module BillForward class BillingEntity # legacy Ruby gives us this 'id' chuff. we kinda need it back. undef id if defined? id attr_accessor :_client def initialize(state_params = nil, client = nil) raise'This abstract class cannot be instantiated!') if self.class == MutableEntity client = self.class.singleton_client if client.nil? state_params = {} if state_params.nil? TypeCheck.verifyObj(Client, client, 'client') TypeCheck.verifyObj(Hash, state_params, 'state_params') @_registered_entities = @_registered_entity_arrays = @_client = client # initiate with empty state params # use indifferent hash so 'id' and :id are the same @_state_params = # legacy Ruby gives us this 'id' chuff. we kinda need it back. @_state_params.instance_eval { undef id if defined? id } # populate state params now unserialize_all state_params end @@payload_verbs = ['post', 'put'] @@no_payload_verbs = ['get', 'delete'] @@all_verbs = @@payload_verbs + @@no_payload_verbs class << self attr_accessor :resource_path def singleton_client Client.default_client end def build_entity_array(entity_hashes) TypeCheck.verifyObj(Array, entity_hashes, 'entity_hashes') do |hash| self.build_entity(hash) end end def build_entity(entity) if entity.is_a? Hash # either we are given a serialized entity # we must unserialize it # this entity should the same client as we do client = @_client return, client) end if entity.is_a? self # or we are given an already-constructed entity # just return it as-is # for consistency we might want to set this entity to use the same client as us. Let's not for now. return entity end if expectedClassName = actualClassName = raise"Expected instance of either: 'Hash' or '#{expectedClassName}' at argument 'entity'. "+ "Instead received: '#{actualClassName}'") end new_entity end def request_ambiguous(*args) plurality = args.shift verb = args.shift endpoint = args.shift payload = nil; haspayload = @@payload_verbs.include?(verb) if (haspayload) payload_typed = args.shift payload = payload_typed.serialize end query_params = args.shift custom_client = args.shift client = client.nil? \ ? singleton_client \ : custom_client route = resource_path.path url_full = "#{route}/#{endpoint}" method = "#{verb}_#{plurality}" arguments = [url_full, query_params] arguments.insert(1, payload) if haspayload # puts verb client.send(method.intern, *arguments) end def request_many_heterotyped(*args) response_type = args.shift arguments = ['many']+args results = self.send(:request_ambiguous, *arguments) response_type.build_entity_array(results) end def request_first_heterotyped(*args) response_type = args.shift arguments = ['first']+args result = self.send(:request_ambiguous, *arguments) response_type.build_entity(result) end ['first', 'many'].each do |method| define_method("request_#{method}".intern) do |*args| arguments = [self]+args self.send("request_#{method}_heterotyped".intern, *arguments) end end def get_by_id(id, query_params = {}, custom_client = nil) raise"id cannot be nil") if id.nil? endpoint = sprintf('%s', ERB::Util.url_encode(id) ) self.request_first('get', endpoint, query_params, custom_client) end def get_all(query_params = {}, custom_client = nil) self.request_many('get', '', query_params, custom_client) end end def method_missing(method_id, *arguments, &block) def camel_case_lower(operand) elements = operand.split('_') camel_cased = elements.join('_').camelize(:lower) camel_cased.gsub!(/Id/, 'ID') if elements.size > 1 && elements.last =~ /id=?\Z/ camel_cased end qualified = camel_case_lower method_id.to_s if qualified != method_id.to_s return self.send(qualified.intern, *arguments) end # no call to super; our criteria is all keys. #setter if /^(\w+)=$/ =~ qualified return set_state_param($1, arguments.first) end #getter get_state_param(qualified) end def [](key) method_missing(key) end def []=(key, value) set_key = key.to_s+'=' method_missing(set_key, value) end def state_params @_state_params end def serialize_field(field) if field.is_a? BillingEntity serialize_field field.state_params elsif field.is_a? Array # return a transformed array, where each field has been serialized do |iterand| serialize_field iterand end elsif field.is_a? Hash # the lengths I have to go to achieve immutability in Ruby 1.8.7 clone = hash_with_type_at_top field clone.each do |key, value| clone[key] = serialize_field value end clone else field end end def to_ordered_hash serialize_field self end def to_json(*a) to_ordered_hash.to_json end def to_unordered_hash json_string = to_json.to_s JSON.parse(json_string) end def to_s parsed = to_unordered_hash JSON.pretty_generate(parsed) end def serialize to_json end protected def hash_with_type_at_top(hash) new_hash = # API presently requires '@type' (if present) to be first key in JSON if hash.has_key? '@type' # insert existing @type as first element in ordered hash new_hash['@type'] = hash.with_indifferent_access['@type'] end # add key-value pairs excepting '@type' back in # no, we don't care about the order of these. hash.with_indifferent_access.reject {|key, value| key == '@type'}.each do |key, value| new_hash[key] = value end return new_hash end def set_state_param(key, value) @_state_params[key] = value get_state_param(key) end def get_state_param(key) @_state_params[key] end def unserialize_all(hash) TypeCheck.verifyObj(Hash, hash, 'hash') hash.each do |key, value| unserialized = unserialize_one value set_state_param(key, unserialized) end end def unserialize_hash(hash) TypeCheck.verifyObj(Hash, hash, 'hash') # API presently requires '@type' (if present) to be first key in JSON hash = hash_with_type_at_top(hash) hash.each do |key, value| # recurse down, so that all nested hashes get same treatment unserialized = unserialize_one value # replace with unserialized version hash[key] = unserialized end hash end def unserialize_array(array) TypeCheck.verifyObj(Array, array, 'array') array.each_with_index do |value, index| # recurse down, so that all nested hashes get same treatment unserialized = unserialize_one value # replace with unserialized version array[index] = unserialized end array end def unserialize_one(value) if value.is_a? Hash return unserialize_hash(value) end if value.is_a? Array return unserialize_array(value) end value end def unserialize_entity(key, entity_class, hash) # ensure that the provided entity class derives from BillingEntity TypeCheck.verifyClass(BillingEntity, entity_class, 'entity_class') TypeCheck.verifyObj(Hash, hash, 'hash') # register the entity as one that requires bespoke serialization @_registered_entities[key] = entity_class # if key exists in the provided hash, add it to current entity's model if hash.has_key? key val = hash[key] if (val.nil?) return end entity = entity_class.build_entity(val) set_state_param(key, entity) end end def unserialize_array_of_entities(key, entity_class, hash) # ensure that the provided entity class derives from BillingEntity TypeCheck.verifyClass(BillingEntity, entity_class, 'entity_class') TypeCheck.verifyObj(Hash, hash, 'hash') # register the array of entities as one that requires bespoke serialization @_registered_entity_arrays[key] = entity_class # if key exists in the provided hash, add it to current entity's model if hash.has_key? key entities = entity_class.build_entity_array(hash[key]) set_state_param(key, entities) end end end end