SSH Options
Options related to the SSH protocol.
Hostname or IP address of the SSH server.
Port number of the SSH server -- usually 22.
SSH username.
SSH password.
Dispatcher Options
Options related to the operation of the Arachni Dispatcher.
Port for the Dispatcher to listen on.
Pool size
Amount of Instances to have ready at any given time.
Node Options
Options related to the operation of the Grid Node.
Identification string for the node -- useless to any sort of operation, available only for your convinience.
Metric which affects the availability of the Node.
Calculated as:
total_resource_consumption * weight
Lowest score wins.
Pipe ID
String used to identify different bandwidth pipes to the target.
Only Dispatchers with different Pipe-IDs can be used in High Performance Grid mode.
URL of a neighbouring node in the form of:
By specifying a neighbour you can form a Grid of Dispatcher nodes and use them to perform a distributed/high-performance scan.
Bind address
IP address or hostname to bind to.
If you want the node to be part of a Grid this address must be accessible by all the other nodes.
There are no deployments at the moment.
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