# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license module Wx class ConfigBase SEPARATOR = '/'.freeze module Interface # provide auto-magic accessor support for config objects def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) unless block_given? || args.size>1 setter = false key = sym.to_s.sub(/=\z/) { |_| setter = true; '' } if (!setter && args.empty?) || (!has_group?(key) && setter && args.size==1) if setter return set(key, args.shift) else return get(key) end elsif setter && args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(::Hash) && has_group?(key) return set(key, args.shift) end end super end end end class ConfigWx < ConfigBase include ConfigBase::Interface # add protection against exceptions raised in blocks wx_for_path = instance_method :for_path wx_redefine_method :for_path do |path, &block| if block ex = nil rc = wx_for_path.bind(self).call(path) do |cfg, key| begin block.call(cfg, key) rescue Exception ex = $! nil end end raise ex if ex rc else nil end end private :for_path # make this method private (internal use only) # add Enumerator support wx_each_entry = instance_method :each_entry wx_redefine_method :each_entry do |&block| if block_given? wx_each_entry.bind(self).call { |k| block.call(k, read(k)) } else ::Enumerator.new { |y| wx_each_entry.bind(self).call { |k| y << [k, read_entry(k)] } } end end wx_each_group = instance_method :each_group wx_redefine_method :each_group do |&block| if block_given? wx_each_group.bind(self).call { |k| block.call(k, Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(k))) } else ::Enumerator.new { |y| wx_each_group.bind(self).call { |k| y << [k, Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(k))] } } end end # make this return a path array wx_path = instance_method :path wx_redefine_method :path do wx_path.bind(self).call.split(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) end # protect against attempts to rename complete paths wx_rename = instance_method :rename wx_redefine_method :rename do |old_key, new_key| raise ArgumentError, 'No paths allowed' if old_key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) || new_key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) wx_rename.bind(self).call(old_key, new_key) end # fix recursive number_of_xxx methods as wxRegConfig does not support this currently wx_number_of_entries = instance_method :number_of_entries wx_redefine_method :number_of_entries do |recurse=false| if recurse each_group.inject(wx_number_of_entries.bind(self).call) { |c, (_, g)| c + g.number_of_entries(true) } else wx_number_of_entries.bind(self).call end end wx_number_of_groups = instance_method :number_of_groups wx_redefine_method :number_of_groups do |recurse=false| if recurse each_group.inject(wx_number_of_groups.bind(self).call) { |c, (_, g)| c + g.number_of_groups(true) } else wx_number_of_groups.bind(self).call end end def root? true end def root self end def parent nil end def read(path_str, output=nil) if has_group?(path_str) raise TypeError, "Cannot convert group" unless output.nil? Group.new(self, get_path(path_str)) else val = read_entry(path_str) return val unless val && output case when ::String == output || ::String === output val.to_s when ::Integer == output || ::Integer === output Kernel.Integer(val) when ::Float == output || ::Float === output Kernel.Float(val) when ::TrueClass == output || ::FalseClass == output || output == true || output == false val.is_a?(Integer) ? val != 0 : !!val else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown coercion type #{output.is_a?(::Class) ? output : output.class}" unless output.nil? || output.is_a?(::Proc) output ? output.call(val) : val end end end alias :[] :read def write(path_str, val) if val.nil? delete(path_str) nil elsif val.is_a?(::Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing value entry to group.' if has_entry?(path_str) group = Group.new(self, get_path(path_str)) val.each_pair { |k, v| group.set(k, v) } group else raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing group to value entry.' if has_group?(path_str) write_entry(path_str, val) read_entry(path_str) end end alias :[]= :write def get_path(path_str) path_str = path_str.to_s abs = path_str.start_with?(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) segs = path_str.split(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) segs.shift if abs abs ? segs : (self.path+segs) end protected :get_path def get(key) raise ArgumentError, 'No paths allowed' if key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) if has_entry?(key) read_entry(key) elsif has_group?(key) Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(key)) else nil end end def set(key, val) raise ArgumentError, 'No paths allowed' if key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) if val.nil? delete(key) nil else if (!val.is_a?(::Hash) && !has_group?(key)) || has_entry?(key) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing value entry to group.' if val.is_a?(::Hash) write_entry(key, val) read_entry(key) else raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing group to value entry.' if has_group?