require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) describe Endeca::Request do before do @path = '' end describe '.perform' do it "initalializes a new request object and performs the request" do path = 'path' query = 'query' request = mock('Endeca::Request') request.should_receive(:perform) Endeca::Request.should_receive(:new).with(path, query).and_return(request) Endeca::Request.perform(path, query) end end describe '#perform' do before do @request = end it "should not make more than one request" do @request.should_receive(:handle_response).exactly(1).times.and_return({}) @request.perform end describe "get response" do it "shouse raise RequestError on exception" do Curl::Easy.stub!(:perform).and_raise("Error happened") lambda {@request.perform}.should raise_error(Endeca::RequestError, "Error happened") end end describe "when successful" do before do @response_json = "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}" @response_hash = {"foo" => "bar"} @curl_obj = mock(:response_code => 200, :body_str => @response_json) Curl::Easy.stub!(:perform).and_return(@curl_obj) end it "should return the parsed JSON of the response body" do @request.perform.should == @response_hash end it "should not raise an error" do lambda { @request.perform }.should_not raise_error end end describe "when unsuccessful" do before do @curl_obj = mock(:response_code => 404) Curl::Easy.stub!(:perform).and_return(@curl_obj) end it "should raise an Endeca::RequestError" do lambda {@request.perform}.should raise_error(Endeca::RequestError, "404 HTTP Error") end end describe "Yajl parser" do it "should return Endeca::RequestError when malformed JSON is returned" do @curl_obj = mock(:response_code => 200, :body_str => "!@!@#@SDSD}") Curl::Easy.stub!(:perform).and_return(@curl_obj) lambda {@request.perform}.should raise_error(Endeca::RequestError) end end describe "when the response contains an error hash" do before do @error_message = "com.endeca.soleng.urlformatter.QueryBuildException: com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQueryParseException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"asdjkhfgasdfjkhg\"" @error_response = { "methodResponse"=> {"fault"=> {"value"=> {"faultCode"=>"-1", "faultString"=> @error_message} } } } @error_request = @error_request.stub!(:handle_response).and_return(@error_response) end it "should raise an Endeca::RequestError" do lambda { @error_request.perform }.should raise_error(Endeca::RequestError, @error_message) end end end # perform describe '#uri' do describe "with a hash of query options" do it "should append the query options onto the url" do query = {:foo => :bar} URI.parse(, query).uri).query.should == query.to_endeca_params end end end describe "with a string of query options" do it "should append the query options string onto the url" do query = 'N=56' URI.parse(, query).uri).query.should == query.to_endeca_params end end end