# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/endpoint_discovery.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/endpoint_pattern.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_plugin.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_send_plugin.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/transfer_encoding.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/signature_v4.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/rest_json.rb'
module Aws::LexModelBuildingService
# An API client for LexModelBuildingService. To construct a client, you need to configure a `:region` and `:credentials`.
# client = Aws::LexModelBuildingService::Client.new(
# region: region_name,
# credentials: credentials,
# # ...
# )
# For details on configuring region and credentials see
# the [developer guide](/sdk-for-ruby/v3/developer-guide/setup-config.html).
# See {#initialize} for a full list of supported configuration options.
class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base
include Aws::ClientStubs
@identifier = :lexmodelbuildingservice
# @overload initialize(options)
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials
# Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the
# following classes:
# * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing
# credentials.
# * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
# from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance.
# * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a
# shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`.
# * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role.
# When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following
# locations will be searched for credentials:
# * `Aws.config[:credentials]`
# * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options.
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# * EC2 IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts are
# very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of
# `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` to enable retries and extended
# timeouts.
# @option options [required, String] :region
# The AWS region to connect to. The configured `:region` is
# used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed,
# a default `:region` is searched for in the following locations:
# * `Aws.config[:region]`
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# @option options [String] :access_key_id
# @option options [Boolean] :active_endpoint_cache (false)
# When set to `true`, a thread polling for endpoints will be running in
# the background every 60 secs (default). Defaults to `false`.
# @option options [Boolean] :adaptive_retry_wait_to_fill (true)
# Used only in `adaptive` retry mode. When true, the request will sleep
# until there is sufficent client side capacity to retry the request.
# When false, the request will raise a `RetryCapacityNotAvailableError` and will
# not retry instead of sleeping.
# @option options [Boolean] :client_side_monitoring (false)
# When `true`, client-side metrics will be collected for all API requests from
# this client.
# @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_client_id ("")
# Allows you to provide an identifier for this client which will be attached to
# all generated client side metrics. Defaults to an empty string.
# @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_host ("")
# Allows you to specify the DNS hostname or IPv4 or IPv6 address that the client
# side monitoring agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.
# @option options [Integer] :client_side_monitoring_port (31000)
# Required for publishing client metrics. The port that the client side monitoring
# agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.
# @option options [Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher] :client_side_monitoring_publisher (Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher)
# Allows you to provide a custom client-side monitoring publisher class. By default,
# will use the Client Side Monitoring Agent Publisher.
# @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true)
# When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into
# the required types.
# @option options [Boolean] :correct_clock_skew (true)
# Used only in `standard` and adaptive retry modes. Specifies whether to apply
# a clock skew correction and retry requests with skewed client clocks.
# @option options [Boolean] :disable_host_prefix_injection (false)
# Set to true to disable SDK automatically adding host prefix
# to default service endpoint when available.
# @option options [String] :endpoint
# The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region`
# option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting
# to test endpoints. This should be a valid HTTP(S) URI.
# @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_max_entries (1000)
# Used for the maximum size limit of the LRU cache storing endpoints data
# for endpoint discovery enabled operations. Defaults to 1000.
# @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_max_threads (10)
# Used for the maximum threads in use for polling endpoints to be cached, defaults to 10.
# @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_poll_interval (60)
# When :endpoint_discovery and :active_endpoint_cache is enabled,
# Use this option to config the time interval in seconds for making
# requests fetching endpoints information. Defaults to 60 sec.
# @option options [Boolean] :endpoint_discovery (false)
# When set to `true`, endpoint discovery will be enabled for operations when available.
# @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default)
# The log formatter.
# @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info)
# The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at.
# @option options [Logger] :logger
# The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option
# is not set, logging will be disabled.
# @option options [Integer] :max_attempts (3)
# An integer representing the maximum number attempts that will be made for
# a single request, including the initial attempt. For example,
# setting this value to 5 will result in a request being retried up to
# 4 times. Used in `standard` and `adaptive` retry modes.
# @option options [String] :profile ("default")
# Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file
# at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used.
# @option options [Proc] :retry_backoff
# A proc or lambda used for backoff. Defaults to 2**retries * retry_base_delay.
# This option is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [Float] :retry_base_delay (0.3)
# The base delay in seconds used by the default backoff function. This option
# is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [Symbol] :retry_jitter (:none)
# A delay randomiser function used by the default backoff function.
# Some predefined functions can be referenced by name - :none, :equal, :full,
# otherwise a Proc that takes and returns a number. This option is only used
# in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @see https://www.awsarchitectureblog.com/2015/03/backoff.html
# @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3)
# The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only
# ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors
# are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data
# checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors, auth errors,
# endpoint discovery, and errors from expired credentials.
# This option is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [Integer] :retry_max_delay (0)
# The maximum number of seconds to delay between retries (0 for no limit)
# used by the default backoff function. This option is only used in the
# `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [String] :retry_mode ("legacy")
# Specifies which retry algorithm to use. Values are:
# * `legacy` - The pre-existing retry behavior. This is default value if
# no retry mode is provided.
# * `standard` - A standardized set of retry rules across the AWS SDKs.
# This includes support for retry quotas, which limit the number of
# unsuccessful retries a client can make.
# * `adaptive` - An experimental retry mode that includes all the
# functionality of `standard` mode along with automatic client side
# throttling. This is a provisional mode that may change behavior
# in the future.
# @option options [String] :secret_access_key
# @option options [String] :session_token
# @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false)
# Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default
# fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify
# the response data to return or errors to raise by calling
# {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information.
# ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP
# requests are made, and retries are disabled.
# @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true)
# When `true`, request parameters are validated before
# sending the request.
# @option options [URI::HTTP,String] :http_proxy A proxy to send
# requests through. Formatted like 'http://proxy.com:123'.
# @option options [Float] :http_open_timeout (15) The number of
# seconds to wait when opening a HTTP session before raising a
# `Timeout::Error`.
# @option options [Integer] :http_read_timeout (60) The default
# number of seconds to wait for response data. This value can
# safely be set per-request on the session.
# @option options [Float] :http_idle_timeout (5) The number of
# seconds a connection is allowed to sit idle before it is
# considered stale. Stale connections are closed and removed
# from the pool before making a request.
# @option options [Float] :http_continue_timeout (1) The number of
# seconds to wait for a 100-continue response before sending the
# request body. This option has no effect unless the request has
# "Expect" header set to "100-continue". Defaults to `nil` which
# disables this behaviour. This value can safely be set per
# request on the session.
# @option options [Boolean] :http_wire_trace (false) When `true`,
# HTTP debug output will be sent to the `:logger`.
# @option options [Boolean] :ssl_verify_peer (true) When `true`,
# SSL peer certificates are verified when establishing a
# connection.
# @option options [String] :ssl_ca_bundle Full path to the SSL
# certificate authority bundle file that should be used when
# verifying peer certificates. If you do not pass
# `:ssl_ca_bundle` or `:ssl_ca_directory` the the system default
# will be used if available.
# @option options [String] :ssl_ca_directory Full path of the
# directory that contains the unbundled SSL certificate
# authority files for verifying peer certificates. If you do
# not pass `:ssl_ca_bundle` or `:ssl_ca_directory` the the
# system default will be used if available.
def initialize(*args)
# @!group API Operations
# Creates a new version of the bot based on the `$LATEST` version. If
# the `$LATEST` version of this resource hasn't changed since you
# created the last version, Amazon Lex doesn't create a new version. It
# returns the last created version.
# You can update only the `$LATEST` version of the bot. You can't
# update the numbered versions that you create with the
# `CreateBotVersion` operation.
# When you create the first version of a bot, Amazon Lex sets the
# version to 1. Subsequent versions increment by 1. For more
# information, see versioning-intro.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:CreateBotVersion`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot that you want to create a new version of. The name
# is case sensitive.
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version of the bot. If
# you specify a checksum and the `$LATEST` version of the bot has a
# different checksum, a `PreconditionFailedException` exception is
# returned and Amazon Lex doesn't publish a new version. If you don't
# specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the `$LATEST` version.
# @return [Types::CreateBotVersionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#intents #intents} => Array<Types::Intent>
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#clarification_prompt #clarification_prompt} => Types::Prompt
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#abort_statement #abort_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#status #status} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#failure_reason #failure_reason} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#idle_session_ttl_in_seconds #idle_session_ttl_in_seconds} => Integer
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#voice_id #voice_id} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#locale #locale} => String
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#child_directed #child_directed} => Boolean
# * {Types::CreateBotVersionResponse#detect_sentiment #detect_sentiment} => Boolean
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_bot_version({
# name: "BotName", # required
# checksum: "String",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.intents #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].intent_name #=> String
# resp.intents[0].intent_version #=> String
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.clarification_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.clarification_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.abort_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.abort_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.status #=> String, one of "BUILDING", "READY", "READY_BASIC_TESTING", "FAILED", "NOT_BUILT"
# resp.failure_reason #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.idle_session_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.voice_id #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.locale #=> String, one of "en-US", "en-GB", "de-DE"
# resp.child_directed #=> Boolean
# resp.detect_sentiment #=> Boolean
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateBotVersion AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_bot_version(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_bot_version(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_bot_version, params)
