h1. Fluent::Plugin::NetworkProbe Fluentd input plugin to probe network latency and keepalive, similar to Smokeping. Now support methods are fping and curl. h2. Installation h3. Install tools on Ubuntu12.04
$ sudo apt-get install fping curl
h3. Install fluent plugin Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fluent-plugin-network-probe'
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install fluent-plugin-network-probe
Or use td-agent : (on Ubuntu12.04)
$ sudo /usr/lib/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-network-probe
h2. Configuration

  type config_expander

    type network_probe
    probe_type fping
    target google.com
    tag network_probe.${hostname}.fping
    fping_count 5              # optional: default 5(count)
    fping_timeout 2            # optional: default 2(sec)
    fping_interval 1           # optional: default 1(sec)
    fping_exec /usr/bin/fping  # optional: default '/usr/bin/fping'

  type config_expander

    type network_probe
    probe_type curl
    target google.com
    tag network_probe.${hostname}.curl
    curl_protocol http        # optional: default http(http or https)
    curl_port 80              # optional: default 80
    curl_path /               # optional: default /
    curl_count 5              # optional: default 5(count)
    curl_timeout 2            # optional: default 2(sec)
    curl_interval 1           # optional: default 1(sec)
    curl_exec /usr/bin/curl   # optional: default '/usr/bin/curl'