archetype (adl_version=1.4) openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.uterine_contractions.v1 concept [at0000] -- Uterine contractions language original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> translations = < ["ar-sy"] = < language = <[ISO_639-1::ar-sy]> author = < ["name"] = <"Mona Saleh"> ["email"] = <""> > > > description original_author = < ["name"] = <"unknown"> > details = < ["en"] = < language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> purpose = <"Documenting details about uterine contractions."> use = <""> misuse = <""> copyright = <"© openEHR Foundation"> > ["ar-sy"] = < language = <[ISO_639-1::ar-sy]> purpose = <"توثيق تفاصيل التقلصات الرحمية"> use = <""> misuse = <""> copyright = <"© openEHR Foundation"> > > lifecycle_state = <"AuthorDraft"> other_contributors = <> other_details = < ["references"] = <""> > definition OBSERVATION[at0000] matches { -- Uterine contractions data matches { HISTORY[at0001] matches { -- Event Series events cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches { EVENT[at0002] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Any event data matches { ITEM_TREE[at0003] matches { -- Tree items cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[at0004] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Strength value matches { 0|[local::at0005], -- Not noticable to mother 1|[local::at0006], -- Very mild 2|[local::at0007], -- Mild 3|[local::at0008], -- Moderate 4|[local::at0009], -- Strong 5|[local::at0010] -- Very strong } } ELEMENT[at0016] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Pattern value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT matches { defining_code matches { [local:: at0017, -- Regular at0018, -- Irregular at0019, -- Continuous at0036] -- Diminishing } } } } ELEMENT[at0011] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Duration value matches { DV_DURATION matches { value matches {PTMS} } } } ELEMENT[at0037] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Duration comment value matches { DV_TEXT matches {*} } } CLUSTER[at0012] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Frequency items cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[at0013] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Begin every... value matches { DV_DURATION matches { value matches {PTMS} } } } ELEMENT[at0014] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Frequency per 10 minutes value matches { C_DV_QUANTITY < property = <[openehr::382]> list = < ["1"] = < units = <"/min"> > > > } } ELEMENT[at0035] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Frequency per hour value matches { C_DV_QUANTITY < property = <[openehr::382]> list = < ["1"] = < units = <"/h"> > > > } } } } ELEMENT[at0024] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Effectiveness value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT matches { defining_code matches { [local:: at0023, -- Not effective at0025, -- Effective at0026] -- Expulsive } } } } ELEMENT[at0015] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Intra-uterine pressure value matches { C_DV_QUANTITY < property = <[openehr::125]> list = < ["1"] = < units = <"mm[Hg]"> > > > } } } } } } } } } protocol matches { ITEM_LIST[at0027] matches { -- List items cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches { ELEMENT[at0028] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Method value matches { DV_CODED_TEXT matches { defining_code matches { [local:: at0029, -- Manual at0030, -- Maternal report at0031] -- Tocogram } } } } } } } } ontology term_definitions = < ["en"] = < items = < ["at0000"] = < text = <"Uterine contractions"> description = <"The strength, duration and frequency of uterine contractions"> > ["at0001"] = < text = <"Event Series"> description = <"@ internal @"> > ["at0002"] = < text = <"Any event"> description = <"*"> > ["at0003"] = < text = <"Tree"> description = <"@ internal @"> > ["at0004"] = < text = <"Strength"> description = <"The strength of uterine contractions"> > ["at0005"] = < text = <"Not noticable to mother"> description = <"The contractions are not noticable"> > ["at0006"] = < text = <"Very mild"> description = <"Noticable but not effective"> > ["at0007"] = < text = <"Mild"> description = <"Causing some sensation in the back or lower pelvis"> > ["at0008"] = < text = <"Moderate"> description = <"Causing discomfort or strong pressure in the back or lower pelvis"> > ["at0009"] = < text = <"Strong"> description = <"Fully active uterus during labour"> > ["at0010"] = < text = <"Very strong"> description = <"Possibly excessively strong contractions"> > ["at0011"] = < text = <"Duration"> description = <"The duration of the contractions"> > ["at0012"] = < text = <"Frequency"> description = <"A group of frequency statements"> > ["at0013"] = < text = <"Begin every..."