U: FXMap[f0.5FC:FXMapperSettings{"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Grid BoxesT"Arrow Colorl+"Paths as CurvesT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Box Number Colorl+"Create on ConnectionT"Font Objects"times new roman"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Box Border Colorl+" Language" English"Automatic ConnectionT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Colorl+"Box BG Colorl+"Font Text"times new roman" BG Colorl+" Janitor"0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom["The Break Room"csack tub tin cans torch gold coin mechanical bird plastic tub tin can of pink jelly dead bulb "[ U:FXConnection[ Fii[@,U;["Access Corridor N1""[ U; [ Fii[@5U;["Access Corridor N2""[ U; [ Fii[@>U;["Access Corridor N3""[ U; [ Fii[@GU;["Access Corridor S3""[ U; [ Fii[@PU;["Access Corridor S2""[ U; [ Fii[@YU;["Access Corridor S1" "[ U; [ Fii[@b@,[ii000@_000Fi i "sYou are in Access Corridor S1, which leads south and north from here. You can see the break room to the north, and the smell of stale snack foods and burnt coffee is strangely appealing. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the east and west. Access door S1E is here, standing open. Access door S1W is here, standing open.F[ii000@V000Fi i "You are in Access Corridor S2, which leads south and north from here. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the east and west. Access door S2E is here, standing open. Access door S2W is here, standing open.F[ii000@M000Fi i "You are in Access Corridor S3, which leads south and north from here. The corridor goes through a half-twist to the south, joining with one of the other corridors in a way you've never quite understood. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the east and west. Access door S3E is here, standing open. Access door S3W is here, standing open.F[ii000@D000Fi i"You are in Access Corridor N3, which leads north and south from here. The corridor goes through a half-twist to the north, joining with one of the other corridors in a way you've never quite understood. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the east and west. Access door N3E is here, standing open. Access door N3W is here, standing open.F[ii000@;000Fi i"You are in Access Corridor N2, which leads north and south from here. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the east and west. Access door N2E is here, standing open. Access door N2W is here, standing open.F[ii000@2000Fi i"sYou are in Access Corridor N1, which leads north and south from here. You can see the break room to the south, and the smell of stale snack foods and burnt coffee is strangely appealing. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the east and west. Access door N1E is here, standing open. Access door N1W is here, standing open.F[iiU; [ Fii[@,U;["Receptionist's Office""[ U; [ Fii[@{0[ii0000@x00Fi i"pThis office is an interesting combination between Art Deco and the fads of the 80's. At least all the earth tones were taken out during the last remodeling. The vast cherrywood doors to the north lead to your boss's office; they are illuminated by lamps which were probably tasteful at least briefly during the 70's. The smell of stale coffee comes from the southwest.F[iiU; [ Fii[@,U;["Access Corridor E1""[ 00U; [ Fii[@U;["Access Corridor E2""[ 00U; [ Fii[@U;["Access Corridor E3""[ 00U; [ Fii[U;["Access Corridor W3" "[ 00U; [ Fii[U;["Access Corridor W2""[ 00U; [ Fii[U;["Access Corridor W1""[ 00U; [ Fii[@,@[ii000@0Fii "rYou are in Access Corridor W1, which leads west and east from here. You can see the break room to the east, and the smell of stale snack foods and burnt coffee is strangely appealing. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the north and south. Access door W1S is here, standing open. Access door W1N is here, standing open.F@[ii000@0Fii "You are in Access Corridor W2, which leads west and east from here. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the north and south. Access door W2S is here, standing open. Access door W2N is here, standing open.F@[ii000@0Fii "You are in Access Corridor W3, which leads west and east from here. The corridor goes through a half-twist to the west, joining with one of the other corridors in a way you've never quite understood. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the north and south. Access door W3S is here, standing open. Access door W3N is here, standing open.F@[ii000@0Fi i "You are in Access Corridor E3, which leads east and west from here. The corridor goes through a half-twist to the east, joining with one of the other corridors in a way you've never quite understood. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the north and south. Access door E3S is here, standing open. Access door E3N is here, standing open.F[ii000@0Fi i "You are in Access Corridor E2, which leads east and west from here. