# # Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com) # # This file is part of Ronin Support. # # Ronin Support is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ronin Support is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Ronin Support. If not, see . # require 'ronin/network/http/exceptions/unknown_request' require 'ronin/network/http/proxy' require 'ronin/network/ssl' require 'uri/query_params' require 'net/http' begin require 'net/https' rescue ::LoadError end module Ronin module Network # # Provides helper methods for communicating with HTTP Servers. # module HTTP # # The Ronin HTTP proxy to use. # # @return [Proxy] # The Ronin HTTP proxy. # # @note # If the `HTTP_PROXY` environment variable is specified, it will # be used as the default value. # # @see Proxy.new # @see Proxy.parse # # @api public # def HTTP.proxy @proxy ||= if ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] Proxy.parse(ENV['HTTP_PROXY']) else Proxy.new end end # # Sets the Ronin HTTP proxy to use. # # @param [Proxy, URI::HTTP, Hash, String] new_proxy # The new proxy information to use. # # @return [Proxy] # The new proxy. # # @raise [ArgumentError] # The given proxy information was not a {Proxy}, `URI::HTTP`, # `Hash` or {String}. # # @api public # def HTTP.proxy=(new_proxy) @proxy = Proxy.create(new_proxy) end # # The default Ronin HTTP User-Agent string. # # @return [String, nil] # The default Ronin HTTP User-Agent. # # @api public # def HTTP.user_agent @user_agent ||= nil end # # Sets the default Ronin HTTP User-Agent string. # # @param [String] agent # The new User-Agent string to use. # # @api public # def HTTP.user_agent=(agent) @user_agent = agent end # # Expands the URL into options. # # @param [URI::HTTP, String] url # The URL to expand. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] # The options for the URL. # # @api private # def HTTP.expand_url(url) new_options = {} url = case url when URI url when Hash URI::HTTP.build(url) else URI(url.to_s) end new_options[:ssl] = {} if url.scheme == 'https' new_options[:host] = url.host new_options[:port] = url.port new_options[:user] = url.user if url.user new_options[:password] = url.password if url.password new_options[:path] = unless url.path.empty? url.path else '/' end new_options[:path] += "?#{URI.escape(url.query)}" if url.query return new_options end # # Expands the given HTTP options. # # @param [Hash] options # HTTP options. # # @option options [String, URI::HTTP, URI::HTTPS] :url # The URL to request. # # @option options [String] :host # The host to connect to. # # @option options [String] :port (::Net::HTTP.default_port) # The port to connect to. # # @option options [String] :user # The user to authenticate as. # # @option options [String] :password # The password to authenticate with. # # @option options [String] :path ('/') # The path to request. # # @option options [String, Hash] :proxy (HTTP.proxy) # The Proxy information. # # @return [Hash] # The expanded version of options. # # @api private # def HTTP.expand_options(options={}) new_options = options.dup new_options[:port] ||= Net::HTTP.default_port new_options[:path] ||= '/' if new_options[:ssl] == true new_options[:ssl] = {} end if (url = new_options.delete(:url)) new_options.merge!(HTTP.expand_url(url)) end new_options[:proxy] = if new_options.has_key?(:proxy) HTTP::Proxy.create(new_options[:proxy]) else HTTP.proxy end return new_options end # # Converts an underscored, dashed, lowercase or uppercase HTTP header # name to the standard camel-case HTTP header name. # # @param [Symbol, String] name # The unformatted HTTP header name. # # @return [String] # The camel-case HTTP header name. # # @api private # def HTTP.header_name(name) words = name.to_s.split(/[\s+_-]/) words.each { |word| word.capitalize! } return words.join('-') end # # Converts underscored, dashed, lowercase and uppercase HTTP headers # to standard camel-cased HTTP headers. # # @param [Hash{Symbol,String => String}] options # Ronin HTTP headers. # # @return [Hash] # The camel-cased HTTP headers created from the given options. # # @api private # def HTTP.headers(options={}) headers = {} if HTTP.user_agent headers['User-Agent'] = HTTP.user_agent end if options options.each do |name,value| headers[HTTP.header_name(name)] = value.to_s end end return headers end # # Creates a specific type of HTTP request object. # # @param [Hash] options # The HTTP options for the request. # # @option options [Symbol, String] :method # The HTTP method to use for the request. # # @option options [String] :path ('/') # The path to request. # # @option options [String] :query # The query-string to append to the request path. # # @option options [String] :query_params # The query-params to append to the request path. # # @option options [String] :body # The body of the request. # # @option options [Hash, String] :form_data # The form data that may be sent in the body of the request. # # @option options [String] :user # The user to authenticate as. # # @option options [String] :password # The password to authenticate with. # # @option options [Hash{Symbol,String => String}] :headers # Additional HTTP headers to use for the request. # # @return [HTTP::Request] # The new HTTP Request object. # # @raise [ArgumentError] # The `:method` option must be specified. # # @raise [UnknownRequest] # The `:method` option did not match a known Net::HTTP request # class. # # @see HTTP.expand_options # # @api private # def HTTP.request(options={}) unless options[:method] raise(ArgumentError,"the :method option must be specified") end name = options[:method].to_s.capitalize unless Net::HTTP.const_defined?(name) raise(UnknownRequest,"unknown HTTP request type #{name.dump}") end headers = HTTP.headers(options[:headers]) path = (options[:path] || '/').to_s query = if options[:query] URI.escape(options[:query]) elsif options[:query_params] URI::QueryParams.dump(options[:query_params]) end if query # append the query-string onto the path path += if path.include?