# Creates a new version of an intent based on the `$LATEST` version of
# the intent. If the `$LATEST` version of this intent hasn't changed
# since you last updated it, Amazon Lex doesn't create a new version.
# It returns the last version you created.
# You can update only the `$LATEST` version of the intent. You can't
# update the numbered versions that you create with the
# `CreateIntentVersion` operation.
# When you create a version of an intent, Amazon Lex sets the version to
# 1. Subsequent versions increment by 1. For more information, see
# versioning-intro.
# This operation requires permissions to perform the
# `lex:CreateIntentVersion` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the intent that you want to create a new version of. The
# name is case sensitive.
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Checksum of the `$LATEST` version of the intent that should be used to
# create the new version. If you specify a checksum and the `$LATEST`
# version of the intent has a different checksum, Amazon Lex returns a
# `PreconditionFailedException` exception and doesn't publish a new
# version. If you don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the
# `$LATEST` version.
# @return [Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#slots #slots} => Array<Types::Slot>
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#sample_utterances #sample_utterances} => Array<String>
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#confirmation_prompt #confirmation_prompt} => Types::Prompt
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#rejection_statement #rejection_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#follow_up_prompt #follow_up_prompt} => Types::FollowUpPrompt
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#conclusion_statement #conclusion_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#dialog_code_hook #dialog_code_hook} => Types::CodeHook
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#fulfillment_activity #fulfillment_activity} => Types::FulfillmentActivity
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#parent_intent_signature #parent_intent_signature} => String
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::CreateIntentVersionResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_intent_version({
# name: "IntentName", # required
# checksum: "String",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.slots #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].name #=> String
# resp.slots[0].description #=> String
# resp.slots[0].slot_constraint #=> String, one of "Required", "Optional"
# resp.slots[0].slot_type #=> String
# resp.slots[0].slot_type_version #=> String
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.slots[0].priority #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].sample_utterances #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].sample_utterances[0] #=> String
# resp.slots[0].response_card #=> String
# resp.slots[0].obfuscation_setting #=> String, one of "NONE", "DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION"
# resp.sample_utterances #=> Array
# resp.sample_utterances[0] #=> String
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.confirmation_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.confirmation_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.rejection_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.rejection_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.conclusion_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.dialog_code_hook.uri #=> String
# resp.dialog_code_hook.message_version #=> String
# resp.fulfillment_activity.type #=> String, one of "ReturnIntent", "CodeHook"
# resp.fulfillment_activity.code_hook.uri #=> String
# resp.fulfillment_activity.code_hook.message_version #=> String
# resp.parent_intent_signature #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateIntentVersion AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_intent_version(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_intent_version(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_intent_version, params)
# Creates a new version of a slot type based on the `$LATEST` version of
# the specified slot type. If the `$LATEST` version of this resource has
# not changed since the last version that you created, Amazon Lex
# doesn't create a new version. It returns the last version that you
# created.
# You can update only the `$LATEST` version of a slot type. You can't
# update the numbered versions that you create with the
# `CreateSlotTypeVersion` operation.
# When you create a version of a slot type, Amazon Lex sets the version
# to 1. Subsequent versions increment by 1. For more information, see
# versioning-intro.
# This operation requires permissions for the
# `lex:CreateSlotTypeVersion` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the slot type that you want to create a new version for.
# The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Checksum for the `$LATEST` version of the slot type that you want to
# publish. If you specify a checksum and the `$LATEST` version of the
# slot type has a different checksum, Amazon Lex returns a
# `PreconditionFailedException` exception and doesn't publish the new
# version. If you don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the
# `$LATEST` version.
# @return [Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#enumeration_values #enumeration_values} => Array<Types::EnumerationValue>
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#value_selection_strategy #value_selection_strategy} => String
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#parent_slot_type_signature #parent_slot_type_signature} => String
# * {Types::CreateSlotTypeVersionResponse#slot_type_configurations #slot_type_configurations} => Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_slot_type_version({
# name: "SlotTypeName", # required
# checksum: "String",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.enumeration_values #=> Array
# resp.enumeration_values[0].value #=> String
# resp.enumeration_values[0].synonyms #=> Array
# resp.enumeration_values[0].synonyms[0] #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.value_selection_strategy #=> String, one of "ORIGINAL_VALUE", "TOP_RESOLUTION"
# resp.parent_slot_type_signature #=> String
# resp.slot_type_configurations #=> Array
# resp.slot_type_configurations[0].regex_configuration.pattern #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/CreateSlotTypeVersion AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_slot_type_version(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_slot_type_version(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_slot_type_version, params)
# Deletes all versions of the bot, including the `$LATEST` version. To
# delete a specific version of the bot, use the DeleteBotVersion
# operation. The `DeleteBot` operation doesn't immediately remove the
# bot schema. Instead, it is marked for deletion and removed later.
# Amazon Lex stores utterances indefinitely for improving the ability of
# your bot to respond to user inputs. These utterances are not removed
# when the bot is deleted. To remove the utterances, use the
# DeleteUtterances operation.
# If a bot has an alias, you can't delete it. Instead, the `DeleteBot`
# operation returns a `ResourceInUseException` exception that includes a
# reference to the alias that refers to the bot. To remove the reference
# to the bot, delete the alias. If you get the same exception again,
# delete the referring alias until the `DeleteBot` operation is
# successful.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:DeleteBot` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot. The name is case sensitive.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_bot({
# name: "BotName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBot AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_bot(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_bot(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_bot, params)
# Deletes an alias for the specified bot.
# You can't delete an alias that is used in the association between a
# bot and a messaging channel. If an alias is used in a channel
# association, the `DeleteBot` operation returns a
# `ResourceInUseException` exception that includes a reference to the
# channel association that refers to the bot. You can remove the
# reference to the alias by deleting the channel association. If you get
# the same exception again, delete the referring association until the
# `DeleteBotAlias` operation is successful.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the alias to delete. The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the bot that the alias points to.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_bot_alias({
# name: "AliasName", # required
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotAlias AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_bot_alias(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_bot_alias(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_bot_alias, params)
# Deletes the association between an Amazon Lex bot and a messaging
# platform.
# This operation requires permission for the
# `lex:DeleteBotChannelAssociation` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the association. The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the Amazon Lex bot.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_alias
# An alias that points to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to
# which this association is being made.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_bot_channel_association({
# name: "BotChannelName", # required
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# bot_alias: "AliasName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotChannelAssociation AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_bot_channel_association(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_bot_channel_association(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_bot_channel_association, params)
# Deletes a specific version of a bot. To delete all versions of a bot,
# use the DeleteBot operation.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:DeleteBotVersion`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot.
# @option params [required, String] :version
# The version of the bot to delete. You cannot delete the `$LATEST`
# version of the bot. To delete the `$LATEST` version, use the DeleteBot
# operation.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_bot_version({
# name: "BotName", # required
# version: "NumericalVersion", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteBotVersion AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_bot_version(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_bot_version(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_bot_version, params)
# Deletes all versions of the intent, including the `$LATEST` version.
# To delete a specific version of the intent, use the
# DeleteIntentVersion operation.
# You can delete a version of an intent only if it is not referenced. To
# delete an intent that is referred to in one or more bots (see
# how-it-works), you must remove those references first.
# If you get the `ResourceInUseException` exception, it provides an
# example reference that shows where the intent is referenced. To remove
# the reference to the intent, either update the bot or delete it. If
# you get the same exception when you attempt to delete the intent
# again, repeat until the intent has no references and the call to
# `DeleteIntent` is successful.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:DeleteIntent` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the intent. The name is case sensitive.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_intent({
# name: "IntentName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteIntent AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_intent(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_intent(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_intent, params)
# Deletes a specific version of an intent. To delete all versions of a
# intent, use the DeleteIntent operation.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:DeleteIntentVersion`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the intent.
# @option params [required, String] :version
# The version of the intent to delete. You cannot delete the `$LATEST`
# version of the intent. To delete the `$LATEST` version, use the
# DeleteIntent operation.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_intent_version({
# name: "IntentName", # required
# version: "NumericalVersion", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteIntentVersion AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_intent_version(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_intent_version(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_intent_version, params)
# Deletes all versions of the slot type, including the `$LATEST`
# version. To delete a specific version of the slot type, use the
# DeleteSlotTypeVersion operation.
# You can delete a version of a slot type only if it is not referenced.
# To delete a slot type that is referred to in one or more intents, you
# must remove those references first.
# If you get the `ResourceInUseException` exception, the exception
# provides an example reference that shows the intent where the slot
# type is referenced. To remove the reference to the slot type, either
# update the intent or delete it. If you get the same exception when you
# attempt to delete the slot type again, repeat until the slot type has
# no references and the `DeleteSlotType` call is successful.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:DeleteSlotType`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the slot type. The name is case sensitive.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_slot_type({
# name: "SlotTypeName", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteSlotType AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_slot_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_slot_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_slot_type, params)
# Deletes a specific version of a slot type. To delete all versions of a
# slot type, use the DeleteSlotType operation.
# This operation requires permissions for the
# `lex:DeleteSlotTypeVersion` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the slot type.
# @option params [required, String] :version
# The version of the slot type to delete. You cannot delete the
# `$LATEST` version of the slot type. To delete the `$LATEST` version,
# use the DeleteSlotType operation.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_slot_type_version({
# name: "SlotTypeName", # required
# version: "NumericalVersion", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteSlotTypeVersion AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_slot_type_version(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_slot_type_version(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_slot_type_version, params)
# Deletes stored utterances.
# Amazon Lex stores the utterances that users send to your bot.
# Utterances are stored for 15 days for use with the GetUtterancesView
# operation, and then stored indefinitely for use in improving the
# ability of your bot to respond to user input.
# Use the `DeleteUtterances` operation to manually delete stored
# utterances for a specific user. When you use the `DeleteUtterances`
# operation, utterances stored for improving your bot's ability to
# respond to user input are deleted immediately. Utterances stored for
# use with the `GetUtterancesView` operation are deleted after 15 days.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:DeleteUtterances`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the bot that stored the utterances.
