Run options: exclude {:exp=>true} PandocBeautifier checks the availability of the right pandoc version pdf utilities: adjusts the bounding box of a pdf file converts an excel sheet to pdf converts a powerpoint to pdf converts an excelsheet to cropped pdf converts a powerpoint to cropped pdf TraceableSet should return a blank instance allows to add Traceables delivers the first of the duplicates advertises duplicates adertises undefined traceables advertises all traceables advertises a hash of supporting traces advertises traceable ids of a particular category advertises ttraceables of a particular category merges traceables exposes deleted Traceables exposes added Traceables exposes deleted Traceables of category exposes added Traceables of category exploses changed traceids as array of [Traceid, levensthein, diff_as_html] exposes unchanged Traceables can be marshalled to a file can be dumped to a graphml file Traceable should == "id" should == "origin" should == "alternative_id" should == "header_plain" should == "\\textt{header_origin}" should == "body_plain" should == ["contributes_to"] should == "trace_orig" should == "origin" should == "category" should == "info" Wortsammler generic issues provides a help can create a new project folder does not initialize into an existing project folder controls the pandoc options by document class (PENDING: implmenet test to control pandoc options by document class) Wortsammler options validator rejects no processing rejeccts inputs without outputs Wortsammler beautifier features beautifies all markdown files in a folder beautifies a single file recognizes if the specified manifest file is a directory beautifies input files in a manifest claims missing input claims undefined document path Wortsammler conversion converts a single file to output format converts a single file to default output format handles chapters up to 6 levels handles lists up to 9 levels converts all files within a folder to output format processes a manifest investigates the existence of a manifest extracts the traceables according to a manifest extracts plantuml according to a manifest extracts plantuml from a single file extracts plantuml from a folder processes snippets (PENDING: Test not yet implemented) handles undefined snippets (PENDING: Test not yet implemented) runs the rake file in the sample document compiles all documents Wortsammler syntax extensions [RS_Comp_012] supports embedded images TC_EXP_001 expands expected results from testcases TC_EXP_002 removes plantuml sources TC_EXP_003 handles Markdown inlays Pending: Wortsammler generic issues controls the pandoc options by document class # implmenet test to control pandoc options by document class # ./spec/wortsammler_spec.rb:35 Wortsammler conversion processes snippets # Test not yet implemented # ./spec/wortsammler_spec.rb:278 Wortsammler conversion handles undefined snippets # Test not yet implemented # ./spec/wortsammler_spec.rb:282 Finished in 2 minutes 2.03 seconds 66 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending