import * as esbuild from ''
import { parse } from 'flags/mod.ts'
import { join } from 'path/mod.ts'
import resolvePlugin from './esbuild/resolve_plugin.js'
const isProd = Deno.env.get('RAILS_ENV') === 'production'
const isTest = Deno.env.get('RAILS_ENV') === 'test'
const template = `
export default async (args, { debug }) => {
const { _: entrypoints, ...flags } = parse(args)
const [cwd, entrypoint] = validatePaths(entrypoints)
const params = {
entryPoints: [entrypoint],
absWorkingDir: cwd,
logLevel: 'error',
sourcemap: isTest ? false : 'inline',
write: false,
format: 'esm',
// minify: true,
bundle: true,
plugins: [resolvePlugin({ debug })]
if (entrypoint.endsWith('.jsx')) {
try {
const stat = Deno.lstatSync(join(cwd, 'lib/react_shim.js'))
if (stat.isFile) {
params.inject = ['./lib/react_shim.js']
} catch {
// Safe to swallow as this should only throw if file does not exist.
try {
const result = await
return result.outputFiles[0].contents
// } catch (e) {
// if (isProd) {
// return new TextEncoder().encode(`
// const err = ${JSON.stringify(e.errors[0])}
// const location = \`\${err.location.file}:\${err.location.line}:\${err.location.column}\`
// console.error('%s at %O', err.text, location);
// `)
// } else {
// return new TextEncoder().encode(`
// class ErrorOverlay extends HTMLElement {
// constructor(err) {
// super()
// this.root = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
// this.root.innerHTML = \`${template}\`
// this.root.querySelector('.message-body').textContent = err.text.trim()
// if (err.location) {
// const location = \`\${err.location.file}:\${err.location.line}:\${err.location.column}\`
// this.root.querySelector('.file').textContent = location
// console.error('%s at %O', err.text, location)
// } else {
// console.error(err.text)
// }
// throw err
// }
// }
// customElements.define('error-overlay', ErrorOverlay)
// document.body.appendChild(new ErrorOverlay(${JSON.stringify(e.errors[0])}))
// `)
// }
} finally {
function validatePaths(paths) {
const cwd = paths[0]
const entrypoint = paths[1]
if (!cwd || !entrypoint) {
throw new TypeError(
'Current working directory and entrypoint are required as first and second arguments.'
try {
const stat = Deno.lstatSync(cwd)
if (!stat.isDirectory) {
throw new TypeError(
`Current working directory is required as the first argument - received ${cwd}`
} catch {
throw new TypeError(
`A valid working directory is required as the first argument - received ${cwd}`
try {
const stat = Deno.lstatSync(join(cwd, entrypoint))
if (!stat.isFile) {
throw new TypeError(`Entrypoint is required as the second argument - received ${entrypoint}`)
} catch {
throw new TypeError(
`A valid entrypoint is required as the second argument - received ${entrypoint}`
if (/\.(js|jsx)$/.test(entrypoint) === false) {
throw new TypeError(
`Only a JS/JSX entrypoint is supported with this CLI - received ${entrypoint}`
return [cwd, entrypoint]