module Rapidash module Resourceable def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def resource(name, id = nil, options = {}) options[:url] ||= name if self.respond_to?(:url) options = {:previous_url => self.url}.merge!(options) end client = self client = self.client if self.respond_to?(:client), id, options) end def resource!(*args) self.resource(*args).call! end module ClassMethods def resource(*names) options = names.extract_options! mod = self.to_s.split("::")[0...-1] mod = mod.empty? ? Object : mod.join("::").constantize names.each do |name| if options[:class_name] class_name = options[:class_name].to_s else class_name = name.to_s.camelcase.singularize unless mod == Object class_name = "#{mod}::#{class_name}" end end begin klass = class_name.constantize rescue NameError Kernel.warn "[DEPRECATED] - RAPIDASH WARNING using #{class_name.pluralize} instead of #{class_name.singularize} - please either use `#{class_name.singularize}` or set the class name with `resource #{name}, :class_name => #{class_name.pluralize}` implicit plural naming will be deprecated in Rapidash 1.0" klass = class_name.pluralize.constantize end define_method(name) do |*args| if self.respond_to?(:url) options = {:previous_url => self.url} if args[args.length - 1].is_a?(Hash) args[args.length - 1].merge!(options) else args << options end end client = self client = self.client if self.respond_to?(:client), *args) end define_method("#{name}!".to_sym) do |*args| self.send(name, *args).call! end end end def collection(name, attrs = {}) path = attrs[:path] || name.to_s path.gsub!(/^\//, '') method = attrs[:method] || :get define_method("#{name}!") do original_url = @url @url += "/#{path}" @options[:method] = method result = call! @url = original_url result end end end end end