> description = <"The time from the begining of one contraction to the beginning of the next"> > ["at0014"] = < text = <"Frequency per 10 minutes"> description = <"*"> > ["at0015"] = < text = <"Intra-uterine pressure"> description = <"The peak intra-uterine pressure during the contraction."> > ["at0016"] = < text = <"Pattern"> description = <"The rhythm of the contractions"> > ["at0017"] = < text = <"Regular"> description = <"The contractions are regular or equally spaced"> > ["at0018"] = < text = <"Irregular"> description = <"The contractions are irregular or at different intervals"> > ["at0019"] = < text = <"Continuous"> description = <"The uterus is not relaxing between contractions"> > ["at0023"] = < text = <"Not effective"> description = <"Contractions are not effective"> > ["at0024"] = < text = <"Effectiveness"> description = <"The effectiveness of the contractions"> > ["at0025"] = < text = <"Effective"> description = <"Contractions are effective"> > ["at0026"] = < text = <"Expulsive"> description = <"Uterine contractions are expelling the baby"> > ["at0027"] = < text = <"List"> description = <"@ internal @"> > ["at0028"] = < text = <"Method"> description = <"The method used to determine the uterine contraction features"> > ["at0029"] = < text = <"Manual"> description = <"By palpation"> > ["at0030"] = < text = <"Maternal report"> description = <"By the subjects report"> > ["at0031"] = < text = <"Tocogram"> description = <"Measurement with a tocogram"> > ["at0035"] = < text = <"Frequency per hour"> description = <"*"> > ["at0036"] = < text = <"Diminishing"> description = <"*"> > ["at0037"] = < text = <"Duration comment"> description = <"A textual comment on the duration of contractions - e.g. '10 to 20 seconds'"> > > > ["ar-sy"] = < items = < ["at0000"] = < text = <"التقلصات الرَّحِمية"> description = <"قوة و مدة و تكرار التقلصات الرَّحِمية"> > ["at0001"] = < text = <"*Event Series(en)"> description = <"*@ internal @(en)"> > ["at0002"] = < text = <"إحدى الوقائع"> description = <"**(en)"> > ["at0003"] = < text = <"*Tree(en)"> description = <"*@ internal @(en)"> > ["at0004"] = < text = <"القوة"> description = <"قوة التقلصات الرَّحِمية"> > ["at0005"] = < text = <"غير ملحوظة لدى الأم"> description = <"التقلصات غير ملحوظة "> > ["at0006"] = < text = <"معتدل جدا"> description = <"ملحوظة لكن غير فعالة"> > ["at0007"] = < text = <"معتدل"> description = <"تسبب بعض الحِسّ في الظهر أو أسفل الحوض"> > ["at0008"] = < text = <"متوسطة"> description = <"تسبب إزعاجا أو ضغطا قويا في الظهر أو أسفل الحوض"> > ["at0009"] = < text = <"قوي"> description = <"الرحم نشِط بشكل كلّي في أثناء الوضع/المخاض"> > ["at0010"] = < text = <"قوي جدا"> description = <"احتمال تقلصات قوية بشكل مفرط"> > ["at0011"] = < text = <"المدة"> description = <"مدة التقلصات"> > ["at0012"] = < text = <"التكرار"> description = <"مجموعة من البيانات عن التكرار"> > ["at0013"] = < text = <"يبدأ كل ..."> description = <"الفترة بين بداية تقلص إلى بداية التقلص الذي يليه"> > ["at0014"] = < text = <"التكرار لكل 10 دقائق"> description = <"**(en)"> > ["at0015"] = < text = <"الضغط داخل الرحم"> description = <"ذِروة قياس الضغط داخل الرحم في أثناء التقلصات"> > ["at0016"] = < text = <"الطراز"> description = <"نَظْم التقلصات"> > ["at0017"] = < text = <"منتظمة"> description = <"التقلصات منتظمة أو متباعدة بشكل متساوي"> > ["at0018"] = < text = <"غير منتظمة"> description = <"التقلصات غير منتظمة أو تحدث على فواصل / فترات مختلفة"> > ["at0019"] = < text = <"مستمر"> description = <"الرحم لا يرتخي / يسهل بين التقلصات"> > ["at0023"] = < text = <"غير فعالة"> description = <"التقلصات غير فعالة"> > ["at0024"] = < text = <"الفعالية"> description = <"فعالية التقلصات"> > ["at0025"] = < text = <"فعالة"> description = <"التقلصات فعالة"> > ["at0026"] = < text = <"طارد/ دافع"> description = <"التقلصات تطرد / تدفع الطفل / الرضيع"> > ["at0027"] = < text = <"*List(en)"> description = <"*@ internal @(en)"> > ["at0028"] = < text = <"الطريقة"> description = <"الطريقة المستخدمة لتحديد ملامح / قسمات التقلصات الرحمية"> > ["at0029"] = < text = <"يدوية"> description = <"عن طريق الجَسّ"> > ["at0030"] = < text = <"تقرير أمومي"> description = <"عن طريق التقرير الموضوعي"> > ["at0031"] = < text = <"مِخطاط قوة المخاض"> description = <"القياس عن طريق مِخطاط قوة المخاض"> > ["at0035"] = < text = <"التكرار لكل ساعة"> description = <"**(en)"> > ["at0036"] = < text = <"متناقص"> description = <"**(en)"> > ["at0037"] = < text = <"تعليق حول المدة"> description = <"تعليق تعليق نصي عن مدة التقلصات, مثلا 10 إلى 20 ثانية"> > > > >