slices.model.Page = ( function () { var settings, pageId, pageData, newSliceIdCounter = 0, NEW_SLICE_ID_NAME = '__new__', slicesInContainers = {}; function load(callback) { $.ajax({ url: settings.loadPagePath.split('{{id}}').join(pageId), contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { // FIXME throw new Error(errorThrown); }, success: function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { parseLoadedData(data); callback(); } }); } function save() { var dfd = $.Deferred(); var params = $.extend({}, pageData); _.each(params.slices, function (slice) { // Don't pass back the temp ID assigned to new slices so that the backend knows to // generate from scratch... if ( === 0) { slice.client_id =; slice._new = 1; delete; delete slice.template; delete; } }); /* Strip these out of the returned JSON object, only values * represented in the page form should be passed back HACKHACK */ var do_not_pass_back = [ 'id', 'position', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'has_content', 'path', 'page_id']; _.each(do_not_pass_back, function(item) { delete params[item] }); $.ajax({ url: settings.savePagePath.split('{{id}}').join(pageId), type: 'PUT', data: JSON.stringify({ page: params }), contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (xhr.status == 422) { var errors = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); // If the slice is new re-assign the ids we stripped off when saving _.each(pageData.slices, function (slice) { if (slice._new) = slice.client_id; }); dfd.reject(errors); } else { throw new Error(errorThrown); } }, success: function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { parseLoadedData(data); dfd.resolve(); } }); return dfd.promise(); } function parseLoadedData(data) { pageData = data; _.each(slices.availableContainers, function (container, machineName) { slicesInContainers[machineName] = []; }); pageData.slices = _.sortBy(pageData.slices, function (slice) { return slice.position; }); _.each(pageData.slices, function (slice) { // Remove the client id which the backend returns even after a successfully created new slice delete slice.client_id; delete slice._new; try { slicesInContainers[slice.container].push(slice); } catch(error) { if (console != undefined) { console.log("Error, missing container on slice?", error, slice); } } }); } function addSlice(slice) { = NEW_SLICE_ID_NAME + newSliceIdCounter++; pageData.slices.push(slice); slicesInContainers[slice.container].push(slice); } function positionSlice(sliceId, pos) { _.detect(pageData.slices, function (slice) { return == sliceId; }).position = pos; } return { init: function (s) { settings = s; }, id: function (id) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return pageId; } pageId = id; }, load: function (callback) { load(callback); }, save: function () { return save(); }, field: function (varName) { return pageData[varName]; }, getSlices: function (container) { return slicesInContainers[container]; }, setSlices: function (container, slices) { slicesInContainers[container] = []; _.each(slices, function(slice) { pageData.slices = _.reject(pageData.slices, function(pdslice) { return === }); pageData.slices.push(slice); slicesInContainers[container].push(slice); }); }, addSlice: function (slice) { addSlice(slice); }, positionSlice: function (sliceId, pos) { positionSlice(sliceId, pos); changed = true; }, getMeta: function(key) { return pageData[key]; }, setMeta: function(key, value) { pageData[key] = value; }, // This returns true if the page was created in the last minute. seemsNew: function() { var created = moment(this.field('created_at')), recently = moment().subtract('minutes', 1); return created >= recently && this.field('active') == false; }, data: function() { return pageData; }, slices: function() { return pageData.slices; } }; } )();