# @option params [required, String] :user_id
# The unique identifier for the user that made the utterances. This is
# the user ID that was sent in the [PostContent][1] or [PostText][2]
# operation request that contained the utterance.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostContent.html
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/API_runtime_PostText.html
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_utterances({
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# user_id: "UserId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/DeleteUtterances AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_utterances(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_utterances(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_utterances, params)
# Returns metadata information for a specific bot. You must provide the
# bot name and the bot version or alias.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetBot` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot. The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :version_or_alias
# The version or alias of the bot.
# @return [Types::GetBotResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#intents #intents} => Array<Types::Intent>
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#clarification_prompt #clarification_prompt} => Types::Prompt
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#abort_statement #abort_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#status #status} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#failure_reason #failure_reason} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#idle_session_ttl_in_seconds #idle_session_ttl_in_seconds} => Integer
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#voice_id #voice_id} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#locale #locale} => String
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#child_directed #child_directed} => Boolean
# * {Types::GetBotResponse#detect_sentiment #detect_sentiment} => Boolean
# @example Example: To get information about a bot
# # This example shows how to get configuration information for a bot.
# resp = client.get_bot({
# name: "DocOrderPizza",
# version_or_alias: "$LATEST",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizzaBot",
# abort_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "I don't understand. Can you try again?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I'm sorry, I don't understand.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# checksum: "20172ee3-fa06-49b2-bbc5-667c090303e9",
# child_directed: true,
# clarification_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeate what you just said?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Can you say that again?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# created_date: Time.parse(1494360160.133),
# description: "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# idle_session_ttl_in_seconds: 300,
# intents: [
# {
# intent_name: "DocOrderPizza",
# intent_version: "$LATEST",
# },
# ],
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494360160.133),
# locale: "en-US",
# status: "NOT_BUILT",
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bot({
# name: "BotName", # required
# version_or_alias: "String", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.intents #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].intent_name #=> String
# resp.intents[0].intent_version #=> String
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.clarification_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.clarification_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.abort_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.abort_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.status #=> String, one of "BUILDING", "READY", "READY_BASIC_TESTING", "FAILED", "NOT_BUILT"
# resp.failure_reason #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.idle_session_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.voice_id #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.locale #=> String, one of "en-US", "en-GB", "de-DE"
# resp.child_directed #=> Boolean
# resp.detect_sentiment #=> Boolean
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBot AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bot(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bot(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bot, params)
# Returns information about an Amazon Lex bot alias. For more
# information about aliases, see versioning-aliases.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetBotAlias` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot alias. The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the bot.
# @return [Types::GetBotAliasResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#bot_version #bot_version} => String
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#bot_name #bot_name} => String
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::GetBotAliasResponse#conversation_logs #conversation_logs} => Types::ConversationLogsResponse
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bot_alias({
# name: "AliasName", # required
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.bot_version #=> String
# resp.bot_name #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings #=> Array
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].log_type #=> String, one of "AUDIO", "TEXT"
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].destination #=> String, one of "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", "S3"
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].kms_key_arn #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].resource_arn #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].resource_prefix #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.iam_role_arn #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotAlias AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bot_alias(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bot_alias(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bot_alias, params)
# Returns a list of aliases for a specified Amazon Lex bot.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetBotAliases`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the bot.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token for fetching the next page of aliases. If the
# response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination
# token in the response. To fetch the next page of aliases, specify the
# pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of aliases to return in the response. The default
# is 50. .
# @option params [String] :name_contains
# Substring to match in bot alias names. An alias will be returned if
# any part of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz"
# matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz."
# @return [Types::GetBotAliasesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotAliasesResponse#bot_aliases #bot_aliases} => Array<Types::BotAliasMetadata>
# * {Types::GetBotAliasesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bot_aliases({
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# name_contains: "AliasName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.bot_aliases #=> Array
# resp.bot_aliases[0].name #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].description #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].bot_version #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].bot_name #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.bot_aliases[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.bot_aliases[0].checksum #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.log_settings #=> Array
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.log_settings[0].log_type #=> String, one of "AUDIO", "TEXT"
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.log_settings[0].destination #=> String, one of "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", "S3"
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.log_settings[0].kms_key_arn #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.log_settings[0].resource_arn #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.log_settings[0].resource_prefix #=> String
# resp.bot_aliases[0].conversation_logs.iam_role_arn #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotAliases AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bot_aliases(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bot_aliases(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bot_aliases, params)
# Returns information about the association between an Amazon Lex bot
# and a messaging platform.
# This operation requires permissions for the
# `lex:GetBotChannelAssociation` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the association between the bot and the channel. The name
# is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the Amazon Lex bot.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_alias
# An alias pointing to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to
# which this association is being made.
# @return [Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#bot_alias #bot_alias} => String
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#bot_name #bot_name} => String
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#type #type} => String
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#bot_configuration #bot_configuration} => Hash<String,String>
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#status #status} => String
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationResponse#failure_reason #failure_reason} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bot_channel_association({
# name: "BotChannelName", # required
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# bot_alias: "AliasName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.bot_alias #=> String
# resp.bot_name #=> String
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.type #=> String, one of "Facebook", "Slack", "Twilio-Sms", "Kik"
# resp.bot_configuration #=> Hash
# resp.bot_configuration["String"] #=> String
# resp.status #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "CREATED", "FAILED"
# resp.failure_reason #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotChannelAssociation AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bot_channel_association(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bot_channel_association(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bot_channel_association, params)
# Returns a list of all of the channels associated with the specified
# bot.
# The `GetBotChannelAssociations` operation requires permissions for the
# `lex:GetBotChannelAssociations` action.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the Amazon Lex bot in the association.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_alias
# An alias pointing to the specific version of the Amazon Lex bot to
# which this association is being made.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token for fetching the next page of associations. If the
# response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination
# token in the response. To fetch the next page of associations, specify
# the pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of associations to return in the response. The
# default is 50.
# @option params [String] :name_contains
# Substring to match in channel association names. An association will
# be returned if any part of its name matches the substring. For
# example, "xyz" matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." To return all
# bot channel associations, use a hyphen ("-") as the `nameContains`
# parameter.
# @return [Types::GetBotChannelAssociationsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationsResponse#bot_channel_associations #bot_channel_associations} => Array<Types::BotChannelAssociation>
# * {Types::GetBotChannelAssociationsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bot_channel_associations({
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# bot_alias: "AliasNameOrListAll", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# name_contains: "BotChannelName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.bot_channel_associations #=> Array
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].name #=> String
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].description #=> String
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].bot_alias #=> String
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].bot_name #=> String
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].type #=> String, one of "Facebook", "Slack", "Twilio-Sms", "Kik"
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].bot_configuration #=> Hash
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].bot_configuration["String"] #=> String
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].status #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "CREATED", "FAILED"
# resp.bot_channel_associations[0].failure_reason #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotChannelAssociations AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bot_channel_associations(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bot_channel_associations(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bot_channel_associations, params)
# Gets information about all of the versions of a bot.
# The `GetBotVersions` operation returns a `BotMetadata` object for each
# version of a bot. For example, if a bot has three numbered versions,
# the `GetBotVersions` operation returns four `BotMetadata` objects in
# the response, one for each numbered version and one for the `$LATEST`
# version.
# The `GetBotVersions` operation always returns at least one version,
# the `$LATEST` version.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetBotVersions`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot for which versions should be returned.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token for fetching the next page of bot versions. If the
# response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination
# token in the response. To fetch the next page of versions, specify the
# pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of bot versions to return in the response. The
# default is 10.
# @return [Types::GetBotVersionsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotVersionsResponse#bots #bots} => Array<Types::BotMetadata>
# * {Types::GetBotVersionsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bot_versions({
# name: "BotName", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.bots #=> Array
# resp.bots[0].name #=> String
# resp.bots[0].description #=> String
# resp.bots[0].status #=> String, one of "BUILDING", "READY", "READY_BASIC_TESTING", "FAILED", "NOT_BUILT"
# resp.bots[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.bots[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.bots[0].version #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBotVersions AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bot_versions(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bot_versions(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bot_versions, params)
# Returns bot information as follows:
# * If you provide the `nameContains` field, the response includes
# information for the `$LATEST` version of all bots whose name
# contains the specified string.
# * If you don't specify the `nameContains` field, the operation
# returns information about the `$LATEST` version of all of your bots.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:GetBots` action.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token that fetches the next page of bots. If the response
