require 'git_utils' require 'r10k_utils' require 'master_manipulator' test_name 'CODEMGMT-48 - C59262 - Multiple Environments with Additions, Changes and Removal of Branches' #Init master_certname = on(master, puppet('config', 'print', 'certname')).stdout.rstrip git_environments_path = '/root/environments' last_commit = git_last_commit(master, git_environments_path) local_files_root_path = ENV['FILES'] || 'files' helloworld_module_path = File.join(local_files_root_path, 'modules', 'helloworld') r10k_fqp = get_r10k_fqp(master) initial_env_names = ['production', 'stage', 'test'] #Verification for "production" Environment motd_path = '/etc/motd' motd_contents = 'Hello!' motd_contents_regex = /\A#{motd_contents}\z/ prod_env_notify_message_regex = /I am in the production environment/ #Verification for "stage" Environment stage_env_notify_message = 'This is a different message' stage_env_notify_message_regex = /#{stage_env_notify_message}/ #Verification for "test" Environment test_env_error_message_regex = /Error:.*Could not.*environment '?test'?/ #Verification for "temp" Environment test_env_notify_message_regex = /I am in the temp environment/ #Manifest prod_env_motd_manifest = <<-MANIFEST class { 'helloworld': } class { 'motd': content => '#{motd_contents}', } MANIFEST stage_env_custom_mod_manifest = <<-MANIFEST class helloworld { notify { "Hello world!": message => "#{stage_env_notify_message}" } } MANIFEST site_pp_path = File.join(git_environments_path, 'manifests', 'site.pp') original_site_pp = create_site_pp(master_certname, ' include helloworld') prod_env_motd_site_pp = create_site_pp(master_certname, prod_env_motd_manifest) #File puppet_file = <<-PUPPETFILE mod "puppetlabs/motd" PUPPETFILE puppet_file_path = File.join(git_environments_path, 'Puppetfile') #Teardown teardown do clean_up_r10k(master, last_commit, git_environments_path) step 'Remove "/etc/motd" File' on(agents, "rm -rf #{motd_path}") end #Setup step 'Stub Forge on Master' stub_forge_on(master) initial_env_names.each do |env| if env == 'production' step "Checkout \"#{env}\" Branch" git_on(master, "checkout #{env}", git_environments_path) step "Copy \"helloworld\" Module to \"#{env}\" Environment Git Repo" scp_to(master, helloworld_module_path, File.join(git_environments_path, "site", 'helloworld')) step "Inject New \"site.pp\" to the \"#{env}\" Environment" inject_site_pp(master, site_pp_path, original_site_pp) step "Push Changes to \"#{env}\" Environment" git_add_commit_push(master, env, 'Update site.pp and add module.', git_environments_path) else step "Create \"#{env}\" Branch from \"production\"" git_on(master, 'checkout production', git_environments_path) git_on(master, "checkout -b #{env}", git_environments_path) step "Push Changes to \"#{env}\" Environment" git_push(master, env, git_environments_path) end end #Tests step 'Deploy Environments via r10k' on(master, "#{r10k_fqp} deploy environment -v") #Initial Verification initial_env_names.each do |env| agents.each do |agent| step "Run Puppet Agent Against \"#{env}\" Environment" on(agent, puppet('agent', '--test', "--environment #{env}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => 2) do |result| assert_no_match(/Error:/, result.stderr, 'Unexpected error was detected!') assert_match(/I am in the #{env} environment/, result.stdout, 'Expected message not found!') end end end #Add, Change, Remove Environments step 'Create "temp" Branch from "production"' git_on(master, 'checkout production', git_environments_path) git_on(master, 'checkout -b temp', git_environments_path) git_push(master, 'temp', git_environments_path) step 'Add "puppetlabs-motd" Module to the "production" Environment' git_on(master, 'checkout production', git_environments_path) inject_site_pp(master, site_pp_path, prod_env_motd_site_pp) create_remote_file(master, puppet_file_path, puppet_file) git_add_commit_push(master, 'production', 'Add motd module.', git_environments_path) step 'Update Custom Module in the "stage" Environment' hw_init_pp_path = File.join(git_environments_path, 'site', 'helloworld', 'manifests', 'init.pp') git_on(master, 'checkout stage', git_environments_path) create_remote_file(master, hw_init_pp_path, stage_env_custom_mod_manifest) git_add_commit_push(master, 'stage', 'Update custom module.', git_environments_path) step 'Delete the "test" Environment' git_on(master, 'branch -D test', git_environments_path) git_on(master, 'push origin --delete test', git_environments_path) step 'Re-deploy Environments via r10k' on(master, "#{r10k_fqp} deploy environment -v -p") #Second Pass Verification agents.each do |agent| step 'Run Puppet Agent Against "production" Environment' on(agent, puppet('agent', '--test', '--environment production'), :acceptable_exit_codes => 2) do |result| assert_no_match(/Error:/, result.stderr, 'Unexpected error was detected!') assert_match(prod_env_notify_message_regex, result.stdout, 'Expected message not found!') end step 'Run Puppet Agent Against "temp" Environment' on(agent, puppet('agent', '--test', '--environment temp'), :acceptable_exit_codes => 2) do |result| assert_no_match(/Error:/, result.stderr, 'Unexpected error was detected!') assert_match(test_env_notify_message_regex, result.stdout, 'Expected message not found!') end step "Verify MOTD Contents" on(agent, "cat #{motd_path}") do |result| assert_match(motd_contents_regex, result.stdout, 'File content is invalid!') end step 'Run Puppet Agent Against "stage" Environment' on(agent, puppet('agent', '--test', '--environment stage'), :acceptable_exit_codes => 2) do |result| assert_no_match(/Error:/, result.stderr, 'Unexpected error was detected!') assert_match(stage_env_notify_message_regex, result.stdout, 'Expected message not found!') end step 'Attempt to Run Puppet Agent Against "test" Environment' on(agent, puppet('agent', '--test', '--environment test'), :acceptable_exit_codes => 1) do |result| assert_match(test_env_error_message_regex, result.stderr, 'Expected error was not detected!') end end