require 'json' require 'openssl' require 'digest/md5' module PusherClient class Socket CLIENT_ID = 'pusher-ruby-client' PROTOCOL = '5' attr_reader :path, :connected, :channels, :global_channel, :socket_id def initialize(app_key, options={}) raise "Missing app_key" unless app_key && !app_key.empty? @path = "#{options[:ws_path]}/app/#{app_key}?client=#{CLIENT_ID}&version=#{PusherClient::VERSION}&protocol=#{PROTOCOL}" @key = app_key @secret = options[:secret] @socket_id = nil @channels = @global_channel ='pusher_global_channel') = true @connected = false @encrypted = options[:encrypted] || false @private_auth_method = options[:private_auth_method] @cert_file = options[:cert_file] @ws_host = options[:ws_host] || HOST @ws_port = options[:ws_port] || WS_PORT @wss_port = options[:wss_port] || WSS_PORT @ssl_verify = options.fetch(:ssl_verify) { true } bind('pusher:connection_established') do |data| socket = parser(data) @connected = true @socket_id = socket['socket_id'] subscribe_all end bind('pusher:connection_disconnected') do |data| @channels.channels.each { |c| c.disconnect } end bind('pusher:error') do |data| PusherClient.logger.fatal("Pusher : error : #{data.inspect}") end # Keep this in case we're using a websocket protocol that doesn't # implement ping/pong bind('pusher:ping') do send_event('pusher:pong', nil) end end def connect(async = false) if @encrypted url = "wss://#{@ws_host}:#{@wss_port}#{@path}" else url = "ws://#{@ws_host}:#{@ws_port}#{@path}" end PusherClient.logger.debug("Pusher : connecting : #{url}") @connection_thread = { options = {:ssl => @encrypted, :cert_file => @cert_file, :ssl_verify => @ssl_verify} @connection =, options) PusherClient.logger.debug "Websocket connected" loop do msg = @connection.receive[0] next if msg.nil? params = parser(msg) next if params['socket_id'] && params['socket_id'] == self.socket_id send_local_event params['event'], params['data'], params['channel'] end } @connection_thread.join unless async self end def disconnect if @connected PusherClient.logger.debug "Pusher : disconnecting" @connection.close @connection_thread.kill if @connection_thread @connected = false else PusherClient.logger.warn "Disconnect attempted... not connected" end end def subscribe(channel_name, user_data = nil) if user_data.is_a? Hash @user_data = user_data.to_json elsif not user_data.nil? @user_data = {:user_id => user_data}.to_json end channel = @channels << channel_name if @connected authorize(channel, method(:authorize_callback)) end return channel end def unsubscribe(channel_name) channel = @channels.remove channel_name if @connected send_event('pusher:unsubscribe', { 'channel' => channel_name }) end return channel end def bind(event_name, &callback) @global_channel.bind(event_name, &callback) return self end def [](channel_name) if @channels[channel_name] @channels[channel_name] else @channels << channel_name end end def subscribe_all @channels.channels.clone.each{ |k,v| subscribe(k) } end #auth for private and presence def authorize(channel, callback) if is_private_channel( auth_data = get_private_auth(channel) elsif is_presence_channel( auth_data = get_presence_auth(channel) channel_data = @user_data end # could both be nil if didn't require auth, auth_data, channel_data) end def authorize_callback(channel, auth_data, channel_data) send_event('pusher:subscribe', { 'channel' =>, 'auth' => auth_data, 'channel_data' => channel_data }) channel.acknowledge_subscription(nil) end def is_private_channel(channel_name) channel_name.match(/^private-/) end def is_presence_channel(channel_name) channel_name.match(/^presence-/) end def get_private_auth(channel) if (@private_auth_method.nil?) string_to_sign = @socket_id + ':' + signature = hmac(@secret, string_to_sign) return "#{@key}:#{signature}" else return, channel) end end def get_presence_auth(channel) string_to_sign = @socket_id + ':' + + ':' + @user_data signature = hmac(@secret, string_to_sign) return "#{@key}:#{signature}" end # For compatibility with JavaScript client API alias :subscribeAll :subscribe_all def send_event(event_name, data) payload = {'event' => event_name, 'data' => data}.to_json @connection.send(payload) PusherClient.logger.debug("Pusher : sending event : #{payload}") end protected def send_local_event(event_name, event_data, channel_name) if (channel_name) channel = @channels[channel_name] if (channel) channel.dispatch_with_all(event_name, event_data) end end @global_channel.dispatch_with_all(event_name, event_data) PusherClient.logger.debug("Pusher : event received : channel: #{channel_name}; event: #{event_name}") end def parser(data) return data if data.is_a? Hash return JSON.parse(data) rescue => err PusherClient.logger.warn(err) PusherClient.logger.warn("Pusher : data attribute not valid JSON - you may wish to implement your own Pusher::Client.parser") return data end def hmac(secret, string_to_sign) digest = signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, secret, string_to_sign) end end end