# to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination token in
# the response. To fetch the next page of bots, specify the pagination
# token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of bots to return in the response that the request
# will return. The default is 10.
# @option params [String] :name_contains
# Substring to match in bot names. A bot will be returned if any part of
# its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz" matches both
# "xyzabc" and "abcxyz."
# @return [Types::GetBotsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBotsResponse#bots #bots} => Array<Types::BotMetadata>
# * {Types::GetBotsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Example: To get a list of bots
# # This example shows how to get a list of all of the bots in your account.
# resp = client.get_bots({
# max_results: 5,
# next_token: "",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# bots: [
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizzaBot",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494360160.133),
# description: "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494360160.133),
# status: "NOT_BUILT",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_bots({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# name_contains: "BotName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.bots #=> Array
# resp.bots[0].name #=> String
# resp.bots[0].description #=> String
# resp.bots[0].status #=> String, one of "BUILDING", "READY", "READY_BASIC_TESTING", "FAILED", "NOT_BUILT"
# resp.bots[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.bots[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.bots[0].version #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBots AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_bots(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_bots(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_bots, params)
# Returns information about a built-in intent.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:GetBuiltinIntent`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :signature
# The unique identifier for a built-in intent. To find the signature for
# an intent, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] in the *Alexa Skills
# Kit*.
# [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents
# @return [Types::GetBuiltinIntentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBuiltinIntentResponse#signature #signature} => String
# * {Types::GetBuiltinIntentResponse#supported_locales #supported_locales} => Array<String>
# * {Types::GetBuiltinIntentResponse#slots #slots} => Array<Types::BuiltinIntentSlot>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_builtin_intent({
# signature: "BuiltinIntentSignature", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.signature #=> String
# resp.supported_locales #=> Array
# resp.supported_locales[0] #=> String, one of "en-US", "en-GB", "de-DE"
# resp.slots #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].name #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinIntent AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_builtin_intent(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_builtin_intent(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_builtin_intent, params)
# Gets a list of built-in intents that meet the specified criteria.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:GetBuiltinIntents`
# action.
# @option params [String] :locale
# A list of locales that the intent supports.
# @option params [String] :signature_contains
# Substring to match in built-in intent signatures. An intent will be
# returned if any part of its signature matches the substring. For
# example, "xyz" matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz." To find the
# signature for an intent, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] in the
# *Alexa Skills Kit*.
# [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token that fetches the next page of intents. If this API
# call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a pagination token in the
# response. To fetch the next page of intents, use the pagination token
# in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of intents to return in the response. The default
# is 10.
# @return [Types::GetBuiltinIntentsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBuiltinIntentsResponse#intents #intents} => Array<Types::BuiltinIntentMetadata>
# * {Types::GetBuiltinIntentsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_builtin_intents({
# locale: "en-US", # accepts en-US, en-GB, de-DE
# signature_contains: "String",
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.intents #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].signature #=> String
# resp.intents[0].supported_locales #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].supported_locales[0] #=> String, one of "en-US", "en-GB", "de-DE"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinIntents AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_builtin_intents(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_builtin_intents(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_builtin_intents, params)
# Gets a list of built-in slot types that meet the specified criteria.
# For a list of built-in slot types, see [Slot Type Reference][1] in the
# *Alexa Skills Kit*.
# This operation requires permission for the `lex:GetBuiltInSlotTypes`
# action.
# [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/slot-type-reference
# @option params [String] :locale
# A list of locales that the slot type supports.
# @option params [String] :signature_contains
# Substring to match in built-in slot type signatures. A slot type will
# be returned if any part of its signature matches the substring. For
# example, "xyz" matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz."
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token that fetches the next page of slot types. If the
# response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a
# pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of slot
# types, specify the pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of slot types to return in the response. The
# default is 10.
# @return [Types::GetBuiltinSlotTypesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetBuiltinSlotTypesResponse#slot_types #slot_types} => Array<Types::BuiltinSlotTypeMetadata>
# * {Types::GetBuiltinSlotTypesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_builtin_slot_types({
# locale: "en-US", # accepts en-US, en-GB, de-DE
# signature_contains: "String",
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.slot_types #=> Array
# resp.slot_types[0].signature #=> String
# resp.slot_types[0].supported_locales #=> Array
# resp.slot_types[0].supported_locales[0] #=> String, one of "en-US", "en-GB", "de-DE"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetBuiltinSlotTypes AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_builtin_slot_types(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_builtin_slot_types(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_builtin_slot_types, params)
# Exports the contents of a Amazon Lex resource in a specified format.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot to export.
# @option params [required, String] :version
# The version of the bot to export.
# @option params [required, String] :resource_type
# The type of resource to export.
# @option params [required, String] :export_type
# The format of the exported data.
# @return [Types::GetExportResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#resource_type #resource_type} => String
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#export_type #export_type} => String
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#export_status #export_status} => String
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#failure_reason #failure_reason} => String
# * {Types::GetExportResponse#url #url} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_export({
# name: "Name", # required
# version: "NumericalVersion", # required
# resource_type: "BOT", # required, accepts BOT, INTENT, SLOT_TYPE
# export_type: "ALEXA_SKILLS_KIT", # required, accepts ALEXA_SKILLS_KIT, LEX
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.resource_type #=> String, one of "BOT", "INTENT", "SLOT_TYPE"
# resp.export_type #=> String, one of "ALEXA_SKILLS_KIT", "LEX"
# resp.export_status #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "READY", "FAILED"
# resp.failure_reason #=> String
# resp.url #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetExport AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_export(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_export(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_export, params)
# Gets information about an import job started with the `StartImport`
# operation.
# @option params [required, String] :import_id
# The identifier of the import job information to return.
# @return [Types::GetImportResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#resource_type #resource_type} => String
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#merge_strategy #merge_strategy} => String
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#import_id #import_id} => String
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#import_status #import_status} => String
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#failure_reason #failure_reason} => Array<String>
# * {Types::GetImportResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_import({
# import_id: "String", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.resource_type #=> String, one of "BOT", "INTENT", "SLOT_TYPE"
# resp.merge_strategy #=> String, one of "OVERWRITE_LATEST", "FAIL_ON_CONFLICT"
# resp.import_id #=> String
# resp.import_status #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETE", "FAILED"
# resp.failure_reason #=> Array
# resp.failure_reason[0] #=> String
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetImport AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_import(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_import(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_import, params)
# Returns information about an intent. In addition to the intent name,
# you must specify the intent version.
# This operation requires permissions to perform the `lex:GetIntent`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the intent. The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :version
# The version of the intent.
# @return [Types::GetIntentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#slots #slots} => Array<Types::Slot>
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#sample_utterances #sample_utterances} => Array<String>
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#confirmation_prompt #confirmation_prompt} => Types::Prompt
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#rejection_statement #rejection_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#follow_up_prompt #follow_up_prompt} => Types::FollowUpPrompt
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#conclusion_statement #conclusion_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#dialog_code_hook #dialog_code_hook} => Types::CodeHook
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#fulfillment_activity #fulfillment_activity} => Types::FulfillmentActivity
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#parent_intent_signature #parent_intent_signature} => String
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::GetIntentResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# @example Example: To get a information about an intent
# # This example shows how to get information about an intent.
# resp = client.get_intent({
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizza",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizza",
# checksum: "ca9bc13d-afc8-4706-bbaf-091f7a5935d6",
# conclusion_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "All right, I ordered you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# response_card: "foo",
# },
# confirmation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "Should I order your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# created_date: Time.parse(1494359783.453),
# description: "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# fulfillment_activity: {
# type: "ReturnIntent",
# },
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494359783.453),
# rejection_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "Ok, I'll cancel your order.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I cancelled your order.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# sample_utterances: [
# "Order me a pizza.",
# "Order me a {Type} pizza.",
# "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza",
# "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
# ],
# slots: [
# {
# name: "Type",
# description: "The type of pizza to order.",
# priority: 1,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Get me a {Type} pizza.",
# "A {Type} pizza please.",
# "I'd like a {Type} pizza.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "What type of pizza would you like?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Vegie or cheese pizza?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# {
# name: "Crust",
# description: "The type of pizza crust to order.",
# priority: 2,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Make it a {Crust} crust.",
# "I'd like a {Crust} crust.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaCrustType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "What type of crust would you like?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Thick or thin crust?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# {
# name: "Sauce",
# description: "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.",
# priority: 3,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Make it {Sauce} sauce.",
# "I'd like {Sauce} sauce.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaSauceType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "White or red sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Garlic or tomato sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_intent({
# name: "IntentName", # required
# version: "Version", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.slots #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].name #=> String
# resp.slots[0].description #=> String
# resp.slots[0].slot_constraint #=> String, one of "Required", "Optional"
# resp.slots[0].slot_type #=> String
# resp.slots[0].slot_type_version #=> String
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.slots[0].priority #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].sample_utterances #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].sample_utterances[0] #=> String
# resp.slots[0].response_card #=> String
# resp.slots[0].obfuscation_setting #=> String, one of "NONE", "DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION"
# resp.sample_utterances #=> Array
# resp.sample_utterances[0] #=> String
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.confirmation_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.confirmation_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.rejection_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.rejection_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.conclusion_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.dialog_code_hook.uri #=> String
# resp.dialog_code_hook.message_version #=> String
# resp.fulfillment_activity.type #=> String, one of "ReturnIntent", "CodeHook"
# resp.fulfillment_activity.code_hook.uri #=> String
# resp.fulfillment_activity.code_hook.message_version #=> String
# resp.parent_intent_signature #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntent AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_intent(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_intent(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_intent, params)
