require 'spec_helper' require 'redcarpet/confluence' describe Redcarpet::Confluence do let(:renderer) { } describe '#block_code(code, language)' do it 'wraps the code in a code macro for the given language' do expect(renderer.block_code("some normal freakin' code", 'java')).to( eq("\n\n{code:lang=java}some normal freakin' code{code}") ) end it 'uses the "none" language when given an unsupported language' do expect(renderer.block_code('code', 'unsupported')).to eq("\n\n{code:lang=none}code{code}") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.block_code('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', 'java')).to( eq("\n\n{code:lang=java}bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??{code}") ) end end describe '#block_quote(text)' do it 'wraps the text in a quote macro' do expect(renderer.block_quote("some normal freakin' text")).to( eq("\n\n{quote}some normal freakin' text{quote}") ) end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.block_quote('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq("\n\n{quote}bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??{quote}") ) end end describe '#codespan(code)' do it 'wraps the given code in double curly braces' do expect(renderer.codespan("some normal freakin' code")).to eq("{{some normal freakin' code}}") end it 'escapes Confluence text effects that should be added in other methods' do expect(renderer.codespan('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('{{\bq. \*some\* \_emphasized\_ \-text\- \+words\+\^like\^\~this\~ \{\{and this\}\} \??Stegman\??}}') ) end end describe '#double_emphasis(text)' do it 'wraps the given text in asterisks' do expect(renderer.double_emphasis("some normal freakin' text")).to eq("*some normal freakin' text*") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.double_emphasis('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('*bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??*') ) end end describe '#emphasis(text)' do it 'wraps the given text in underscores' do expect(renderer.emphasis("some normal freakin' text")).to eq("_some normal freakin' text_") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.emphasis('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('_bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??_') ) end end describe '#header(title, level)' do it 'prepends the header level to the given text' do expect(renderer.header("some normal freakin' text", 5)).to eq("\n\nh5. some normal freakin' text") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.header('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', 5)).to( eq("\n\nh5. bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??") ) end end describe '#hrule' do it 'returns four hyphens' do expect(renderer.hrule).to eq("\n\n----") end end describe '#image(link, title, alt)' do it 'wraps the link in exclamation points' do expect(renderer.image('', nil, nil)).to eq('!!') end it 'passes the title and alt text to the image macro' do expect(renderer.image('', 'title', 'alt text')).to( eq('!|alt=alt text|title=title!') ) end it 'escapes Confluence text effects that should be added in other methods' do expect(renderer.image( '', 'bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', 'bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??' )).to( eq('!|alt=\bq. \*some\* \_emphasized\_ \-text\- \+words\+\^like\^\~this\~ \{\{and this\}\} \??Stegman\??|title=\bq. \*some\* \_emphasized\_ \-text\- \+words\+\^like\^\~this\~ \{\{and this\}\} \??Stegman\??!') ) end end describe '#linebreak' do it 'returns a newline' do expect(renderer.linebreak).to eq("\n") end end describe '#link(link, title, content)' do it 'wraps the link and content in brackets' do expect('', nil, 'my link')).to eq('[my link|]') end it 'does not include the title when empty' do expect('', '', 'my link')).to eq('[my link|]') end it 'includes the title when given' do expect('', 'some title', 'my link')).to( eq('[my link||some title]') ) end it 'escapes Confluence text effects in the title' do expect('', 'bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', 'bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('[bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??||\bq. \*some\* \_emphasized\_ \-text\- \+words\+\^like\^\~this\~ \{\{and this\}\} \??Stegman\??]') ) end end describe '#list(content, list_type)' do it 'returns the given content' do expect(renderer.list('* content', :whatever)).to eq("\n\n* content") end it 'returns a nested list' do expect(renderer.list("* content\n\n\n*# nested content\n* more content\n\n\n*# more nested", :whatever)).to eq("\n\n* content\n*# nested content\n* more content\n*# more nested") end end describe '#list_item(content, list_type)' do context 'given an ordered list_type' do it 'prepends an octothorpe to the content' do expect(renderer.list_item('content', :ordered)).to eq("# content") end it 'prepends an octothorpe to each existing list item in the content' do expect(renderer.list_item("content\n* nested content\n* more nested", :ordered)).to eq("# content\n#* nested content\n#* more nested") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.list_item('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', :ordered)).to( eq('# bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??') ) end end context 'given an unordered list type' do it 'prepends an asterisk to the content' do expect(renderer.list_item('content', :unordered)).to eq("* content") end it 'prepends an asterisk to each existing list item in the content' do expect(renderer.list_item("content\n# nested content", :unordered)).to eq("* content\n*# nested content") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.list_item('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', :unordered)).to( eq('* bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??') ) end end end describe '#normal_text(text)' do it 'does not modify normal text' do expect(renderer.normal_text("some normal freakin' text")).to eq("some normal freakin' text") end it 'escapes Confluence text effects that should be added in other methods' do expect(renderer.normal_text('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('\bq. \*some\* \_emphasized\_ \-text\- \+words\+\^like\^\~this\~ \{\{and this\}\} \??Stegman\??') ) end end describe '#paragraph(text)' do it 'appends two newlines to normal text' do expect(renderer.paragraph("some normal freakin' text")).to eq("\n\nsome normal freakin' text") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.paragraph('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq("\n\nbq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??") ) end end describe '#strikethrough(text)' do it 'wraps the given text in hyphens' do expect(renderer.strikethrough("some normal freakin' text")).to eq("-some normal freakin' text-") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.strikethrough('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('-bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??-') ) end end describe '#superscript(text)' do it 'wraps the given text in hyphens' do expect(renderer.superscript("some normal freakin' text")).to eq(" ^some normal freakin' text^ ") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.superscript('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq(' ^bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??^ ') ) end end describe '#table(header, body)' do it 'appends the body to the formatted header' do expect(renderer.table("\n|header|", "\n|body|")).to eq("\n\n||header||\n|body|") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.table( "\n|bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??|", "\n|bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??|" )).to( eq("\n\n||bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??||\n|bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??|") ) end end describe '#table_row(text)' do it 'prepends a pipe to the text' do expect(renderer.table_row('text|')).to eq("\n|text|") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.table_row('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??|')).to( eq("\n|bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??|") ) end end describe '#table_cell(text, align)' do it 'appends a pipe to the text' do expect(renderer.table_cell('text', :ignored)).to eq('text|') end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.table_cell('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??', :ignored)).to( eq('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??|') ) end end describe '#triple_emphasis(text)' do it 'wraps the given text in asterisks and underscores' do expect(renderer.triple_emphasis("some normal freakin' text")).to eq("_*some normal freakin' text*_") end it 'does not escape Confluence text effects' do expect(renderer.triple_emphasis('bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??')).to( eq('_*bq. *some* _emphasized_ -text- +words+^like^~this~ {{and this}} ??Stegman??*_') ) end end end