collection = Luca.define 'Luca.Collection' if Backbone.QueryCollection? collection.extends 'Backbone.QueryCollection' else collection.extends 'Backbone.Collection' collection.includes 'Luca.Events' collection.defines model: Luca.Model # cachedMethods refers to a list of methods on the collection # whose value gets cached once it is ran. the collection then # binds to change, add, remove, and reset events and then expires # the cached value once these events are fired. # cachedMethods expects an array of strings representing the method name # or objects containing @method and @resetEvents properties. by default # @resetEvents are 'add','remove',reset' and 'change'. cachedMethods: [] # if filtering a collection should handle via a call to a REST API # and return the filtered results that way, then set this to true remoteFilter: false initialize: (models=[], @options)-> _.extend @, @options @setupMethodCaching() @_reset() # By specifying a @cache_key property or method, you can instruct # Luca.Collection instances where to pull an array of model attributes # usually done with the bootstrap functionality provided. # DEPRECATION NOTICE if @cached console.log 'The @cached property of Luca.Collection is being deprecated. Please change to cache_key' if @cache_key ||= @cached @bootstrap_cache_key = if _.isFunction( @cache_key ) then @cache_key() else @cache_key if @registerAs or @registerWith console.log "This configuration API is deprecated. use @name and @manager properties instead" # support the older configuration API @name ||= @registerAs @manager ||= @registerWith @manager = if _.isFunction(@manager) then @manager() else @manager # if they specify a if @name and not @manager @manager = Luca.CollectionManager.get() # If we are going to be registering this collection with the CollectionManager # class, then we need to specify a key to register ourselves under. @registerAs can be # as simple as something as "books", or if you are using collections which need # to be scoped with some sort of unique id, as say some sort of belongsTo relationship # then you can specify @registerAs as a method() if @manager @name ||= @cache_key() @name = if _.isFunction( @name ) then @name() else @name unless @private or @anonymous @bind "after:initialize", ()=> @register( @manager, @name, @) # by passing useLocalStorage = true to your collection definition # you will bypass the RESTful persistence layer and just persist everything # locally in localStorage if @useLocalStorage is true and window.localStorage? table = @bootstrap_cache_key || @name throw "Must specify either a cached or registerAs property to use localStorage" @localStorage = new Luca.LocalStore( table ) # Populating a collection with local data # # by specifying a @data property which is an array # then you can set the collection to be a @memoryCollection # which never interacts with a persistence layer at all. # # this is mainly used by the Luca.fields.SelectField class for # generating simple select fields with static data if _.isArray(@data) and @data.length > 0 @memoryCollection = true @__wrapUrl() unless @useNormalUrl is true Backbone.Collection::initialize.apply @, [models, @options] if models @reset models, silent: true, parse: options?.parse @trigger "after:initialize" # Luca.Collections will append a query string to the URL # and will automatically do this for you without you having # to write a special url handler. If you want to use a normal # url without this feature, just set @useNormalUrl = true # TODO # # This has got to go. It is messing up URL for show actions # for models part of luca collections when there are base query params __wrapUrl: ()-> if _.isFunction(@url) @url = _.wrap @url, (fn)=> val = fn.apply @ parts = val.split('?') existing_params = _.last(parts) if parts.length > 1 queryString = @queryString() if existing_params and val.match(existing_params) queryString = queryString.replace( existing_params, '') new_val = "#{ val }?#{ queryString }" new_val = new_val.replace(/\?$/,'') if new_val.match(/\?$/) new_val else url = @url params = @queryString() @url = _([url,params]).compact().join("?") queryString: ()-> parts = _( @base_params ||= Luca.Collection.baseParams() ).inject (memo, value, key)=> str = "#{ key }=#{ value }" memo.push(str) memo , [] _.uniq(parts).join("&") resetFilter: ()-> @base_params = _( Luca.Collection.baseParams() ).clone() @ applyFilter: (filter={}, options={})-> if options.remote? is true or @remoteFilter is true @applyParams(filter) @fetch _.extend(options,refresh:true) else @reset @query filter # You can apply params to a collection, so that any upcoming requests # made to the REST API are made with the key values specified applyParams: (params)-> @base_params = _( Luca.Collection.baseParams() ).clone() _.extend @base_params, params @ # If this collection is to be registered with some global collection # tracker such as new Luca.CollectionManager() then we will register # ourselves automatically # # To automatically register a collection with the registry, instantiate # it with the registerWith property, which can either be a reference to # the manager itself, or a string in case the manager isn't available # at compile time register: (collectionManager=Luca.CollectionManager.get(), key="", collection)-> throw "Can not register with a collection manager without a key" unless key.length >= 1 throw "Can not register with a collection manager without a valid collection manager" unless collectionManager? # by passing a string instead of a reference to an object, we can look up # that object only when necessary. this prevents us from having to create # the manager instance before we can define our collections if _.isString( collectionManager ) collectionManager = Luca.util.nestedValue( collectionManager, (window || global) ) throw "Could not register with collection manager" unless collectionManager if _.isFunction( collectionManager.add ) return collectionManager.add(key, collection) if _.isObject( collectionManager ) collectionManager[ key ] = collection # A Luca.Collection will load models from the in memory model store # returned from Luca.Collection.cache, where the key returned from # the @cache_keyattribute or method matches the key of the model cache loadFromBootstrap: ()-> return unless @bootstrap_cache_key @reset @cached_models() @trigger "bootstrapped", @ # an alias for loadFromBootstrap which is a bit more descriptive bootstrap: ()-> @loadFromBootstrap() # cached_models is a reference to the Luca.Collection.cache object # key'd on whatever