('?') "&#{query}" else "?#{query}" end end request = Net::HTTP.const_get(name).new(path,headers) if request.request_body_permitted? if options[:form_data] request.set_form_data(options[:form_data]) elsif options[:body] request.body = options[:body] end end if options[:user] user = options[:user].to_s password = if options[:password] options[:password].to_s end request.basic_auth(user,password) end return request end # # Starts a HTTP connection with the server. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options # # @option options [String, URI::HTTP] :url # The full URL to request. # # @option options [String] :host # The host the HTTP server is running on. # # @option options [Integer] :port (Net::HTTP.default_port) # The port the HTTP server is listening on. # # @option options [String, Hash] :proxy (HTTP.proxy) # A Hash of proxy settings to use when connecting to the HTTP server. # # @option options [String] :user # The user to authenticate with when connecting to the HTTP server. # # @option options [String] :password # The password to authenticate with when connecting to the HTTP server. # # @option options [Boolean, Hash] :ssl # Enables SSL for the HTTP connection. # # @option :ssl [Symbol] :verify # Specifies the SSL certificate verification mode. # # @yield [http] # If a block is given, it will be passed the newly created HTTP # session object. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP] http # The newly created HTTP session. # # @return [Net::HTTP] # The HTTP session object. # # @api public # def http_connect(options={},&block) options = HTTP.expand_options(options) host = options[:host].to_s port = options[:port] proxy = options[:proxy] proxy_host = if (proxy && proxy[:host]) proxy[:host].to_s end http = Net::HTTP::Proxy( proxy_host, proxy[:port], proxy[:user], proxy[:password] ).new(host,port) if options[:ssl] http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = SSL::VERIFY[options[:ssl][:verify]] end http.start() if block if block.arity == 2 block.call(http,options) else block.call(http) end end return http end # # Creates a new temporary HTTP session with the server. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options # # @option options [String, URI::HTTP] :url # The full URL to request. # # @option options [String] :host # The host the HTTP server is running on. # # @option options [Integer] :port (Net::HTTP.default_port) # The port the HTTP server is listening on. # # @option options [String] :user # The user to authenticate with when connecting to the HTTP server. # # @option options [String] :password # The password to authenticate with when connecting to the HTTP server. # # @option options [String, Hash] :proxy (HTTP.proxy) # A Hash of proxy settings to use when connecting to the HTTP server. # # @option options [Boolean, Hash] :ssl # Enables SSL for the HTTP connection. # # @option :ssl [Symbol] :verify # Specifies the SSL certificate verification mode. # # @yield [http] # If a block is given, it will be passed the newly created HTTP # session object. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP] http # The newly created HTTP session. # # @return [nil] # # @see http_connect # # @api public # def http_session(options={},&block) http_connect(options) do |http,expanded_options| if block if block.arity == 2 block.call(http,expanded_options) else block.call(http) end end http.finish end return nil end # # Connects to the HTTP server and sends an HTTP Request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Symbol, String] :method # The HTTP method to use in the request. # # @option options [String] :path # The path to request from the HTTP server. # # @option options [Hash] :headers # The Hash of the HTTP headers to send with the request. # May contain either Strings or Symbols, lower-case or camel-case keys. # # @option options [String] :body # The body of the request. # # @option options [Hash, String] :form_data # The form data that may be sent in the body of the request. # # @yield [request, (options)] # If a block is given, it will be passed the HTTP request object. # If the block has an arity of 2, it will also be passed the expanded # version of the given _options_. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Request] request # The HTTP request object to use in the request. # # @yieldparam [Hash] options # The expanded version of the given _options_. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_session # # @api public # def http_request(options={},&block) response = nil http_session(options) do |http,expanded_options| req = HTTP.request(expanded_options) if block if block.arity == 2 block.call(req,expanded_options) else block.call(req) end end response = http.request(req) end return response end # # Returns the Status Code of the Response. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:head) # The method to use for the request. # # @return [Integer] # The HTTP Response Status. # # @see http_request # # @since 0.2.0 # # @api public # def http_status(options={}) options = {:method => :head}.merge(options) return http_request(options).code.to_i end # # Checks if the response has an HTTP OK status code. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:head) # The method to use for the request. # # @return [Boolean] # Specifies whether the response had an HTTP OK status code or not. # # @see http_status # # @api public # def http_ok?(options={}) http_status(options) == 200 end # # Sends a HTTP Head request and returns the HTTP Server header. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:head) # The method to use for the request. # # @return [String] # The HTTP `Server` header. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_server(options={}) options = {:method => :head}.merge(options) return http_request(options)['server'] end # # Sends an HTTP Head request and returns the HTTP X-Powered-By header. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:get) # The method to use for the request. # # @return [String] # The HTTP `X-Powered-By` header. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_powered_by(options={}) options = {:method => :get}.merge(options) return http_request(options)['x-powered-by'] end # # Performs an HTTP Copy request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received # from the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_copy(options={}) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :copy)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Delete request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_delete(options={},&block) original_headers = options[:headers] # set the HTTP Depth header options[:headers] = {:depth => 'Infinity'} if original_headers options[:header].merge!(original_headers) end response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :delete)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Get request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_get(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :get)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Get request and returns the Response Headers. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [Hash{String => Array}] # The Headers of the HTTP response. # # @see http_get # # @since 0.2.0 # # @api public # def http_get_headers(options={}) headers = {} http_get(options).each_header do |name,value| headers[HTTP.header_name(name)] = value end return headers end # # Performs an HTTP Get request and returns the Respond Body. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @return [String] # The body of the HTTP response. # # @see http_get # # @api public # def http_get_body(options={}) http_get(options).body end # # Performs an HTTP Head request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_head(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :head)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Lock request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_lock(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :lock)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Mkcol request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_mkcol(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :mkcol)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Move request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_move(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :move)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Options request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_options(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :options)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Post request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Hash, String] :form_data # The form data to send with the HTTP Post request. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_post(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :post)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Post request and returns the Response Headers. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Hash, String] :form_data # The form data to send with the HTTP Post request. # # @return [Hash{String => Array}] # The headers of the HTTP response. # # @see http_post # # @since 0.2.0 # # @api public # def http_post_headers(options={}) headers = {} http_post(options).each_header do |name,value| headers[HTTP.header_name(name)] = value end return headers end # # Performs an HTTP Post request and returns the Response Body. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [Hash, String] :form_data # The form data to send with the HTTP Post request. # # @return [String] # The body of the HTTP response. # # @see http_post # # @api public # def http_post_body(options={}) http_post(options).body end # # Performs an HTTP PUT request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @option options [String] :body # The body for the request. # # @option options [Hash, String] :form_data # The form data to send with the HTTP PUT request. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @since 0.4.0 # # @api public # def http_put(options={}) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :put)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Propfind request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_prop_find(options={},&block) original_headers = options[:headers] # set the HTTP Depth header options[:headers] = {:depth => '0'} if original_headers options[:header].merge!(original_headers) end response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :propfind)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Proppatch request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_prop_patch(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :proppatch)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Trace request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_trace(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :trace)) yield response if block_given? return response end # # Performs an HTTP Unlock request. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional options. # # @yield [response] # If a block is given, it will be passed the response received from # the request. # # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response # The HTTP response object. # # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] # The response of the HTTP request. # # @see http_request # # @api public # def http_unlock(options={},&block) response = http_request(options.merge(:method => :unlock)) yield response if block_given? return response end end end end