(key) && !val.is_a?(::Hash) delete(key) group = Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(key)) val.each_pair { |k, v| group.set(k, v) } group end end end def to_s ConfigBase::SEPARATOR end def to_h data = each_entry.inject({}) { |hash, pair| hash[pair.first] = pair.last; hash } each_group.inject(data) { |hash, pair| hash[pair.first] = pair.last.to_h; hash } end def replace(hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Expected Hash' unless hash.is_a?(::Hash) clear hash.each_pair { |k,v| self.set(k, v) } self end class Group include ConfigBase::Interface def initialize(parent, path) @parent = parent @path = path.freeze @path_str = ConfigBase::SEPARATOR + @path.join(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) + ConfigBase::SEPARATOR end def root? false end def root @parent.root end def path @path end def parent @parent end def each_entry(&block) if block_given? root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) do |cfg, _| cfg.each_entry(&block) end else ::Enumerator.new { |y| root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.each_entry { |k,v| y << [k, v] } } } end end def each_group(&block) if block_given? root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) do |cfg, _| cfg.each_group(&block) end else ::Enumerator.new { |y| root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.each_group { |k,g| y << [k, g] } } } end end def number_of_entries(recurse=false) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.number_of_entries(recurse) } end def number_of_groups(recurse=false) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.number_of_groups(recurse) } end def get(key) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.get(key) } end def set(key, val) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.set(key, val) } end def delete(path_str) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.delete(path_str) } end def rename(old_key, new_key) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.rename(old_key, new_key) } end def has_entry?(path_str) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.has_entry?(path_str) } end def has_group?(path_str) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.has_group?(path_str) } end def read(path_str, output=nil) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.read(path_str, output) } end alias :[] :read def write(path_str, val) root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.write(path_str, val) } end alias :[]= :write def to_s @path_str end def to_h root.__send__(:for_path, @path_str) { |cfg,_| cfg.to_h } end end end class Config < ConfigBase include ConfigBase::Interface module Interface def each_entry(&block) if block_given? data.select { |_,v| !v.is_a?(::Hash) }.each(&block) else ::Enumerator.new { |y| data.each_pair { |k,v| y << [k, expand(v)] unless v.is_a?(::Hash) } } end end def each_group(&block) if block_given? data.select { |_,g| g.is_a?(::Hash) }.each { |k,_| block.call(k, Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(k))) } else ::Enumerator.new { |y| data.each_pair { |k,g| y << [k,Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(k))] if g.is_a?(::Hash) } } end end def number_of_entries(recurse=false) if recurse each_group.inject(each_entry.inject(0) { |c, _| c + 1 }) { |c, (_, g)| c + g.number_of_entries(true) } else each_entry.inject(0) { |c, _| c + 1 } end end def number_of_groups(recurse=false) if recurse each_group.inject(0) { |c, (_,g)| c + 1 + g.number_of_groups(true) } else each_group.inject(0) { |c, _| c + 1 } end end def has_entry?(path_str) segments, abs = get_path(path_str) return false if segments.empty? entry = segments.pop group_data = if segments.empty? data else segments = self.path + segments unless abs || root? get_group_at(segments) end !!(group_data && group_data.has_key?(entry) && !group_data[entry].is_a?(::Hash)) end def has_group?(path_str) segments, abs = get_path(path_str) return root? if segments.empty? segments = self.path + segments unless abs || root? !!get_group_at(segments) end def get(key) key = key.to_s raise ArgumentError, 'No paths allowed' if key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) elem = data[key] if elem.is_a?(::Hash) Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(key)) else expand(elem) end end def set(key, val) key = key.to_s raise ArgumentError, 'No paths allowed' if key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) hsh = data exist = hsh.has_key?(key) elem = exist ? hsh[key] : nil if val.nil? hsh.delete(key) if exist nil elsif val.is_a?(::Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing value entry to group.' if exist && !elem.is_a?(::Hash) hsh[key] = {} unless elem group = Group.new(self, self.path.dup.push(key)) val.each_pair { |k, v| group.set(k, v) } group else raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing group to value entry.' if exist && elem.is_a?