require 'tqdm/printer' CLONE_UNFROZEN_SUPPORTED = RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0..1].join('.').to_f >= 2.4 module Tqdm class DecoratorError < StandardError end # Decorates the #each method of an `Enumerable` by wrapping it so that each # iteration produces a pretty progress bar printed to the console or a file handle. # # @note The `Enumerable` is cloned before it is enhanced; it is not modified directly. # # @example Enhances `arr` so that an animated progress bar prints while iterating. # arr = (0...1000) # arr_tqdm = # arr_tqdm.each { |x| sleep 0.01 } class Decorator extend Forwardable attr_reader :printer, :enumerable, :iteration, :start_time # Initialize a new Decorator. Typically you wouldn't use this object, but # would immediately call `#enhance` to retrieve the enhanced `Enumerable`. # # @param enumerable [Enumerable] the Enumerable object to be enhanced # @param options [Hash] more options used to control behavior of the progress bar # @option options [String] :desc a short description added to the beginning of the progress bar # @option options [Integer] :total (self.size) the expected number of iterations # @option options [File, IO] :file ($stderr) a file-like object to output the progress bar to # @option options [Boolean] :leave (false) should the progress bar should stay on screen after it's done? # @option options [Integer] :min_iters see `:min_interval` # @option options [Float] :min_interval If less than min_interval seconds or min_iters iterations have passed since # the last progress meter update, it is not updated again. # # @example # a = (1...1000) # { |x| sleep 0.01 } # # @example # a = [1, 2, 3, 4] #, file: $stdout, leave: true) def initialize(enumerable, options={}) @enumerable = enumerable options.merge!(total: total!) unless options[:total] @printer = @min_iterations = options[:min_iters] || 1 @min_interval = options[:min_interval] || 0.5 @leave = options[:leave] || false @force_refreeze = false end # Starts the textual progress bar. def start! @iteration = @last_printed_iteration = 0 @start_time = @last_print_time = current_time! end # Called everytime the textual progress bar might need to be updated (i.e. on # every iteration). We still check whether the update is appropriate to print to # the progress bar before doing so, according to the `:min_iters` and `:min_interval` # options. # # @see #initialize def increment! @iteration += 1 return unless (iteration - last_printed_iteration) >= @min_iterations # We check the counter first, to reduce the overhead of return unless (current_time! - last_print_time) >= @min_interval return if iteration == total && !@leave printer.status(iteration, elapsed_time!) @last_printed_iteration = iteration @last_print_time = current_time end # Prints the final state of the textual progress bar. Based on the `:leave` option, this # may include deleting it entirely. def finish! return printer.null_finish unless @leave printer.finish(iteration, elapsed_time!, reprint?) end # Enhances the wrapped `Enumerable`. # # @note The `Enumerable` is cloned (shallow copied) before it is enhanced; it is not modified directly. # # @return [Enumerable] a clone of Enumerable enhanced so that every call to `#each` animates the # progress bar. def enhance decorate_enumerable_each enhanced.freeze if @force_refreeze enhanced end private def decorate_enumerable_each tqdm = self enhanced.define_singleton_method(:each) do |*args, &block| tqdm.start! result = super(*args) do |*items| *items if block tqdm.increment! end tqdm.finish! result end end def enhanced @enhanced ||= enumerable_unfrozen end # Uses progressively more invasive techniques to return an unfrozen copy of @enumerable def enumerable_unfrozen to_unfreeze = CLONE_UNFROZEN_SUPPORTED ? enumerable.clone(freeze: false) : enumerable.clone return to_unfreeze unless to_unfreeze.frozen? to_unfreeze = to_unfreeze.dup return to_unfreeze unless to_unfreeze.frozen? # Significantly, for some classes like Sequel::Dataset, both #clone and #dup re-freeze # the object before returning it, so we have to drop back to Object#clone to avoid this @force_refreeze = true if CLONE_UNFROZEN_SUPPORTED to_unfreeze = Object.instance_method(:clone).bind(enumerable).call(freeze: false) end if Object.instance_method(:frozen?).bind(to_unfreeze).call raise"could not create an unfrozen clone") end to_unfreeze end def total! enumerable.size rescue enumerable.count rescue nil end def last_printed_iteration @last_printed_iteration ||= iteration end def last_print_time @last_print_time ||= start_time end def current_time @current_time ||= current_time! end def current_time! @current_time = end def elapsed_time! current_time! - start_time end def reprint? last_printed_iteration < iteration end def_delegator :printer, :total end end