require 'rubygems' require 'popen4' require 'open4' module SysMODB class SpreadsheetExtractionException < Exception end module SpreadsheetExtractor DEFAULT_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../jars/simple-spreadsheet-extractor-0.4.1.jar" def spreadsheet_to_xml spreadsheet_data if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ output = read_with_popen4 spreadsheet_data else output = read_with_open4 spreadsheet_data end return output end def spreadsheet_extractor_command "java -jar #{(defined? SPREADSHEET_EXTRACTOR_JAR_PATH) ? SPREADSHEET_EXTRACTOR_JAR_PATH : DEFAULT_PATH}" end private #opens using POpen4 - this is for the benefit of Windows. It has been found to be unstable in Linux and give occaisional segmentation faults def read_with_popen4 spreadsheet_data output="" err_message = "" status = POpen4::popen4(spreadsheet_extractor_command) do |stdout, stderr, stdin, pid| stdin=stdin.binmode spreadsheet_data.each_byte{|b| stdin.putc(b)} stdin.close end if status.to_i != 0 raise end return output end def read_with_open4 spreadsheet_data output = "" err_message = "" status = Open4::popen4(spreadsheet_extractor_command) do |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr| while ((line = spreadsheet_data.gets) != nil) do stdin << line end stdin.close while ((line = stdout.gets) != nil) do output << line end stdout.close while ((line=stderr.gets)!= nil) do err_message << line end stderr.close end if status.to_i != 0 raise end return output end end end