# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ~/_data/j1_config.yml # J1 Template settings # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2021 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ============================================================================== # THEME configuration # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Sets the default theme used for J1 Template for default # # Note: Themes from Bootswatch cannot used currently as default theme # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # theme.name # # values Uno light|Uno dark # default: Uno light # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # theme.author # # values # default: J1 Team # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # theme.url # # values # default: https://jekyll.one/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ theme: name: Uno light author: J1 Team author_url: https://jekyll.one/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CSS and SASS settings # css: custom_scss: false custom_css: false # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Typography settings # typography: rtext: true rtext_size: 300 # ============================================================================== # URL configuration # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # All links will be name-spaced by base_path if defined. # Links in your website should always be prefixed with {{base_path}} # however this value will be dynamically changed depending on your # deployment situation. # # CNAME (http://yourcustomdomain.com) # DO NOT SET base_path # (url's will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) # # GitHub Pages (http://username.github.io) # DO NOT SET base_path # (url's will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) # # GitHub Project Pages (http://username.github.io/project-name) # # A GitHub Project site exists in the `gh-pages` branch of one of # your repositories. # REQUIRED! Set base_path to: http://username.github.io/project-name # # CAUTION: # - When in localhost, your site will run from root "/" regardless # of base_path # - Only the following values are falsy: ["", null, false] # - When setting base_path it must be a valid url. # This means always setting the protocol (http|https) or # prefixing with "/" # #base_path: # By default, the asset_path is automatically defined relative to # base_path plus the enabled theme, e.g # # [base_path]/assets/themes/[THEME-NAME] # # e.g. /assets/themes/bootstrap # # Override this by defining an absolute path to assets here. # ex: # http://s3.amazonaws.com/yoursite/themes/watermelon/assets # asset_path: /assets/themes/j1 app_path: /assets/apps image_path: /assets/images # These paths are to the main pages J1 ships with. # Some template helpers refer to these paths # #pages_path: /builder/pages archive_path: /builder/posts/timeline categories_path: /builder/categories tags_path: /builder/tags #atom_path: /atom.xml #rss_path: /rss.xml # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Common site URLs # about-site-url: /pages/public/about/site/ user_info_url: /pages/public/legal/en/privacy/ theme_author_url: https://jekyll.one # ============================================================================== # DATA path configuration settings # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ runtime_data_path: /assets/data/runtime-data.yml message_catalog_data_path: /assets/data/messages.yml colors_data_path: /assets/data/colors.json font_size_data_path: /assets/data/font_sizes.json country_data_path: /assets/data/countries.json # ============================================================================== # COOKIE configuration settings # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cookies: app_session: j1.app.session user_session: j1.user.session user_state: j1.user.state # ============================================================================== # PAGE configuration settings # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # flicker_timeout (2019-08-06: currently NOT used anymore) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Number of milliseconds (ms) the current page is hidden (display: none) # to prevent "DOM flicker" (aka "FOUC": Flash of unstyled content) # # prettify # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If set to true, all generated HTML pages (by Liquid|Jekyll) get # formatted "pretty" by layout "default". # # NOTE: Used for developent mode ONLY # NOTE: See ~/packages/300_template_src/_layouts/default.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ flicker_timeout: 250 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HTML PrettyPrint # prettify: true # ============================================================================== # USER configuration settings # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default # user: provider: j1 provider_site_url: https://jekyll.one provider_home_url: https://jekyll.one provider_blog_url: /pages/public/blog/navigator/ provider_member_url: /pages/public/learn/whats_up/ provider_privacy_url: /pages/public/legal/en/privacy/ user_name: guest status: active provider_membership: guest provider_permissions: [ 'public' ] # ============================================================================== # FRAMEWORK configuration settings # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cards.card-deck (responsive card decks) # # Bootstrap card decks are NOT responsive by default. Additional breakpoint # classes for J1 Template introduce support on card decks for responsiveness. # With the values for `break_on_XX`, the number of cards can be specified # to be shown on a deck per *row*. # # default: no defaults # values: integer (num of cards) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # popovers.trigger (tooltips.trigger) # # How a popover is triggered. You may pass multiple triggers. # Separate them with a space. Trigger `manual` cannot be combined # with any other trigger. 