module Dpl module Providers class Convox < Provider status :dev description sq(<<-str) tbd str gem 'json' env :convox # needs descriptions opt '--host HOST', default: '' opt '--app APP', required: true opt '--rack RACK', required: true opt '--password PASS', required: true opt '--install_url URL', default: '' opt '--update_cli' opt '--create' opt '--promote', default: true opt '--env VARS', type: :array, sep: ',' opt '--env_file FILE' opt '--description STR' opt '--generation NUM', type: :int, default: '2' # if app and rack are exported to the env, do they need to be passed to these commands? cmds login: 'convox version --rack %{rack}', validate: 'convox apps info --rack %{rack} --app %{app}', create: 'convox apps create %{app} --generation %{generation} --rack %{rack} --wait', update: 'convox update', set_env: 'convox env set %{env} --rack %{rack} --app %{app} --replace', build: 'convox build --rack %{rack} --app %{app} --id --description %{escaped_description}', deploy: 'convox deploy --rack %{rack} --app %{app} --wait --id --description %{escaped_description}' msgs create: 'Application %{app} does not exist on rack %{rack}. Creating it ...', missing: 'Application %{app} does not exist on rack %{rack}.', env_file: 'The given env_file does not exist.', deploy: 'Building and promoting application ...', build: 'Building application ...' errs login: 'Login failed.' def install script :install shell :update if update_cli? export end def login shell :login end def validate shell :validate, assert: false and return error :missing unless create? shell :create end def deploy shell :set_env, echo: false unless env.empty? shell promote ? :deploy : :build, echo: false end # not sure about this api. i like that there is an api for people to include # env vars from the current build env, but maybe it would be better to expose # FOO=$FOO? is mapping a bare env key to a key/value pair a concept in convox? # # def env # env = env_file.concat(super || []) # TODO Cl should return an empty array, shouldn't it? # env = { |str| str.include?('=') ? str : "#{str}=#{ENV[str]}" } # { |str| escape(str) }.join(' ') # end # here's an alternative implementation that would expose FOO=$FOO: gem 'sh_vars', '~> 1.0.2' def env env = env_file.concat(super || []) env = { |str| ShVars.parse(str).to_h }.inject(&:merge) || {} { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.inspect}" }.join(' ') end def env_file return [] unless env_file? error :env_file unless file?(super) lines = read(super).split("\n").map(&:strip) lines.reject(&:empty?) end def description description? ? super : JSON.dump( repo_slug: repo_slug, git_commit_sha: git_sha, git_commit_message: git_commit_msg, git_commit_author: git_author_name, git_tag: git_tag, branch: git_branch, travis_build_id: ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_ID'], travis_build_number: ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER'], pull_request: ENV['TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'] ) end def export env_vars.each { |key, value| ENV[key.to_s] = value.to_s } end def env_vars { CONVOX_HOST: host, CONVOX_PASSWORD: password, CONVOX_APP: app, CONVOX_RACK: rack, CONVOX_CLI: 'convox' } end end end end