this collection's bootstrap_cache_key is set to be # via the @cache_key() interface cached_models: ()-> Luca.Collection.cache( @bootstrap_cache_key ) # Luca.Collection overrides the default Backbone.Collection.fetch method # and triggers an event "before:fetch" which gives you additional control # over the process # # in addition, it loads models directly from the bootstrap cache instead # of going directly to the API fetch: (options={})-> @trigger "before:fetch", @ return @reset(@data) if @memoryCollection is true # fetch will try to pull from the bootstrap if it is setup to do so # you can actually make the roundtrip to the server anyway if you pass # refresh = true in the options hash return @bootstrap() if @cached_models().length and not (options.refresh is true or options.remote is true) url = if _.isFunction(@url) then @url() else @url return true unless ((url and url.length > 1) or @localStorage) @fetching = true try Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.apply @, arguments catch e console.log "Error in Collection.fetch", e throw e # onceLoaded is equivalent to binding to the # reset trigger with a function wrapped in _.once # so that it only gets run...ahem...once. # # that being said, if the collection already has models # it won't even bother fetching it it will just run # as if reset was already triggered onceLoaded: (fn, options={autoFetch:true})-> if @length > 0 and not @fetching fn.apply @, [@] return wrapped = ()=> fn.apply @,[@] @bind "reset", ()-> wrapped() @unbind "reset", @ unless @fetching or not options.autoFetch @fetch() # ifLoaded is equivalent to binding to the reset trigger with # a function, if the collection already has models it will just # run automatically. similar to onceLoaded except the binding # stays in place ifLoaded: (fn, options={scope:@,autoFetch:true})-> scope = options.scope || @ if @length > 0 and not @fetching fn.apply scope, [@] @bind "reset", (collection)=>,collection) unless @fetching is true or !options.autoFetch or @length > 0 @fetch() # parse is very close to the stock Backbone.Collection parse, which # just returns the response. However, it also triggers a callback # after:response, and automatically parses responses which contain # a JSON root like you would see in rails, if you specify the @root # property. # # it will also update the Luca.Collection.cache with the models from # the response, so that any subsequent calls to fetch() on a bootstrapped # collection, will have updated models from the server. Really only # useful if you call fetch(refresh:true) manually on any bootstrapped # collection parse: (response)-> @fetching = false @trigger "after:response", response models = if @root? then response[ @root ] else response if @bootstrap_cache_key Luca.Collection.cache( @bootstrap_cache_key, models) models # Method Caching # # Method Caching is a way of saving the output of a method on your collection. # And then expiring that value if any changes are detected to the models in # the collection restoreMethodCache: ()-> for name, config of @_methodCache if config.original? config.args = undefined @[ name ] = config.original clearMethodCache: (method)-> @_methodCache[method].value = undefined clearAllMethodsCache: ()-> for name, config of @_methodCache @clearMethodCache(name) setupMethodCaching: ()-> collection = @ membershipEvents = ["reset","add","remove"] cache = @_methodCache = {} _( @cachedMethods ).each (method)-> # store a reference to the unwrapped version of the method # and a placeholder for the cached value cache[ method ] = name: method original: collection[method] value: undefined # wrap the collection method with a basic memoize operation collection[ method ] = ()-> cache[method].value ||= cache[method].original.apply collection, arguments # bind to events on the collection, which once triggered, will # invalidate the cached value. causing us to have to restore it for membershipEvent in membershipEvents collection.bind membershipEvent, ()-> collection.clearAllMethodsCache() dependencies = method.split(':')[1] if dependencies for dependency in dependencies.split(",") collection.bind "change:#{dependency}", ()-> collection.clearMethodCache(method: method) # make sure the querying interface from backbone.query is present # in the case backbone-query isn't loaded. without it, it will # just return the models query: (filter={},options={})-> if Backbone.QueryCollection? return Backbone.QueryCollection::query.apply(@, arguments) else @models # Global Collection Observer _.extend Luca.Collection.prototype, trigger: ()-> if Luca.enableGlobalObserver Luca.CollectionObserver ||= new Luca.Observer(type:"collection") Luca.CollectionObserver.relay(@, arguments) Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply @, arguments Luca.Collection._originalExtend = Backbone.Collection.extend Luca.Collection.extend = (definition={})-> # for backward compatibility definition.concerns ||= definition.concerns if definition.concerns? componentClass =, definition) if definition.concerns? and _.isArray( definition.concerns ) for module in definition.concerns Luca.decorate( componentClass ).with( module ) componentClass # Always include these parameters in every request to your REST API. # # either specify a function which returns a hash, or just a normal hash Luca.Collection.baseParams = (obj)-> return Luca.Collection._baseParams = obj if obj if _.isFunction( Luca.Collection._baseParams ) return Luca.Collection._baseParams() if _.isObject( Luca.Collection._baseParams ) Luca.Collection._baseParams # In order to make our Backbone Apps super fast it is a good practice # to pre-populate your collections by what is referred to as bootstrapping # # Luca.Collections make it easier for you to do this cleanly and automatically # # by specifying a @cache_keyproperty or method in your collection definition # Luca.Collections will automatically look in this space to find models # and avoid a roundtrip to your API unless explicitly told to. Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models = {} # In order to do this, just load an object whose keys Luca.Collection.bootstrap = (obj)-> _.extend Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models, obj # Lookup cached() or bootstrappable models. This is used by the # augmented version of Backbone.Collection.fetch() in order to avoid # roundtrips to the API Luca.Collection.cache = (key, models)-> return Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models[ key ] = models if models Luca.Collection._bootstrapped_models[ key ] || []