RSpec.describe Evil::Client do let(:klass) { } describe ".schema" do subject { klass.schema } it "returns a schema for the root scope" do expect(subject).to be_a described_class::Schema::Scope expect(subject.client).to eq klass end end describe ".scopes" do before { klass.schema.scope(:users) {} } subject { klass.scopes } it "returns subscopes from the root schema" do expect(subject).to eq klass.schema.scopes end end describe ".operations" do before { klass.schema.operation(:users) {} } subject { klass.operations } it "returns operationss from the root schema" do expect(subject).to eq klass.schema.operations end end describe ".option" do subject { klass.option(:users, optional: true) } it "updates settings of the root schema" do expect(klass.schema.settings) .to receive(:option) .with :users, nil, optional: true subject end end describe ".scope" do subject { klass.scope(:users) {} } it "updates root schema scopes" do expect(klass.schema).to receive(:scope).with :users subject end end describe ".operation" do subject { klass.operation(:users) {} } it "updates root schema scopes" do expect(klass.schema).to receive(:operation).with :users subject end end describe ".connection" do subject { klass.connection } it "return Evil::Client::Connection module by default" do expect(subject).to eq Evil::Client::Connection end end describe ".connection=" do let(:new_connection) { double call: nil } subject { klass.connection = new_connection } it "sets new connection" do expect { subject }.to change { klass.connection }.to new_connection end context "with nil" do before { klass.connection = new_connection } subject { klass.connection = nil } it "resets connection to default" do expect { subject } .to change { klass.connection } .to Evil::Client::Connection end end end let(:client) do klass.option :token "foo", version: 1) end describe "#settings" do subject { client.settings } it "returns settings assigned to client settings" do expect(subject.token).to eq "foo" end end describe "#options" do subject { client.options } it "returns options assigned to client settings" do expect(subject).to eq token: "foo" end end describe "#scopes" do subject { client.scopes } it "returns root scope scopes" do expect(subject).to eq client.scope.scopes end end describe "#operations" do subject { client.operations } it "returns root scope operations" do expect(subject).to eq client.scope.operations end end describe "#logger" do before { client.scope.logger = double :logger } subject { client.logger } it "returns root scope logger" do expect(subject).to eq client.scope.logger end end describe "#logger=" do let(:new_logger) { double :logger } subject { client.logger = new_logger } it "sets root scope logger" do expect { subject }.to change { client.scope.logger }.to new_logger end end end