require 'landable' Landable.configure do |config| # Specify the hostname(s) of your Publicist instance = %w( # Simple singleton user authenticator # config.authenticator ='trogdor', 'trogdor') # Set up a custom database schema prefix (default: nil) # config.database_schema_prefix = Rails.application.class.parent_name.downcase # Add landable-ldap to your application's Gemfile to authenticate by LDAP: # config.authenticator = # host: 'ldap.acme.corp', # port: 389, # ssl: 'start_tls', # base: 'ou=user,dc=acme,dc=corp', # ) # Categories to create (can also be given as a hash to provide descriptions, # e.g. {'SEO' => 'Search engine optimization', 'PPC' => 'Pay-per-click'}) config.categories = %w(Affiliates PPC SEO Social Email Traditional) # Uncomment to enable tracking of all requests. # Set to :html to track only HTML requests. # config.traffic_enabled = true # Set up paths that are never tracked by Landable visit tracking # config.untracked_paths = %w(/status) # DNT header ( # # DNT is a proposed HTTP header field that accepts three values: # "1": (opt-out) user does not want to be tracked # "0": (opt-in) user consents to being tracked # null: (no header, empty, or other) user has not expressed a preference # # Note: It is unsettled if the DNT header should apply to first-party tracking. # # Default: Skip tracking if request.headers["DNT"] == "1" # # Uncomment to change the default # config.dnt_enabled = true # If you're using Landable with Publicist, add its url here. (required for screenshots) # config.publicist_url = '' # Where is your site deployed? (required for screenshots) # config.public_url = '' # If you want to save a different UserAgent if the request.user_agent is blank, set it here # config.blank_user_agent_string = 'blank' # Uncomment to enable publishing of events to an amqp messaging service. # # This feature requires the mounting application to configure a messenger # class which includes a publish method. The publish method should # take the message as an input, cast it appropriately # then deliver the message to whatever amqp service you are running. # the EventPublisher class will only attempt to send a message if # enabled = true and messaging_service is set. # The configuration params are a collection, like so: # config.amqp_configuration = { # site_segment: 'mybrand:myproduct:myapp', # messaging_service: AmqpMessagingService, # enabled: 'true', # event_mapping: { # '/' => 'Home page', # '/my_path' => { 'GET' => 'Customer Landed', # 'POST' => 'Customer Submitted', # 'DELETE' => 'Customer Left' # } # }.freeze # } end # Configure asset uploads. Assets will be uploaded to public/uploads by default. # More configuration options: CarrierWave.configure do |_config| # config.asset_host = '' end