* Dolt Dolt is a stand-alone Git repository browser. It can be used to explore repositories in your browser of choice, and features syntax highlighting with [[http://pygments.org/][Pygments]] and various markdown formats (see below). In addition to offering tree and blob browsing, Dolt also supports rendering the commit log and blame. ** Installation To install =dolt= you need Ruby, [[http://www.rubygems.org/][RubyGems]] Python development files. The Python development files are required to support Pygments syntax highlighting. Once that's installed, simply enter: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script gem install dolt #+END_SRC and you'll be ready to serve your repositories on the web. ** The =dolt= Command Line Interface Dolt installs a binary, aptly named =dolt= on your system. This binary has only one required argument, the directory to serve repositories from. To try it out, simply enter a git repository from your terminal and enter #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script dolt . #+END_SRC This will start a dolt instance serving your current repository on port [[http://localhost:3000/][3000]]. Dolt will serve either a single repository, like above, or a directory of git repositories. Let's say you have a directory =/home/dolt/repositories= containing a collection of bare Git repositories you push your work to over SSH. To serve all of these over the web, simply: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script cd /home/dolt/repositories dolt . #+END_SRC And you'll be presented with a list of the repositories you can browse. The =dolt= binary supports a number of options, which can be listed using the =--help= switch. The following options are currently supported: - =--socket= lets you specify a UNIX socket to listen to instead of a port. Enter the path to a socket. - =--port= lets you specify a different port than 3000. Also supported through the environment variable =PORT=. - =--bind= lets you bind to a different IP address than = Also supported through the environment variable =IP=. - =--tabwidth= lets you specify how many spaces to use when rendering a tab in a source file - =--pidfile= lets you specify the path to a pid file. Entering this option will daemonize the dolt process. - =--logfile= lets you specify the path to a log file when running daemonized. Please note that some of the options allowed can also be specified using environment variables. If no option is given to the CLI, the environment variable will be used if available, otherwise a default will be used. To stop a running Dolt server, you'll need to do a little manual work: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script kill `cat /path/to/dolt.pid` #+END_SRC A future version of Gitorious will support stopping a running dolt server. ** Deploying under "a real" web server To make your repositories publicly available you could specify =port= as 80. However, to do this you need to be root on the machine, and it won't work if you're already running a web server on your computer. A more practical solution is to have dolt listening on a socket (or port for that matter), daemonize it, and use your web server as a proxy in front of dolt. A minimal nginx configuration which lets you do this could look like this (replace =server_name= with the host name you'll be using): #+BEGIN_SRC conf upstream dolt { server unix://tmp/dolt.sock fail_timeout=30s; } server { server_name git.zmalltalker.com; location / { proxy_pass http://dolt; proxy_redirect off; } } #+END_SRC On Debian/Ubuntu, add this to =/etc/nginx/sites-available/dolt=, symlink this to =/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dolt= and reload nginx: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script service nginx reload #+END_SRC On CentOS, add the same contents to =/etc/nginx/conf.d/dolt.conf= and reload nginx: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script service nginx reload #+END_SRC ** Rendering markup Dolt uses [[https://github.com/github/markup][GitHub Markup]] to render different markup formats. In order to have Dolt render these, you need to install some different Ruby gems. These gems are not required to install Dolt, so you'll have to install the ones you need separately. ** Markdown To render files with suffixes =.markdown=, =.mdown= and =md=, install the =redcarpet= gem. #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script gem install redcarpet #+END_SRC ** Org-mode To render [[http://org-mode.org/][org-mode]] files (like this one) with a =.org= suffix, you'll need the =org-ruby= gem installed on your system. #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script gem install org-ruby #+END_SRC ** Textile Rendering =.textile= files requires the =RedCloth= gem installed on your system. #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script gem install RedCloth #+END_SRC ** Other formats To render other markup formats, have a look at the [[https://github.com/github/markup][GitHub Markup]] page. ** Why dolt? Dolt is an extraction of the new code browser in [[https://gitorious.org/gitorious/mainline][Gitorious]]. Setting up a full-blown Git repository hosting site just to make it possible to show your source code to the world feels like way too much work with the current situation. You could use =git instaweb=, but that's ridiculously ugly and only allows serving up a single repository. Dolt uses [[http://libgit2.github.com][libgit2]] for all git operations, and should perform a lot better than implementations using the git command line tools to integrate with Git. ** License Dolt is free software licensed under the [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html][GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)]]. Dolt is developed as part of the Gitorious project.