# Gets information about all of the versions of an intent.
# The `GetIntentVersions` operation returns an `IntentMetadata` object
# for each version of an intent. For example, if an intent has three
# numbered versions, the `GetIntentVersions` operation returns four
# `IntentMetadata` objects in the response, one for each numbered
# version and one for the `$LATEST` version.
# The `GetIntentVersions` operation always returns at least one version,
# the `$LATEST` version.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetIntentVersions`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the intent for which versions should be returned.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token for fetching the next page of intent versions. If
# the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a
# pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of versions,
# specify the pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of intent versions to return in the response. The
# default is 10.
# @return [Types::GetIntentVersionsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetIntentVersionsResponse#intents #intents} => Array<Types::IntentMetadata>
# * {Types::GetIntentVersionsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_intent_versions({
# name: "IntentName", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.intents #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].name #=> String
# resp.intents[0].description #=> String
# resp.intents[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.intents[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.intents[0].version #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntentVersions AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_intent_versions(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_intent_versions(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_intent_versions, params)
# Returns intent information as follows:
# * If you specify the `nameContains` field, returns the `$LATEST`
# version of all intents that contain the specified string.
# * If you don't specify the `nameContains` field, returns information
# about the `$LATEST` version of all intents.
# The operation requires permission for the `lex:GetIntents` action.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token that fetches the next page of intents. If the
# response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a
# pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of intents,
# specify the pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of intents to return in the response. The default
# is 10.
# @option params [String] :name_contains
# Substring to match in intent names. An intent will be returned if any
# part of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz" matches
# both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz."
# @return [Types::GetIntentsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetIntentsResponse#intents #intents} => Array<Types::IntentMetadata>
# * {Types::GetIntentsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Example: To get a list of intents
# # This example shows how to get a list of all of the intents in your account.
# resp = client.get_intents({
# max_results: 10,
# next_token: "",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# intents: [
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizza",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494359783.453),
# description: "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494359783.453),
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_intents({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# name_contains: "IntentName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.intents #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].name #=> String
# resp.intents[0].description #=> String
# resp.intents[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.intents[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.intents[0].version #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetIntents AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_intents(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_intents(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_intents, params)
# Returns information about a specific version of a slot type. In
# addition to specifying the slot type name, you must specify the slot
# type version.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetSlotType` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the slot type. The name is case sensitive.
# @option params [required, String] :version
# The version of the slot type.
# @return [Types::GetSlotTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#enumeration_values #enumeration_values} => Array<Types::EnumerationValue>
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#value_selection_strategy #value_selection_strategy} => String
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#parent_slot_type_signature #parent_slot_type_signature} => String
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeResponse#slot_type_configurations #slot_type_configurations} => Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>
# @example Example: To get information about a slot type
# # This example shows how to get information about a slot type.
# resp = client.get_slot_type({
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocPizzaCrustType",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocPizzaCrustType",
# checksum: "210b3d5a-90a3-4b22-ac7e-f50c2c71095f",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494359274.403),
# description: "Available crust types",
# enumeration_values: [
# {
# value: "thick",
# },
# {
# value: "thin",
# },
# ],
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494359274.403),
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_slot_type({
# name: "SlotTypeName", # required
# version: "Version", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.enumeration_values #=> Array
# resp.enumeration_values[0].value #=> String
# resp.enumeration_values[0].synonyms #=> Array
# resp.enumeration_values[0].synonyms[0] #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.value_selection_strategy #=> String, one of "ORIGINAL_VALUE", "TOP_RESOLUTION"
# resp.parent_slot_type_signature #=> String
# resp.slot_type_configurations #=> Array
# resp.slot_type_configurations[0].regex_configuration.pattern #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotType AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_slot_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_slot_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_slot_type, params)
# Gets information about all versions of a slot type.
# The `GetSlotTypeVersions` operation returns a `SlotTypeMetadata`
# object for each version of a slot type. For example, if a slot type
# has three numbered versions, the `GetSlotTypeVersions` operation
# returns four `SlotTypeMetadata` objects in the response, one for each
# numbered version and one for the `$LATEST` version.
# The `GetSlotTypeVersions` operation always returns at least one
# version, the `$LATEST` version.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetSlotTypeVersions`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the slot type for which versions should be returned.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token for fetching the next page of slot type versions.
# If the response to this call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a
# pagination token in the response. To fetch the next page of versions,
# specify the pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of slot type versions to return in the response.
# The default is 10.
# @return [Types::GetSlotTypeVersionsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeVersionsResponse#slot_types #slot_types} => Array<Types::SlotTypeMetadata>
# * {Types::GetSlotTypeVersionsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_slot_type_versions({
# name: "SlotTypeName", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.slot_types #=> Array
# resp.slot_types[0].name #=> String
# resp.slot_types[0].description #=> String
# resp.slot_types[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.slot_types[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.slot_types[0].version #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypeVersions AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_slot_type_versions(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_slot_type_versions(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_slot_type_versions, params)
# Returns slot type information as follows:
# * If you specify the `nameContains` field, returns the `$LATEST`
# version of all slot types that contain the specified string.
# * If you don't specify the `nameContains` field, returns information
# about the `$LATEST` version of all slot types.
# The operation requires permission for the `lex:GetSlotTypes` action.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# A pagination token that fetches the next page of slot types. If the
# response to this API call is truncated, Amazon Lex returns a
# pagination token in the response. To fetch next page of slot types,
# specify the pagination token in the next request.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of slot types to return in the response. The
# default is 10.
# @option params [String] :name_contains
# Substring to match in slot type names. A slot type will be returned if
# any part of its name matches the substring. For example, "xyz"
# matches both "xyzabc" and "abcxyz."
# @return [Types::GetSlotTypesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetSlotTypesResponse#slot_types #slot_types} => Array<Types::SlotTypeMetadata>
# * {Types::GetSlotTypesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Example: To get a list of slot types
# # This example shows how to get a list of all of the slot types in your account.
# resp = client.get_slot_types({
# max_results: 10,
# next_token: "",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# slot_types: [
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocPizzaCrustType",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494359274.403),
# description: "Available crust types",
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494359274.403),
# },
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocPizzaSauceType",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494356442.23),
# description: "Available pizza sauces",
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494356442.23),
# },
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocPizzaType",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494359198.656),
# description: "Available pizzas",
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494359198.656),
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_slot_types({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# name_contains: "SlotTypeName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.slot_types #=> Array
# resp.slot_types[0].name #=> String
# resp.slot_types[0].description #=> String
# resp.slot_types[0].last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.slot_types[0].created_date #=> Time
# resp.slot_types[0].version #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetSlotTypes AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_slot_types(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_slot_types(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_slot_types, params)
# Use the `GetUtterancesView` operation to get information about the
# utterances that your users have made to your bot. You can use this
# list to tune the utterances that your bot responds to.
# For example, say that you have created a bot to order flowers. After
# your users have used your bot for a while, use the `GetUtterancesView`
# operation to see the requests that they have made and whether they
# have been successful. You might find that the utterance "I want
# flowers" is not being recognized. You could add this utterance to the
# `OrderFlowers` intent so that your bot recognizes that utterance.
# After you publish a new version of a bot, you can get information
# about the old version and the new so that you can compare the
# performance across the two versions.
# Utterance statistics are generated once a day. Data is available for
# the last 15 days. You can request information for up to 5 versions of
# your bot in each request. Amazon Lex returns the most frequent
# utterances received by the bot in the last 15 days. The response
# contains information about a maximum of 100 utterances for each
# version.
# If you set `childDirected` field to true when you created your bot, or
# if you opted out of participating in improving Amazon Lex, utterances
# are not available.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:GetUtterancesView`
# action.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the bot for which utterance information should be
# returned.
# @option params [required, Array] :bot_versions
# An array of bot versions for which utterance information should be
# returned. The limit is 5 versions per request.
# @option params [required, String] :status_type
# To return utterances that were recognized and handled, use `Detected`.
# To return utterances that were not recognized, use `Missed`.
# @return [Types::GetUtterancesViewResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetUtterancesViewResponse#bot_name #bot_name} => String
# * {Types::GetUtterancesViewResponse#utterances #utterances} => Array<Types::UtteranceList>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_utterances_view({
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# bot_versions: ["Version"], # required
# status_type: "Detected", # required, accepts Detected, Missed
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.bot_name #=> String
# resp.utterances #=> Array
# resp.utterances[0].bot_version #=> String
# resp.utterances[0].utterances #=> Array
# resp.utterances[0].utterances[0].utterance_string #=> String
# resp.utterances[0].utterances[0].count #=> Integer
# resp.utterances[0].utterances[0].distinct_users #=> Integer
# resp.utterances[0].utterances[0].first_uttered_date #=> Time
# resp.utterances[0].utterances[0].last_uttered_date #=> Time
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/GetUtterancesView AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_utterances_view(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_utterances_view(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_utterances_view, params)
# Gets a list of tags associated with the specified resource. Only bots,
# bot aliases, and bot channels can have tags associated with them.
# @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to get a list of tags
# for.
# @return [Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_tags_for_resource({
# resource_arn: "AmazonResourceName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.tags #=> Array
# resp.tags[0].key #=> String
# resp.tags[0].value #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/ListTagsForResource AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_tags_for_resource(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_tags_for_resource(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_tags_for_resource, params)
# Creates an Amazon Lex conversational bot or replaces an existing bot.
# When you create or update a bot you are only required to specify a
# name, a locale, and whether the bot is directed toward children under
# age 13. You can use this to add intents later, or to remove intents
# from an existing bot. When you create a bot with the minimum
# information, the bot is created or updated but Amazon Lex returns the
# ` response FAILED. You can build the bot after you add one or more
# intents. For more information about Amazon Lex bots, see how-it-works.
If you specify the name of an existing bot, the fields in the
# request replace the existing values in the $LATEST version of the bot.
# Amazon Lex removes any fields that you don't provide values for in the
# request, except for the idleTTLInSeconds and privacySettings fields,
# which are set to their default values. If you don't specify values for
# required fields, Amazon Lex throws an exception. This operation
# requires permissions for the lex:PutBot action. For more information,
# see security-iam.
# `
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the bot. The name is *not* case sensitive.
