describe 'NSColor (CSS)' do it "should have a #to_i method" do NSColor.whiteColor.to_i.should == 16777215 NSColor.blackColor.to_i.should == 0 end it "should have a #to_a method" do NSColor.whiteColor.to_a.should == [255, 255, 255] NSColor.blackColor.to_a.should == [0, 0, 0] end it "should have a #hex method" do NSColor.whiteColor.hex.should == '#ffffff' NSColor.blackColor.hex.should == '#000000' end it "should have a #system_name method" do NSColor.whiteColor.system_name.should == :whiteColor NSColor.blackColor.system_name.should == :blackColor NSColor.lightGrayColor.system_name.should == :lightGrayColor end it "should return css color names" do corrections = { aqua: :cyan, lime: :green, fuchsia: :magenta, } Symbol.css_colors.each do |name, val| name = corrections.fetch(name, name) color = val.nscolor color.css_name.should == name end end it "should have good to_s return values" do NSColor.whiteColor.to_s.should == 'NSColor.whiteColor' NSColor.whiteColor.nscolor(0.5).to_s.should == 'NSColor.whiteColor.colorWithAlphaComponent(0.5)' :indianred.nscolor.to_s.should == ':indianred.nscolor' :indianred.nscolor(0.5).to_s.should == ':indianred.nscolor(0.5)' '#12be3f'.nscolor.to_s.should == "'#12be3f'.nscolor" '#12be3f'.nscolor(0.5).to_s.should == "'#12be3f'.nscolor(0.5)" end Symbol.nscolors.each do |name, method| it "should support #{name.inspect}.nscolor" do end end Symbol.css_colors.each do |name, val| it "should support #{name.inspect}.nscolor" do end end end