module RSA ## # An RSA public or private key. # # Refer to PKCS #1 v2.1, section 3, pp. 6-8. # # @see # @see class Key ## # The RSA modulus, a positive integer. # # @return [Integer] attr_reader :modulus alias_method :n, :modulus ## # The RSA public or private exponent, a positive integer. # # @return [Integer] attr_reader :exponent alias_method :e, :exponent alias_method :d, :exponent ## # Initializes a new key. # # @param [Integer, #to_i] modulus # @param [Integer, #to_i] exponent # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options def initialize(modulus, exponent, options = {}) @modulus = modulus.to_i @exponent = exponent.to_i @options = options.dup end ## # Returns `true` if this is a valid RSA key according to {RSA::PKCS1 # PKCS #1}. # # @return [Boolean] def valid? true # TODO: PKCS #1 v2.1, sections 3.1 and 3.2, pp. 6-7. end ## # Returns a two-element array containing the modulus and exponent. # # @return [Array] def to_a [modulus, exponent] end end # class Key end # module RSA