# @option params [String] :description
# A description of the bot.
# @option params [Array] :intents
# An array of `Intent` objects. Each intent represents a command that a
# user can express. For example, a pizza ordering bot might support an
# OrderPizza intent. For more information, see how-it-works.
# @option params [Types::Prompt] :clarification_prompt
# When Amazon Lex doesn't understand the user's intent, it uses this
# message to get clarification. To specify how many times Amazon Lex
# should repeat the clarification prompt, use the `maxAttempts` field.
# If Amazon Lex still doesn't understand, it sends the message in the
# `abortStatement` field.
# When you create a clarification prompt, make sure that it suggests the
# correct response from the user. for example, for a bot that orders
# pizza and drinks, you might create this clarification prompt: "What
# would you like to do? You can say 'Order a pizza' or 'Order a
# drink.'"
# If you have defined a fallback intent, it will be invoked if the
# clarification prompt is repeated the number of times defined in the
# `maxAttempts` field. For more information, see [
# AMAZON.FallbackIntent][1].
# If you don't define a clarification prompt, at runtime Amazon Lex
# will return a 400 Bad Request exception in three cases:
# * Follow-up prompt - When the user responds to a follow-up prompt but
# does not provide an intent. For example, in response to a follow-up
# prompt that says "Would you like anything else today?" the user
# says "Yes." Amazon Lex will return a 400 Bad Request exception
# because it does not have a clarification prompt to send to the user
# to get an intent.
# * Lambda function - When using a Lambda function, you return an
# `ElicitIntent` dialog type. Since Amazon Lex does not have a
# clarification prompt to get an intent from the user, it returns a
# 400 Bad Request exception.
# * PutSession operation - When using the `PutSession` operation, you
# send an `ElicitIntent` dialog type. Since Amazon Lex does not have a
# clarification prompt to get an intent from the user, it returns a
# 400 Bad Request exception.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/built-in-intent-fallback.html
# @option params [Types::Statement] :abort_statement
# When Amazon Lex can't understand the user's input in context, it
# tries to elicit the information a few times. After that, Amazon Lex
# sends the message defined in `abortStatement` to the user, and then
# aborts the conversation. To set the number of retries, use the
# `valueElicitationPrompt` field for the slot type.
# For example, in a pizza ordering bot, Amazon Lex might ask a user
# "What type of crust would you like?" If the user's response is not
# one of the expected responses (for example, "thin crust, "deep
# dish," etc.), Amazon Lex tries to elicit a correct response a few
# more times.
# For example, in a pizza ordering application, `OrderPizza` might be
# one of the intents. This intent might require the `CrustType` slot.
# You specify the `valueElicitationPrompt` field when you create the
# `CrustType` slot.
# If you have defined a fallback intent the abort statement will not be
# sent to the user, the fallback intent is used instead. For more
# information, see [ AMAZON.FallbackIntent][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/built-in-intent-fallback.html
# @option params [Integer] :idle_session_ttl_in_seconds
# The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data gathered
# in a conversation.
# A user interaction session remains active for the amount of time
# specified. If no conversation occurs during this time, the session
# expires and Amazon Lex deletes any data provided before the timeout.
# For example, suppose that a user chooses the OrderPizza intent, but
# gets sidetracked halfway through placing an order. If the user
# doesn't complete the order within the specified time, Amazon Lex
# discards the slot information that it gathered, and the user must
# start over.
# If you don't include the `idleSessionTTLInSeconds` element in a
# `PutBot` operation request, Amazon Lex uses the default value. This is
# also true if the request replaces an existing bot.
# The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
# @option params [String] :voice_id
# The Amazon Polly voice ID that you want Amazon Lex to use for voice
# interactions with the user. The locale configured for the voice must
# match the locale of the bot. For more information, see [Voices in
# Amazon Polly][1] in the *Amazon Polly Developer Guide*.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/voicelist.html
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version.
# When you create a new bot, leave the `checksum` field blank. If you
# specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception.
# When you want to update a bot, set the `checksum` field to the
# checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If you
# don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does not
# match the `$LATEST` version, you get a `PreconditionFailedException`
# exception.
# @option params [String] :process_behavior
# If you set the `processBehavior` element to `BUILD`, Amazon Lex builds
# the bot so that it can be run. If you set the element to `SAVE` Amazon
# Lex saves the bot, but doesn't build it.
# If you don't specify this value, the default value is `BUILD`.
# @option params [required, String] :locale
# Specifies the target locale for the bot. Any intent used in the bot
# must be compatible with the locale of the bot.
# The default is `en-US`.
# @option params [required, Boolean] :child_directed
# For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building
# Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to
# a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted,
# in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to the
# Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by specifying `true`
# or `false` in the `childDirected` field. By specifying `true` in the
# `childDirected` field, you confirm that your use of Amazon Lex **is**
# related to a website, program, or other application that is directed
# or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject
# to COPPA. By specifying `false` in the `childDirected` field, you
# confirm that your use of Amazon Lex **is not** related to a website,
# program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole
# or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not
# specify a default value for the `childDirected` field that does not
# accurately reflect whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to a
# website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted,
# in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA.
# If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other
# application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under
# age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent under
# COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in connection
# with websites, programs, or other applications that are directed or
# targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, see the
# [Amazon Lex FAQ.][1]
# [1]: https://aws.amazon.com/lex/faqs#data-security
# @option params [Boolean] :detect_sentiment
# When set to `true` user utterances are sent to Amazon Comprehend for
# sentiment analysis. If you don't specify `detectSentiment`, the
# default is `false`.
# @option params [Boolean] :create_version
# When set to `true` a new numbered version of the bot is created. This
# is the same as calling the `CreateBotVersion` operation. If you don't
# specify `createVersion`, the default is `false`.
# @option params [Array] :tags
# A list of tags to add to the bot. You can only add tags when you
# create a bot, you can't use the `PutBot` operation to update the tags
# on a bot. To update tags, use the `TagResource` operation.
# @return [Types::PutBotResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#intents #intents} => Array<Types::Intent>
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#clarification_prompt #clarification_prompt} => Types::Prompt
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#abort_statement #abort_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#status #status} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#failure_reason #failure_reason} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#idle_session_ttl_in_seconds #idle_session_ttl_in_seconds} => Integer
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#voice_id #voice_id} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#locale #locale} => String
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#child_directed #child_directed} => Boolean
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#create_version #create_version} => Boolean
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#detect_sentiment #detect_sentiment} => Boolean
# * {Types::PutBotResponse#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag>
# @example Example: To create a bot
# # This example shows how to create a bot for ordering pizzas.
# resp = client.put_bot({
# name: "DocOrderPizzaBot",
# abort_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "I don't understand. Can you try again?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I'm sorry, I don't understand.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# child_directed: true,
# clarification_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeat what you just said?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Can you say that again?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# description: "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# idle_session_ttl_in_seconds: 300,
# intents: [
# {
# intent_name: "DocOrderPizza",
# intent_version: "$LATEST",
# },
# ],
# locale: "en-US",
# process_behavior: "SAVE",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizzaBot",
# abort_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "I don't understand. Can you try again?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I'm sorry, I don't understand.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# checksum: "20172ee3-fa06-49b2-bbc5-667c090303e9",
# child_directed: true,
# clarification_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeate what you just said?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Can you say that again?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# created_date: Time.parse(1494360160.133),
# description: "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# idle_session_ttl_in_seconds: 300,
# intents: [
# {
# intent_name: "DocOrderPizza",
# intent_version: "$LATEST",
# },
# ],
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494360160.133),
# locale: "en-US",
# status: "NOT_BUILT",
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.put_bot({
# name: "BotName", # required
# description: "Description",
# intents: [
# {
# intent_name: "IntentName", # required
# intent_version: "Version", # required
# },
# ],
# clarification_prompt: {
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# max_attempts: 1, # required
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# abort_statement: {
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# idle_session_ttl_in_seconds: 1,
# voice_id: "String",
# checksum: "String",
# process_behavior: "SAVE", # accepts SAVE, BUILD
# locale: "en-US", # required, accepts en-US, en-GB, de-DE
# child_directed: false, # required
# detect_sentiment: false,
# create_version: false,
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.intents #=> Array
# resp.intents[0].intent_name #=> String
# resp.intents[0].intent_version #=> String
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.clarification_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.clarification_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.clarification_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.abort_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.abort_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.abort_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.status #=> String, one of "BUILDING", "READY", "READY_BASIC_TESTING", "FAILED", "NOT_BUILT"
# resp.failure_reason #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.idle_session_ttl_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.voice_id #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.locale #=> String, one of "en-US", "en-GB", "de-DE"
# resp.child_directed #=> Boolean
# resp.create_version #=> Boolean
# resp.detect_sentiment #=> Boolean
# resp.tags #=> Array
# resp.tags[0].key #=> String
# resp.tags[0].value #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutBot AWS API Documentation
# @overload put_bot(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def put_bot(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:put_bot, params)
# Creates an alias for the specified version of the bot or replaces an
# alias for the specified bot. To change the version of the bot that the
# alias points to, replace the alias. For more information about
# aliases, see versioning-aliases.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:PutBotAlias` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the alias. The name is *not* case sensitive.
