module Pantograph module Actions class ClocAction < Action def cloc_binary = params[:binary_path] exclude_dirs = params[:exclude_dir].nil? ? '' : "--exclude-dir=#{params[:exclude_dir]}" xml_format = params[:xml] out_dir = params[:output_directory] output_file = xml_format ? "#{out_dir}/cloc.xml" : "#{out_dir}/cloc.txt" source_directory = params[:source_directory] command = [ cloc_binary, exclude_dirs, '--by-file', xml_format ? '--xml ' : '', "--out=#{output_file}", source_directory ].join(' ').strip end def self.description "Generates a Code Count that can be read by Jenkins (xml format)" end def self.details [ "This action will run cloc to generate a SLOC report that the Jenkins SLOCCount plugin can read.", "See []( and []( for more information." ].join("\n") end def self.available_options [ :binary_path, env_name: "FL_CLOC_BINARY_PATH", description: "Where the cloc binary lives on your system (full path including 'cloc')", optional: true, type: String, default_value: '/usr/local/bin/cloc'), :exclude_dir, env_name: "FL_CLOC_EXCLUDE_DIR", description: "Comma separated list of directories to exclude", # a short description of this parameter optional: true, type: String), :output_directory, env_name: "FL_CLOC_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", description: "Where to put the generated report file", type: String, default_value: "build"), :source_directory, env_name: "FL_CLOC_SOURCE_DIRECTORY", description: "Where to look for the source code (relative to the project root folder)", type: String, default_value: ""), :xml, env_name: "FL_CLOC_XML", description: "Should we generate an XML File (if false, it will generate a plain text file)?", is_string: false, default_value: true) ] end def self.authors ["intere"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'cloc( exclude_dir: "ThirdParty,Resources", output_directory: "reports", source_directory: "MyCoolApp" )' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end