module Terraspace module Core extend Memoist def app ENV['TS_APP'] unless ENV['TS_APP'].blank? end def role ENV['TS_ROLE'] unless ENV['TS_ROLE'].blank? end def env ENV['TS_ENV'].blank? ? "dev" : ENV['TS_ENV'] end def extra ENV['TS_EXTRA'] unless ENV['TS_EXTRA'].blank? end def project if ENV['TS_PROJECT'].blank? else ENV['TS_PROJECT'] end end @@root = nil def root @@root ||= ENV['TS_ROOT'] || Dir.pwd end # allow testing frameworks to switch roots cattr_writer :root def cache_root ENV['TS_CACHE_ROOT'] || "#{root}/.terraspace-cache" end memoize :cache_root def tmp_root ENV['TS_TMP_ROOT'] || "/tmp/terraspace" end memoize :tmp_root def log_root "#{root}/log" end def configure(&block) App.instance.configure(&block) end # Generally, use the Terraspace.config instead of App.instance.config since it guarantees the load_project_config call def config App.instance.load_project_config App.instance.config end memoize :config @@logger = nil def logger @@logger ||= config.logger end # allow different logger when running up all def logger=(v) @@logger = v end def pass_file?(path) pass_files = + pass_files.uniq.detect do |i| i.is_a?(Regexp) ? path =~ i : path.include?(i) end end # Terraspace.argv provides consistency when terraspace is being called by rspec-terraspace test harness # So use Terraspace.argv instead of ARGV constant cattr_accessor :argv cattr_accessor :check_project, default: true @@cloud_warning_shown = false def cloud? enabled = !! if ENV['TS_TOKEN'] && !enabled && !@@cloud_warning_shown logger.warn <<~EOL.color(:yellow) WARN: TS_TOKEN is set but is not set. See: EOL @@cloud_warning_shown = true end enabled end @@buffer = [] def buffer @@buffer end def command?(name) ARGV[0] == name || ARGV[1] == name end end end