTypes(ns, window) object = distillTypes(name, ns ) object # Like underscore's results but allows passing # arguments to the function if it's called resultsFor:( scope, method, args... ) -> if _.isString(method) if _.isFunction(scope[method]) scope[method].apply(scope, args) else scope[method] else if _.isFunction(method) method.apply(scope, args) else method invokeOrReturn: (func, scope = this) -> if _.isFunction(func) func.apply(scope) else func } # Can be called one of two ways: # With ns being a string, which will attempt to deref it then deref name inside it # or with ns being an object, which will dref name inside it # Lanes.getPath = ( name, ns='Lanes' ) -> # return name unless _.isString(name) # ns = "Lanes.#{ns}" if _.isString(ns) && !ns.match("Lanes") # distillTypes(name, window) || distillTypes(name, if _.isObject(ns) then ns else distillTypes(ns, window) ) # Lanes.findObject = (name, subPath, file=FILE) -> # if _.isObject(name) # name # else # file.namespace[subPath]?[name] || Lanes[subPath]?[name] || Lanes.getPath(name) lcDash = (char, match, index) -> return ( if index == 0 then '' else '_' ) + char.toLowerCase() originalTitleize = _.titleize # some are taken from _.mixin({ dasherize: (str) -> _.trim(str).replace(/([A-Z])/g, lcDash).replace(/[-_\s]+/g, '-').toLowerCase() titleize: (str) ->, _.humanize(str)) field2title: (field) -> _.titleize field toSentence: (words = [], comma = ', ', nd = ' and ') -> last = words.pop() if last if words.length [words.join(comma), last].join(nd) else last else '' isPromise: (obj) -> !!obj && (_.isObject(obj) || _.isFunction(obj)) && _.isFunction(obj.then) classify: (str) -> s = _.toString(str) @capitalize(@camelCase(s.replace(/[\W_]/g, ' ')).replace(/\s/g, '')) humanize: (str) -> @capitalize(@trim(@underscored(str).replace(/_id$/, '').replace(/_/g, ' '))) underscored: (str) -> return @trim(str).replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g, '$1_$2').replace(/[-\s]+/g, '_').toLowerCase() isBlank: (value) -> switch true when _.isDate(value) _.isNaN(value.getDate()) when _.isError(value), _.isNaN(value) true when _.isElement(value), _.isFunction(value), _.isBoolean(value), _.isRegExp(value) false when _.isNumber(value) !value else _.isEmpty(value) })