= Apricot eats Gorilla Apricot eats Gorilla converts SOAP response messages to Ruby hashes. It's based on CobraVsMongoose but uses Hpricot instead of REXML and it also doesn't follow the BadgerFish convention. == Install $ sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com $ sudo gem install smacks-apricoteatsgorilla $ sudo gem install hpricot == Dependencies Hpricot 0.6.164 (also available for JRuby) == An example Let's assume you receive the following SOAP response message: false 449810 <name>Jungle Julia</name> <email>jj@example.com</email> <address /> </customer> </return> </ns2:findCustomerByIdResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> Just pass in the raw XML string like this: require 'rubygems' require 'apricoteatsgorilla' hash = ApricotEatsGorilla.soap_response_to_hash(xml) And it gets converted into a nice little hash: "empty" => false, "customer" => { "address" => nil, "name" => "Jungle Julia", "title" => nil, "id" => "449810", "email" => "jj@example.com" } == The conclusion * It assumes a root node named "return", but you can pass in an XPath expession as the second parameter, to define a different root node. * All attributes are ignored and won't be included in the hash. * The value of empty element nodes will be nil. * Values of "true" or "false" will be converted to boolean objects. == For more information Take a look at the tests to see some more examples.