# Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT.

# typed: true
# frozen_string_literal: true

module OpenApiSDK
  module Operations

    class GetQRCodeRequest < ::OpenApiSDK::Utils::FieldAugmented
      extend T::Sig

      # The URL to generate a QR code for.
      field :url, ::String, { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'url', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # The background color of the QR code in hex format. Defaults to `#ffffff` if not provided.
      field :bg_color, T.nilable(::String), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'bgColor', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # The foreground color of the QR code in hex format. Defaults to `#000000` if not provided.
      field :fg_color, T.nilable(::String), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'fgColor', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # Whether to hide the logo in the QR code. Can only be used with a paid plan on Dub.co.
      field :hide_logo, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'hideLogo', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # Whether to include a margin around the QR code. Defaults to `false` if not provided.
      field :include_margin, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'includeMargin', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # The level of error correction to use for the QR code. Defaults to `L` if not provided.
      field :level, T.nilable(::OpenApiSDK::Operations::Level), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'level', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # The logo to include in the QR code. Can only be used with a paid plan on Dub.co.
      field :logo, T.nilable(::String), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'logo', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }
      # The size of the QR code in pixels. Defaults to `600` if not provided.
      field :size, T.nilable(::Float), { 'query_param': { 'field_name': 'size', 'style': 'form', 'explode': true } }

      sig { params(url: ::String, bg_color: T.nilable(::String), fg_color: T.nilable(::String), hide_logo: T.nilable(T::Boolean), include_margin: T.nilable(T::Boolean), level: T.nilable(::OpenApiSDK::Operations::Level), logo: T.nilable(::String), size: T.nilable(::Float)).void }
      def initialize(url: nil, bg_color: nil, fg_color: nil, hide_logo: nil, include_margin: nil, level: nil, logo: nil, size: nil)
        @url = url
        @bg_color = bg_color
        @fg_color = fg_color
        @hide_logo = hide_logo
        @include_margin = include_margin
        @level = level
        @logo = logo
        @size = size