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the north and south. Access door E2S is here, standing open. Access door E2N is here, standing open.F[ii000@0Fi i "rYou are in Access Corridor E1, which leads east and west from here. You can see the break room to the west, and the smell of stale snack foods and burnt coffee is strangely appealing. The fluorescent lights above you flicker irregularly, dimly illuminating the doors to the north and south. Access door E1S is here, standing open. Access door E1N is here, standing open.F[ii0@h0@U; [ Fii[@,U;["Supply Closet"[mop cannister of orange smoke spare light bulbs dirty magazines bucket of dirty water "[ 000@0000Fii"'If a man's home is his castle, then a janitor's supply closet is his outhouse. It's dingy and dirty, uncomfortable, and smelly, but you would be pretty uncomfortable if you couldn't come here occasionally. To the southeast is a room which, in the same metaphor, might be considered your dungeon.F[iiFi i "You are in the company break room, complete with the employee fridge, where you could store your lunch, if you had a lunch. Access corridors lead north, south, east, and west. Your supply closet is to the northwest, and the receptionist's office is to the northeast. Next to the safety and motivational posters, a pin- up calendar adorns the dingy wall, currently displaying Ms. July.F@{@@5@>@G@P@Y@b@@@@@@[@@x@|@2@;@D@M@V@_@h@@@@@@@0U;[[U;["Moor Gnivil"trapdoor "put coin in couch[ U; [ Fii[@U;[" Nehctik""[ 0000@000Fii"-This tiny kitchen is incredibly cluttered, and contains a large refrigerator. There used to be a stove, but it was removed because of the fire hazard. A doorway leads south. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door E2S, which is open.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;["Moor Trats""[ 000000@0Fii"You are in the foyer of a shiny, new mansion. There is no mat on the floor. The outside world is to the east, the house is to the west. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door S3W, which is open.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;["Moor Efas"pedestal "put orb on pedestal[ @0000000Fii"This room is like a giant safe. The shelving on one side has a small, descriptive plaque. The vault door is to the north. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door N3W, which is open.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;[" Rolrap""[ 00@0U; [ Fii[U;[" Parlor"*burned-out bulb couch rubber chicken "search couch[ @00000U; [ Fii[U;["Living Room"carpet trapdoor bird "[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Safe Room"ubrass plaque reddish diamond gold coin cask of Amontillado gazing orb mechanical bird brass lantern nasty knife "[ 0000@000Fii "Is it a safe, or a room? It's secure enough for a safe, but large enough for a room. It may seem a bit out of place, but at least it's not a trophy case. The walls are covered with shelving designed to hold valuable objects. The vault door is to the south.F[ii0@U; [ Fii[@U;[" Attic"butter cookbook table "put knife on table[ 0000000@%Fii "The attic has been converted into a cozy reading nook. A small wooden table sits in the center of the room, next to a large and comfortable-looking reading chair. A floor lamp stands behind the chair, casting a warm glow over the room. Stairs down are the only exit. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door S3E, which is open.F[iiU; [ Fii[@U;[" Kitchen")refrigerator top shelf bottom shelf "[ @00000000Fii "3This kitchen has been mostly stripped, but contains a large refrigerator. There used to be a stove, but it was removed because of the fire hazard. The living room is to the north. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door S1W, which is open.F[ii0U; [ Fii[U;["Start Room"mat"[ 00@;00000Fii "F@[ii0Fii "A peaceful living room. The entire north wall is taken up by the vast steel door of a large safe. A trail of muddy footprints suggests a foyer to the west, and the doorway to the south leads to a cluttered kitchen. Spiral stairs ascend to the attic. The parlor is east of here. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door W3S, which is open.F@ [ii0Fii "You are in a sumptuously decorated parlor, containing a mantelpiece with a vast mirror above it. The sumptuous decorations consist of an old, ratty, couch. The living room is back to the west. A window-frame on the south wall contains a picture of a sunny field. A light fixture above the window contains a burned-out bulb. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door E2N, which is open.F@[ii000Fii"'This dim parlor is richly furnished. A small window on the north wall looks out onto a sandy desert. A large grey mirror is on the west wall, and a doorway leads east. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door S2E, which is open.F[ii0Fii"The living room's south wall contains a vast steel door. To the east is a foyer, to the north a kitchen, to the west a parlor, and a spiral staircase used to lead upwards, but has fallen into disrepair. A ratty old couch sits in the corner. The floor is bare hardwood, except for the trap door in the center of the room, which is closed. