= Dribble This is the unofficial dribbble api. For more examples look in the examples/ directory. There are examples for the both styles (object notation and hash implementation.) == Dribble::API There is a very thin wrapper for the Dribble API that is called Dribble::API. This uses the bare minimum to get the desired data from Dribbble and returns a hash. This implementation is focused on simplicity and speed. However, I have yet to really work on the speed aspect. === Dribble::API::Player Dribble::API::Player.find_shots('simplebits') # => Finds all the shots by simplebits Dribble::API::Player.profile('simplebits') # => Gets simplebits' profile Dribble::API::Player.following_shots('simplebits') # => Gets the shots that simplebits is following Dribble::API::Player.followers('simplebits') # => gets simplebits' followers Dribble::API::Player.draftees('simplebits') # => gets simplebits' draftees Each of the above (except the profile request) accepts a second parameter, a hash of options. This hash can consist of the following: {:per_page => 30, :page => 1} You can control the pagination yourself by doing the following: Dribble::API::Player.followers('simplebits', {:per_page => 25, :page => 3}) 30 is the max amount you can request per page. It is also the default set within this API implementation. Page 1 is the default page. === Dribble::API::Shot Dribble::API::Shot.for(1) # => gets the shots for the user with the id of 1 Dribble::API::Shot.everyones # => Gets everyones shots Dribble::API::Shot.debuts # => gets the debut shots Dribble::API::Shot.popular # => gets the popular shots Each of the above (except the profile request) accepts a second parameter, a hash of options. This hash can consist of the following: {:per_page => 30, :page => 1} You can control the pagination yourself by doing the following: Dribble::API::Shot.popular({:per_page => 25, :page => 3}) 30 is the max amount you can request per page. It is also the default set within this API implementation. Page 1 is the default page. === Options Defaults * Per page : 30 * Page : 1 == A convenience layer This is another layer of the API wrapper that sits on top of the Dribble::API to give an easier working interface. === Dribble::Player @player = Dribble::Player.profile('simplebits') @player.id # => 1 @player.name # => Dan Cederholm @player.url # => http://dribbble.com/players/simplebits @player.avatar_url # => http://dribbble.com/system/users/1/avatars/thumb/dancederholm-peek.jpg?1261060245 @player.location # => Salem, MA @player.created_at # => 2009/07/07 21:51:22 -0400 @player.draftees_count # => 103 @player.following_count # => 378 @player.shots_count # => 148 @player.followers_count # => 2129 @player.following # => [] This makes a request to dribbble to get the shots that this user is following @player.shots # => [] This makes a request to dribbble to get the shots that this user has put up @player.drafted_by_palyer_id # => nil More documentation coming soon. === Dribble::Shot @shot = Dribble::Shot.for(1) @shot.id # => 1 @shot.title # => Working on the new shop @shot.url # => http://dribbble.com/shots/1-Working-on-the-new-shop @shot.image_url # => http://dribbble.com/system/users/1/screenshots/1/Picture-2.png @shot.image_teaser_url # => http://dribbble.com/system/users/1/screenshots/1/Picture-2_teaser.png @shot.width # => 400 @shot.height # => 300 @shot.created_at # => 2009/07/08 06:08:35 -0400 @shot.player # => Dribble::Player Object (e.g. @shot.player.name, @shot.player.url, @shot.player.location) @shot.views_count # => 838 @shot.likes_count # => 8 @shot.comments_count # => 3 @shot.rebounds_count # => 0 More documentation coming soon. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright The name "Dribbble" belongs to http://www.dribbble.com Copyright (c) 2010 Robert R Evans. See LICENSE for details.