'manual' indicates that the popover will # be triggered programmatically via the .popover('show'), .popover('hide') # and .popover('toggle') methods. # # default: hover # values: click | hover | focus | manual # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # BOOTSTRAP framework settings # bootstrap: default_theme: bootstrap cards: card_deck: break_on_sm: 1 break_on_md: 2 break_on_lg: 3 break_on_xl: 3 tooltips: enabled: true trigger: hover popovers: enabled: true trigger: hover # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HIGHLIGHTER settings # rouge: theme_light: igorpro # may github, pastie theme_dark: monokai.sublime # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SEO settings (optimization) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRELOAD settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: # Specify resources that your page will need very soon, which you want # to start loading early in the page lifecycle, before browsers' main # rendering machinery starts. This may improve the performace for the RENDER # phase to improve the FCP (First Contentful Paint). FCP marks the time # at which the first text or image is shown to the user. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: # Preloading fonts,the crossorigin attribute is needed to handle # CORS issues. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: # Preloading applies ONLY if the requested resource is NOT cached (304). # If a resource is already cached (by the browser OR the web server), some # browser (e.g. Chrome) issue WARNINGS, but can be ignored. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INFO: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1330825/preloading-font-face-fonts # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Preloading_content # https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/critters/issues/18 (crossorigin) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # font: # preload: true # cors: crossorigin # fonts: [ # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Thin.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Thin.woff2, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Light.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Light.woff2, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Regular.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Regular.woff2, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Medium.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Medium.woff2, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Bold.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Bold.woff2, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.woff2 # ] preload: font: preload: false cors: crossorigin fonts: [] # fonts: [ # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/roboto/fonts/Roboto-Regular.woff, # /assets/themes/j1/core/fonts/material_design_icons/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.woff # ] css: preload: true css: [ /assets/themes/j1/core/css/themes/uno-light/bootstrap, /assets/themes/j1/core/css/vendor ] files: [] js: preload: true js: [ /assets/themes/j1/modules/bmd/js/bootstrap-material-design, /assets/themes/j1/modules/backstretch/js/backstretch, /assets/themes/j1/core/js/template ] files: [ /assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/attic.js, /assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/logger.js, /assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/bmd.js, /assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/navigator.js ] image: preload: false files: [ /assets/images/modules/icons/j1/j1-512x512.png ] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRECONNECT settings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE: # Improve page load speed with preconnect|dns-prefetch for 3rd party # origins. Establishing connections often involves significant time in # slow networks (e.g. mobile 2|3G), particularly when it comes to secure # connections (HTTPS), as it may involve DNS lookups, redirects, and # several round trips to the final server that handles the user's request. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ preconnect: enabled: true urls: [ "https://bootswatch.com" ] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Font AweSome settings # fa: color: default # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Body style settings # body: scrollbar: false background-color: md_gray_50 font-color: md_gray_900 font-size: 1em font-weight: 400 line-height: 1.5 # ============================================================================== # CONNECTOR configuration settings # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # COMMENTS settings # # Set 'enabled' to false to turn commenting off globally # Set 'provider' to the comment provider you want to use # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # disqus # # short_name: your-disqus-short-name (w/o disqus.com) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ comments: enabled: true provider: disqus disqus: short_name: jekyll-one # facebook: # appid: 123 # num_posts: 5 # width: 580 # colorscheme: light # custom: # custom_data: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ANALYTICS settings # # Set 'enabled' to false to turn analytics off globally # Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use # analytics: enabled: false provider: google google: tracking_id: 'UA-138160879-1' custom: custom_data: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ADVERTISING settings # # Set 'enabled' to false to turn advertising off globally # Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use # advertising: enabled: true provider: custom google: publisher_id: ca-pub-6537273267695855 custom: custom_data: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TRANSLATOR settings # # Set 'enabled' to false to turn translators off globally # Set 'provider' to the translation provider you want to use # translation: enabled: false provider: google google: layout: default meta_data: [google-translate-customization] page_language: en translation_languages: [all] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SHARING settings (currently NOT supported) # # Settings for sharing helper. Sharing is for things like tweet, plusone, # like, reddit buttons etc. Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you # want to use. Set 'provider' to false to turn sharing off globally. # # Set 'enabled' to false to turn sharing off globally # Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you want to use # # sharing: # enabled: false # provider: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # END config