# @option params [String] :description
# A description of the alias.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_version
# The version of the bot.
# @option params [required, String] :bot_name
# The name of the bot.
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version.
# When you create a new bot alias, leave the `checksum` field blank. If
# you specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception.
# When you want to update a bot alias, set the `checksum` field to the
# checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If you
# don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does not
# match the `$LATEST` version, you get a `PreconditionFailedException`
# exception.
# @option params [Types::ConversationLogsRequest] :conversation_logs
# Settings for conversation logs for the alias.
# @option params [Array] :tags
# A list of tags to add to the bot alias. You can only add tags when you
# create an alias, you can't use the `PutBotAlias` operation to update
# the tags on a bot alias. To update tags, use the `TagResource`
# operation.
# @return [Types::PutBotAliasResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#bot_version #bot_version} => String
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#bot_name #bot_name} => String
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#conversation_logs #conversation_logs} => Types::ConversationLogsResponse
# * {Types::PutBotAliasResponse#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.put_bot_alias({
# name: "AliasName", # required
# description: "Description",
# bot_version: "Version", # required
# bot_name: "BotName", # required
# checksum: "String",
# conversation_logs: {
# log_settings: [ # required
# {
# log_type: "AUDIO", # required, accepts AUDIO, TEXT
# destination: "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", # required, accepts CLOUDWATCH_LOGS, S3
# kms_key_arn: "KmsKeyArn",
# resource_arn: "ResourceArn", # required
# },
# ],
# iam_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required
# },
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.bot_version #=> String
# resp.bot_name #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings #=> Array
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].log_type #=> String, one of "AUDIO", "TEXT"
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].destination #=> String, one of "CLOUDWATCH_LOGS", "S3"
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].kms_key_arn #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].resource_arn #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.log_settings[0].resource_prefix #=> String
# resp.conversation_logs.iam_role_arn #=> String
# resp.tags #=> Array
# resp.tags[0].key #=> String
# resp.tags[0].value #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutBotAlias AWS API Documentation
# @overload put_bot_alias(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def put_bot_alias(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:put_bot_alias, params)
# Creates an intent or replaces an existing intent.
# To define the interaction between the user and your bot, you use one
# or more intents. For a pizza ordering bot, for example, you would
# create an `OrderPizza` intent.
# To create an intent or replace an existing intent, you must provide
# the following:
# * Intent name. For example, `OrderPizza`.
# * Sample utterances. For example, "Can I order a pizza, please." and
# "I want to order a pizza."
# * Information to be gathered. You specify slot types for the
# information that your bot will request from the user. You can
# specify standard slot types, such as a date or a time, or custom
# slot types such as the size and crust of a pizza.
# * How the intent will be fulfilled. You can provide a Lambda function
# or configure the intent to return the intent information to the
# client application. If you use a Lambda function, when all of the
# intent information is available, Amazon Lex invokes your Lambda
# function. If you configure your intent to return the intent
# information to the client application.
# You can specify other optional information in the request, such as:
# * A confirmation prompt to ask the user to confirm an intent. For
# example, "Shall I order your pizza?"
# * A conclusion statement to send to the user after the intent has been
# fulfilled. For example, "I placed your pizza order."
# * A follow-up prompt that asks the user for additional activity. For
# example, asking "Do you want to order a drink with your pizza?"
# If you specify an existing intent name to update the intent, Amazon
# Lex replaces the values in the `$LATEST` version of the intent with
# the values in the request. Amazon Lex removes fields that you don't
# provide in the request. If you don't specify the required fields,
# Amazon Lex throws an exception. When you update the `$LATEST` version
# of an intent, the `status` field of any bot that uses the `$LATEST`
# version of the intent is set to `NOT_BUILT`.
# For more information, see how-it-works.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:PutIntent` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the intent. The name is *not* case sensitive.
# The name can't match a built-in intent name, or a built-in intent
# name with "AMAZON." removed. For example, because there is a
# built-in intent called `AMAZON.HelpIntent`, you can't create a custom
# intent called `HelpIntent`.
# For a list of built-in intents, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1] in
# the *Alexa Skills Kit*.
# [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents
# @option params [String] :description
# A description of the intent.
# @option params [Array] :slots
# An array of intent slots. At runtime, Amazon Lex elicits required slot
# values from the user using prompts defined in the slots. For more
# information, see how-it-works.
# @option params [Array] :sample_utterances
# An array of utterances (strings) that a user might say to signal the
# intent. For example, "I want \\\{PizzaSize\\} pizza", "Order
# \\\{Quantity\\} \\\{PizzaSize\\} pizzas".
# In each utterance, a slot name is enclosed in curly braces.
# @option params [Types::Prompt] :confirmation_prompt
# Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a
# yes or no answer.
# Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges that
# the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
# `OrderPizza` intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
# correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that
# simply respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user
# for confirmation before providing the information.
# You you must provide both the `rejectionStatement` and the
# `confirmationPrompt`, or neither.
# @option params [Types::Statement] :rejection_statement
# When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
# `confirmationPrompt`, Amazon Lex responds with this statement to
# acknowledge that the intent was canceled.
# You must provide both the `rejectionStatement` and the
# `confirmationPrompt`, or neither.
# @option params [Types::FollowUpPrompt] :follow_up_prompt
# Amazon Lex uses this prompt to solicit additional activity after
# fulfilling an intent. For example, after the `OrderPizza` intent is
# fulfilled, you might prompt the user to order a drink.
# The action that Amazon Lex takes depends on the user's response, as
# follows:
# * If the user says "Yes" it responds with the clarification prompt
# that is configured for the bot.
# * if the user says "Yes" and continues with an utterance that
# triggers an intent it starts a conversation for the intent.
# * If the user says "No" it responds with the rejection statement
# configured for the the follow-up prompt.
# * If it doesn't recognize the utterance it repeats the follow-up
# prompt again.
# The `followUpPrompt` field and the `conclusionStatement` field are
# mutually exclusive. You can specify only one.
# @option params [Types::Statement] :conclusion_statement
# The statement that you want Amazon Lex to convey to the user after the
# intent is successfully fulfilled by the Lambda function.
# This element is relevant only if you provide a Lambda function in the
# `fulfillmentActivity`. If you return the intent to the client
# application, you can't specify this element.
# The `followUpPrompt` and `conclusionStatement` are mutually exclusive.
# You can specify only one.
# @option params [Types::CodeHook] :dialog_code_hook
# Specifies a Lambda function to invoke for each user input. You can
# invoke this Lambda function to personalize user interaction.
# For example, suppose your bot determines that the user is John. Your
# Lambda function might retrieve John's information from a backend
# database and prepopulate some of the values. For example, if you find
# that John is gluten intolerant, you might set the corresponding intent
# slot, `GlutenIntolerant`, to true. You might find John's phone number
# and set the corresponding session attribute.
# @option params [Types::FulfillmentActivity] :fulfillment_activity
# Required. Describes how the intent is fulfilled. For example, after a
# user provides all of the information for a pizza order,
# `fulfillmentActivity` defines how the bot places an order with a local
# pizza store.
# You might configure Amazon Lex to return all of the intent information
# to the client application, or direct it to invoke a Lambda function
# that can process the intent (for example, place an order with a
# pizzeria).
# @option params [String] :parent_intent_signature
# A unique identifier for the built-in intent to base this intent on. To
# find the signature for an intent, see [Standard Built-in Intents][1]
# in the *Alexa Skills Kit*.
# [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/standard-intents
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version.
