# jekyll-octopod
[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-octopod.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-octopod)
A podcast publishing extension for the static site generator [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/)
## tl;dr
You generate a static web site for your podcast on your own computer, test drive it and sync it to your web space.
So no Wordpress, PHP, Ruby other scripting language, database management system or any other dynamic component is needed on your server.
This increases security immensely.
## Tell me more!
If you want to take a look: See (and listen to) Stefan's podcast [Aua-Uff-Code!](https://aua-uff-co.de).
The page, you will get, when you follow the installation instructions later, looks like this:
Technically speaking, jekyll-octopod is a Jekyll plugin and a Ruby Gem. It
contains of scripts, templates, helpers and extensions to publish your
podcasts the cool text file lover's way.
If you are not afraid of the command line of your computer and text files are the
stuff to heat up your geeky little heart, jekyll-octopod may be worth a trial
to publish your podcasts.
The underlying assumptions of jekyll-octopod are that static content
should be delivered statically and text files are the perfect way to handle
podcast metadata. So jekyll-octopod makes it easy to generate and deploy a
website and feeds for your podcast out of one textfile and at least one audio
file per episode.
## Features
jekyll-octopod brings innately:
* iTunes ready episode feeds for different file formats (e.g. mp3, ogg, m4a)
* a ready to use [Bootflat](http://bootflat.github.io/) and [Twitter Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/) based, responsible (i.e. mobile friendly) layout modifiable to your heart's desire.
* [Flattr](https://flattr.com/) support on the website and in the episode feed
* [Twitter](https://twitter.com) integration on the website
* comments via [Disqus](http://disqus.com/)
* [Podlove Web Player](http://podlove.org/podlove-web-player/) in it's current version 3.0
* Static player pages that are embeddable in iframes at your other or affiliates' sites
* [Podlove Alternate Feeds](http://podlove.org/alternate-feeds/)
* [Podlove Simple Chapters](http://podlove.org/simple-chapters/)
* [Podlove Subscribe Button](http://podlove.org/podlove-subscribe-button/) for easy podcast subscription on any operating system, including mobile phones.
* https compatibility
* Google search integration
* easy creation of show notes
**Is this production ready?**
We use it in production, so we believe it is.
But it is very likely, that it still contains bugs. And there is no guarantee that behavior will not change with the next update :-).
Hopefully you are brave enough to play with this cute little toy anyway.
## Documentation
Detailed documentation is provided in the [Wiki](https://github.com/informatom/jekyll-octopod/wiki)
## Maintainer
Stefan Haslinger
Credits go to lots of [people and projects](https://github.com/informatom/jekyll-octopod/wiki/Credits).