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door W3N, which is open.F@@@@@@>@3@ @@([@@@@@0@;@@@%@0U;[[U;["Bird Room""[ 000000U; [ Fii[@QU;[" Basement""push ladder w[ U; [ Fii[U;[" Wicker"")drop cage #with songbird drop basket[ 0000@`000Fii"#This room is full of half-finished wickerwork projects. Some of them are quite impressively ambitious, but almost none of them are complete. A doorway leads south. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door W2S, which is open.F@Z[ii0@W0U; [ Fii[@ZU;["Snake Room"songbird bird cage snake "$put songbird in cage drop snake[ @k0U; [ Fii[@nU;["West of Chasm""[ 00U; [ Fii[@wU;[" Bridge"4wrought-iron torch sconce hot-air balloon lamp "3untie basket turn off mop put torch in sconce[ 00U; [ Fii[@U;["East of Chasm""[ 00U; [ Fii[@U;[" Grotto" hole " put reddish diamond in hole[ 000000@0Fi i "This grotto looks like the inside of a gigantic geode; every surface sparkles. A small hole in one wall catches the light. A passageway leads west. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door N2W, which is open.F[ii000@0Fi i "You are on the east edge of a deep chasm above a stagnant pool. A large stone bridge leads to the other side, and a dark passageway leads east. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door E1N, which is open.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@U;["Below of Chasm"lever pool of water "pull lever[ @0000000Fi i "You are standing at the base of the gigantic pillar supporting the bridge above you. A set of brass rungs set into the side of the pillar leads upwards. You are surrounded by a still pool of water. A large lever labeled "Bridge Control" is set in the pillar and blocks your way to the rungs. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door N1E, which is open.F[ii0@}0Fi i "~You are on a vast stone bridge over a stagnant pool, with a row of brass rungs, temporarily blocked by a giant lever which is just out of your reach, leading down to the base of the single vast pillar supporting the bridge. The bridge runs east and west. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door S2W, which is open.F[ii000@t0Fi i "You are on the west edge of a deep chasm above a stagnant pool. A large stone bridge leads to the other side, and a dimly lit passageway leads west. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door N1W, which is open.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@nU;["Reptile Room".dead janitor garter snake bluish diamond "search janitor get snake [ @0000000Fii "This warm, moist room seems perfectly suited to the keeping of reptiles. It is full of sculpted stone which appears to be intended to take the shape of natural rocks; the rock is warm to the touch, and a soft red light suffuses the room. A passageway leads north. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door E1S, which is open. A little garter snake has curled up on one of the rocks, and appears to be ignoring you.F[ii000Fii "You are in a natural stone cavern. To the north, you can see the basement. Passages lead east and south. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door W1N, which is open. A songbird sits here, singing beautifully.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@ZU;["Wine Cellar""[ 00@0U; [ Fii[@U;[" Poe Room""drop cask[ @0000000Fii "This claustrophobic space is unoccupied. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door E3N, which is open.F[ii000Fii"This room was once a wine cellar; a few bits and pieces of broken bottles have been swept into the corner. A doorway leads east to the rest of the basement. The old wine racks tower above you. Thin grooves are worn in the floor, leading back to the basement. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door S1E, which is open.F[ii0Fii"The basement smells faintly of mold. The walls are constructed of solid concrete. A trap door is set in the ceiling above. Doorways lead north, east, and west, while a hole in the wall leads into a natural cavern to the south. Thin grooves are worn in the floor, leading into the room to the west. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door W1S, which is open.F[ii0Fi i"This bare stone room contains a couple of large rocks, one covered with bird droppings. A doorway leads west. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door W2N, which is open.F@Z@@@n@w@@@@@cU;["Moor Drib""[ 00U; [ Fii[U;[" Tnemesab""[ 000000@0Fii "This cozy basement has beautiful wood-panel walls. Above you is the living room, and a doorway is to the west. A heavy iron ladder hangs down from the ceiling. In the northeast corner, a floating arrangement of glowing blue runes indicates the location of access door N3E, which is open.F@[ii00000Fii "This bare stone room contains a couple of large rocks, one covered with little fragments of broken clockwork. A passageway leads east.F@@[@W@k@@@t@@}@@@`@@0ii