module ActsAsTokenizable require 'acts_as_tokenizable/string_extensions' # default to_token method. needs to have a "name" property on the object. # override for more complex token generation def to_token raise"You must redefine to_token in your model. Example:") end #makes self.token=self.to_token, in a convoluted way def tokenize self.send("#{self.class.token_field_name}=", self.to_token) end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :token_field_name # search_token parameter is used by tokenized_by. This function allows for preparation # before tokenized_by function is invoked. Usually this means removing # stop words, replacing words. # By default it tokenizes each word and removes duplicates. def prepare_search_token(search_token) search_token.words_to_token end end def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods named_scope :tokenized_by, lambda {|search_token| search_strings = [] search_values = [] prepare_search_token(search_token).words.each do |w| if w[0,1] == '-' search_strings.push("#{table_name}.#{token_field_name} NOT LIKE ?") search_values.push("%#{w[1,w.length]}%") else search_strings.push("#{table_name}.#{token_field_name} LIKE ?") search_values.push("%#{w}%") end end {:conditions => [search_strings.join(' AND '), *search_values]} } end end end