(::Hash) hsh[key] = val end end def delete(path_str) segments, abs = get_path(path_str) return nil if segments.empty? last = segments.pop group_data = if segments.empty? data else segments = self.path + segments unless abs || root? get_group_at(segments, create_missing_groups: false) end group_data ? group_data.delete(last) : nil end def rename(old_key, new_key) old_key = old_key.to_s new_key = new_key.to_s raise ArgumentError, 'No paths allowed' if old_key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) || new_key.index(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) hsh = data if hsh.has_key?(old_key) && !hsh.has_key?(new_key) hsh[new_key] = hsh.delete(old_key) true else false end end def read(path_str, output=nil) segments, abs = get_path(path_str) return nil if segments.empty? last = segments.pop group_data = if segments.empty? segments = self.path.dup unless abs || root? data else segments = self.path + segments unless abs || root? get_group_at(segments) end val = group_data ? group_data[last] : nil if val.is_a?(::Hash) raise TypeError, "Cannot convert group" unless output.nil? Group.new(self, segments.dup.push(last)) else val = expand(val) return val unless val && output case when ::String == output || ::String === output val.to_s when ::Integer == output || ::Integer === output Kernel.Integer(val) when ::Float == output || ::Float === output Kernel.Float(val) when ::TrueClass == output || ::FalseClass == output || output == true || output == false val.is_a?(::Integer) ? val != 0 : !!val else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown coercion type #{output.is_a?(::Class) ? output : output.class}" unless output.nil? || output.is_a?(::Proc) output ? output.call(val) : val end end end alias :[] :read def write(path_str, val) segments, abs = get_path(path_str) return false if segments.empty? last = segments.pop group_data = if segments.empty? segments = self.path.dup unless abs || root? data else segments = self.path + segments unless abs || root? get_group_at(segments, create_missing_groups: true) end raise ArgumentError, "Unable to resolve path #{segments+[last]}" unless group_data exist = group_data.has_key?(last) elem = exist ? group_data[last] : nil if val.nil? group_data.delete(last) if exist nil elsif val.is_a?(::Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing value entry to group.' if exist && !elem.is_a?(::Hash) group_data[last] = {} unless elem group = Group.new(self, segments.dup.push(last)) val.each_pair { |k, v| group.set(k, v) } group else raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot change existing group to value entry.' if exist && elem.is_a?(::Hash) group_data[last] = val end end alias :[]= :write def to_s ConfigBase::SEPARATOR+self.path.join(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) end def to_h data end def get_path(path_str) path_str = path_str.to_s abs = path_str.start_with?(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) segs = path_str.split(ConfigBase::SEPARATOR) segs.shift if abs [segs, abs] end protected :get_path EXPAND_RE = if Wx::PLATFORM == 'WXMSW' /(\\)?([$][{(]?|%)(\w+)([})%])?/ else /(\\)?([$][{(]?)(\w+)([})])?/ end private_constant :EXPAND_RE def expand(val) if root.expanding_env_vars? && ::String === val val.gsub(EXPAND_RE) do |s| if $1.nil? && (($2[0] == '$' && ($2.size == 1 && $4.nil?) || ($2[1] == '(' && $4 == ')') || ($2[1] == '{' && $4 == '}'))|| ($2[0] == '%' && $4 == '%')) && ENV[$3] $1 ? $1+ENV[$3] : ENV[$3] else $1 ? s[1,s.size] : s end end else val end end protected :expand end class Group include ConfigBase::Interface include Interface def initialize(parent, path) @parent = parent @path = path.freeze end def data self.root.__send__(:get_group_at, @path, create_missing_groups: true, is_pruned: true) end protected :data def root? false end def root @parent.root end def path @path end def parent @parent end def get_group_at(segments, create_missing_groups: false) root.__send__(:get_group_at, segments, create_missing_groups: create_missing_groups) end protected :get_group_at end include Interface def initialize(hash = nil) @expand_env_vars = true @data = {} replace(hash) if hash end def data @data end protected :data def root? true end def root self end def path [] end def parent nil end def clear @data.clear true end def replace(hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Expected Hash' unless hash.is_a?(::Hash) @data.clear hash.each_pair { |k,v| self.set(k, v) } self end def is_expanding_env_vars @expand_env_vars end alias :expanding_env_vars? :is_expanding_env_vars def set_expand_env_vars(flag) @expand_env_vars = !!flag end alias :expand_env_vars :set_expand_env_vars def get_group_at(segments, create_missing_groups: false, is_pruned: false) unless is_pruned # prune segments (process relative segments) segments = segments.inject([]) do |lst, seg| case seg when '..' lst.pop # remove previous # forget .. when '.' # forget else lst << seg end lst end end # find group matching segments segments.inject(@data) do |hsh, seg| if hsh.has_key?(seg) return nil unless hsh[seg].is_a?(::Hash) hsh[seg] else return nil unless create_missing_groups hsh[seg] = {} end end end protected :get_group_at end end