Feature: http://gist.github.com/221223 In order to make it easier to extract several steps from a feature file to a step definition I want to be able to copy and paste. Background: Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/f.feature" with: """ Feature: Test Scenario: Multiline string Given a multiline string: \"\"\" hello world \"\"\" Scenario: Call a multiline string Given I call a multiline string with MAMA Scenario: Call a table Given I call a table with MAMA """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with: """ Given /^a multiline string:$/ do |s| raise "I got multiline:\n#{s}" end Given /^a table:$/ do |t| raise "I got table:\n#{t.raw.inspect}" end Given /^I call a multiline string with (.*)$/ do |s| steps %Q{ Given a multiline string: \"\"\" hello #{s} \"\"\" } end Given /^I call a table with (.*)$/ do |s| steps %Q{ Given a table: |a|b| |c|#{s}| } end """ Scenario: Multiline string When I run cucumber features/f.feature:6 Then STDERR should be empty And it should fail with """ Feature: Test Scenario: Multiline string # features/f.feature:3 Given a multiline string: # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:1 \"\"\" hello world \"\"\" I got multiline: hello world (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^a multiline string:$/' features/f.feature:4:in `Given a multiline string:' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/f.feature:3 # Scenario: Multiline string 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """ @fails_on_1_9 Scenario: Call multiline string When I run cucumber features/f.feature:10 Then STDERR should be empty And it should fail with """ Feature: Test Scenario: Call a multiline string # features/f.feature:10 Given I call a multiline string with MAMA # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:9 I got multiline: hello MAMA (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^a multiline string:$/' features/f.feature:11:in `Given I call a multiline string with MAMA' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/f.feature:10 # Scenario: Call a multiline string 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """ @fails_on_1_9 Scenario: Call table When I run cucumber features/f.feature:13 Then STDERR should be empty And it should fail with """ Feature: Test Scenario: Call a table # features/f.feature:13 Given I call a table with MAMA # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:19 I got table: [["a", "b"], ["c", "MAMA"]] (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:6:in `/^a table:$/' features/f.feature:14:in `Given I call a table with MAMA' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/f.feature:13 # Scenario: Call a table 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """