module Blueprints # A helper module that should be included in test framework. Adds methods build and demolish module Helper # Builds one or more blueprints by their names. You can pass names as symbols or strings. You can also pass additional # options hash which will be available by calling options in blueprint block. Returns result of blueprint block. # # build :apple and orange blueprints # build :apple, :orange # # # build :apple scenario with additional options # build :apple => {:color => 'red'} # # # options can also be passed for several blueprints # build :pear, :apple => {:color => 'red'}, :orange => {:color => 'orange'} def build_blueprint(*names), self, true) end # Same as #build_blueprint except that you can use it to build same blueprint several times. def build_blueprint!(*names), self, false) end # Returns attributes that are used to build blueprint. To set what attributes are used you need to call attributes # method when defining blueprint like this: # blueprint :apple do # attributes # end.attributes(:name => 'apple') def build_attributes(name) Namespace.root[name].attributes end alias :build :build_blueprint alias :build! :build_blueprint! # Clears all tables in database. You can pass table names to clear only those tables. You can also pass :undo option # to remove scenarios from built scenarios cache. # # TODO: add sample usage def demolish(*args) STDERR.puts "DEPRECATION WARNING: demolish is deprecated and will be changed to support per blueprint demolishing in blueprints 0.8.0" options = args.extract_options! args = (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - ['schema_migrations']) if args.blank? args.each {|table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM #{table}") } if options[:undo] == :all Namespace.root.executed_blueprints.clear else undo = [options[:undo]].flatten.compact.collect {|bp| bp.to_s } unless (not_found = undo - Namespace.root.executed_blueprints.to_a).blank? raise(BlueprintNotFoundError, not_found) end Namespace.root.executed_blueprints -= undo end end end end