[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/lucasmartins/tacape.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/lucasmartins/tacape) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/lucasmartins/tacape.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lucasmartins/tacape) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/lucasmartins/tacape.png)](https://gemnasium.com/lucasmartins/tacape) Tacape ====== This is a **WORK IN PROGRESS**, I would wait until I have the testing suite implemented to publish this but time is slipping away from me, maybe you can help! Just fork [Tacape Tools](https://github.com/lucasmartins/tacape-tools), add your tool, and make a pull request. You can test your tools locally just throwing them at the `~/.tacape/tools` folder. Take a look at the code of the tools already implemented. All I did was to get the code of scripts I made for myself and put them togheter in a better organized way, this is not the kind of code you should publish, but I believe this is gonna force me to make it better. Have fun! This repo is used by [Tacape](https://github.com/lucasmartins/tacape) ### Configuration Each Tacape Tool have its own configuration file, they are JSON files inside `~/.tacape/config`. Install ======= As any other Gem: `$ gem install tacape` You may have to run a rehash for Rbenv: `$ rbenv rehash` Use === Tacape is a CLI tool based on Thor, so just run `tacape` to see the commands available: ``` $ tacape This is Tacape, a command-line tool that gathers years of personal crafting, don't use it too seriously thou. Commands: tacape check # Checks for system dependencies tacape dns # Tacape Tool for DNS things tacape help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command tacape owngit # Tacape Tool for managing remote Bare Git repositories through SSH tacape update # Updates the Tools local repository tacape version # Shows version ``` Contribute ========== Have any scripts laying around that you could be sharing? Just fork [Tacape Tools](https://github.com/lucasmartins/tacape-tools), add your tool, and make a pull request. Support ======= This is an opensource project so don't expect premium support, but don't be shy, post any troubles you're having in the [Issues](https://github.com/lucasmartins/tacape/issues) page and we'll do what we can to help. License ======= Tacape Tools is free software under the [MIT license](http://lucasmartins.mit-license.org).