Rho.Config module Implementation of the Config API. Android, WP8,iOS 5.1.0 Path to the config file. Name of the property. Get string value of config property. Name of the property. Value of the property. If true, save changes to file. All changes will save in separate file, not in common config of a aplication. Set string value of config property and optionally save changes to file. Properties save to separate file, common file (specify with configPath) doesn't change. Name of the property. Get integer value of config property. Name of the property. Value of the property. If true, save changes to file. All changes will save in separate file, not in common config of a aplication. Set integer value of config property and optionally save changes to file. Properties save to separate file, common file (specify with configPath) doesn't change. Name of the property. Get boolean value of config property. Name of the property. Value of the property. If true, save changes to file. All changes will save in separate file, not in common config of a aplication. Set boolean value of config property and optionally save changes to file. Properties save to separate file, common file (specify with configPath) doesn't change. Name of the property. Returns true if property exists in the loaded config file. Name of the property. If true, save changes to file. All changes will save in separate file, not in common config of a aplication. Remove existing property and optionally save changes to file. Remove properties works only with properties that has been set with setProperty*** methods. Properties from config file doesn't changed. Load config from the file specified by configPath property.