# When you create a new intent, leave the `checksum` field blank. If you
# specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception.
# When you want to update a intent, set the `checksum` field to the
# checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If you
# don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does not
# match the `$LATEST` version, you get a `PreconditionFailedException`
# exception.
# @option params [Boolean] :create_version
# When set to `true` a new numbered version of the intent is created.
# This is the same as calling the `CreateIntentVersion` operation. If
# you do not specify `createVersion`, the default is `false`.
# @return [Types::PutIntentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#slots #slots} => Array<Types::Slot>
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#sample_utterances #sample_utterances} => Array<String>
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#confirmation_prompt #confirmation_prompt} => Types::Prompt
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#rejection_statement #rejection_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#follow_up_prompt #follow_up_prompt} => Types::FollowUpPrompt
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#conclusion_statement #conclusion_statement} => Types::Statement
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#dialog_code_hook #dialog_code_hook} => Types::CodeHook
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#fulfillment_activity #fulfillment_activity} => Types::FulfillmentActivity
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#parent_intent_signature #parent_intent_signature} => String
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::PutIntentResponse#create_version #create_version} => Boolean
# @example Example: To create an intent
# # This example shows how to create an intent for ordering pizzas.
# resp = client.put_intent({
# name: "DocOrderPizza",
# conclusion_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "All right, I ordered you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# response_card: "foo",
# },
# confirmation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "Should I order your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# description: "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# fulfillment_activity: {
# type: "ReturnIntent",
# },
# rejection_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "Ok, I'll cancel your order.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I cancelled your order.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# sample_utterances: [
# "Order me a pizza.",
# "Order me a {Type} pizza.",
# "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza",
# "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
# ],
# slots: [
# {
# name: "Type",
# description: "The type of pizza to order.",
# priority: 1,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Get me a {Type} pizza.",
# "A {Type} pizza please.",
# "I'd like a {Type} pizza.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "What type of pizza would you like?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Vegie or cheese pizza?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# {
# name: "Crust",
# description: "The type of pizza crust to order.",
# priority: 2,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Make it a {Crust} crust.",
# "I'd like a {Crust} crust.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaCrustType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "What type of crust would you like?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Thick or thin crust?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# {
# name: "Sauce",
# description: "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.",
# priority: 3,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Make it {Sauce} sauce.",
# "I'd like {Sauce} sauce.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaSauceType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "White or red sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Garlic or tomato sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# ],
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocOrderPizza",
# checksum: "ca9bc13d-afc8-4706-bbaf-091f7a5935d6",
# conclusion_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "All right, I ordered you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# response_card: "foo",
# },
# confirmation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "Should I order your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# created_date: Time.parse(1494359783.453),
# description: "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.",
# fulfillment_activity: {
# type: "ReturnIntent",
# },
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494359783.453),
# rejection_statement: {
# messages: [
# {
# content: "Ok, I'll cancel your order.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I cancelled your order.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# sample_utterances: [
# "Order me a pizza.",
# "Order me a {Type} pizza.",
# "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza",
# "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.",
# ],
# slots: [
# {
# name: "Sauce",
# description: "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.",
# priority: 3,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Make it {Sauce} sauce.",
# "I'd like {Sauce} sauce.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaSauceType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "White or red sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Garlic or tomato sauce?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# {
# name: "Type",
# description: "The type of pizza to order.",
# priority: 1,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Get me a {Type} pizza.",
# "A {Type} pizza please.",
# "I'd like a {Type} pizza.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "What type of pizza would you like?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Vegie or cheese pizza?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# {
# name: "Crust",
# description: "The type of pizza crust to order.",
# priority: 2,
# sample_utterances: [
# "Make it a {Crust} crust.",
# "I'd like a {Crust} crust.",
# ],
# slot_constraint: "Required",
# slot_type: "DocPizzaCrustType",
# slot_type_version: "$LATEST",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# max_attempts: 1,
# messages: [
# {
# content: "What type of crust would you like?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# {
# content: "Thick or thin crust?",
# content_type: "PlainText",
# },
# ],
# },
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.put_intent({
# name: "IntentName", # required
# description: "Description",
# slots: [
# {
# name: "SlotName", # required
# description: "Description",
# slot_constraint: "Required", # required, accepts Required, Optional
# slot_type: "CustomOrBuiltinSlotTypeName",
# slot_type_version: "Version",
# value_elicitation_prompt: {
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# max_attempts: 1, # required
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# priority: 1,
# sample_utterances: ["Utterance"],
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# obfuscation_setting: "NONE", # accepts NONE, DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION
# },
# ],
# sample_utterances: ["Utterance"],
# confirmation_prompt: {
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# max_attempts: 1, # required
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# rejection_statement: {
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# follow_up_prompt: {
# prompt: { # required
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# max_attempts: 1, # required
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# rejection_statement: { # required
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# },
# conclusion_statement: {
# messages: [ # required
# {
# content_type: "PlainText", # required, accepts PlainText, SSML, CustomPayload
# content: "ContentString", # required
# group_number: 1,
# },
# ],
# response_card: "ResponseCard",
# },
# dialog_code_hook: {
# uri: "LambdaARN", # required
# message_version: "MessageVersion", # required
# },
# fulfillment_activity: {
# type: "ReturnIntent", # required, accepts ReturnIntent, CodeHook
# code_hook: {
# uri: "LambdaARN", # required
# message_version: "MessageVersion", # required
# },
# },
# parent_intent_signature: "BuiltinIntentSignature",
# checksum: "String",
# create_version: false,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.slots #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].name #=> String
# resp.slots[0].description #=> String
# resp.slots[0].slot_constraint #=> String, one of "Required", "Optional"
# resp.slots[0].slot_type #=> String
# resp.slots[0].slot_type_version #=> String
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].value_elicitation_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.slots[0].priority #=> Integer
# resp.slots[0].sample_utterances #=> Array
# resp.slots[0].sample_utterances[0] #=> String
# resp.slots[0].response_card #=> String
# resp.slots[0].obfuscation_setting #=> String, one of "NONE", "DEFAULT_OBFUSCATION"
# resp.sample_utterances #=> Array
# resp.sample_utterances[0] #=> String
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.confirmation_prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.confirmation_prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.confirmation_prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.rejection_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.rejection_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.rejection_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages #=> Array
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.max_attempts #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.prompt.response_card #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.follow_up_prompt.rejection_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages #=> Array
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].content_type #=> String, one of "PlainText", "SSML", "CustomPayload"
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].content #=> String
# resp.conclusion_statement.messages[0].group_number #=> Integer
# resp.conclusion_statement.response_card #=> String
# resp.dialog_code_hook.uri #=> String
# resp.dialog_code_hook.message_version #=> String
# resp.fulfillment_activity.type #=> String, one of "ReturnIntent", "CodeHook"
# resp.fulfillment_activity.code_hook.uri #=> String
# resp.fulfillment_activity.code_hook.message_version #=> String
# resp.parent_intent_signature #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.create_version #=> Boolean
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutIntent AWS API Documentation
# @overload put_intent(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def put_intent(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:put_intent, params)
# Creates a custom slot type or replaces an existing custom slot type.
# To create a custom slot type, specify a name for the slot type and a
# set of enumeration values, which are the values that a slot of this
# type can assume. For more information, see how-it-works.
# If you specify the name of an existing slot type, the fields in the
# request replace the existing values in the `$LATEST` version of the
# slot type. Amazon Lex removes the fields that you don't provide in
# the request. If you don't specify required fields, Amazon Lex throws
# an exception. When you update the `$LATEST` version of a slot type, if
# a bot uses the `$LATEST` version of an intent that contains the slot
# type, the bot's `status` field is set to `NOT_BUILT`.
# This operation requires permissions for the `lex:PutSlotType` action.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name of the slot type. The name is *not* case sensitive.
# The name can't match a built-in slot type name, or a built-in slot
# type name with "AMAZON." removed. For example, because there is a
# built-in slot type called `AMAZON.DATE`, you can't create a custom
# slot type called `DATE`.
# For a list of built-in slot types, see [Slot Type Reference][1] in the
# *Alexa Skills Kit*.
# [1]: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/built-in-intent-ref/slot-type-reference
# @option params [String] :description
# A description of the slot type.
# @option params [Array] :enumeration_values
# A list of `EnumerationValue` objects that defines the values that the
# slot type can take. Each value can have a list of `synonyms`, which
# are additional values that help train the machine learning model about
# the values that it resolves for a slot.
# When Amazon Lex resolves a slot value, it generates a resolution list
# that contains up to five possible values for the slot. If you are
# using a Lambda function, this resolution list is passed to the
# function. If you are not using a Lambda function you can choose to
# return the value that the user entered or the first value in the
# resolution list as the slot value. The `valueSelectionStrategy` field
# indicates the option to use.
# @option params [String] :checksum
# Identifies a specific revision of the `$LATEST` version.
# When you create a new slot type, leave the `checksum` field blank. If
# you specify a checksum you get a `BadRequestException` exception.
# When you want to update a slot type, set the `checksum` field to the
# checksum of the most recent revision of the `$LATEST` version. If you
# don't specify the ` checksum` field, or if the checksum does not
# match the `$LATEST` version, you get a `PreconditionFailedException`
# exception.
# @option params [String] :value_selection_strategy
# Determines the slot resolution strategy that Amazon Lex uses to return
# slot type values. The field can be set to one of the following values:
# * `ORIGINAL_VALUE` - Returns the value entered by the user, if the
# user value is similar to the slot value.
# * `TOP_RESOLUTION` - If there is a resolution list for the slot,
# return the first value in the resolution list as the slot type
# value. If there is no resolution list, null is returned.
# If you don't specify the `valueSelectionStrategy`, the default is
# @option params [Boolean] :create_version
# When set to `true` a new numbered version of the slot type is created.
# This is the same as calling the `CreateSlotTypeVersion` operation. If
# you do not specify `createVersion`, the default is `false`.
# @option params [String] :parent_slot_type_signature
# The built-in slot type used as the parent of the slot type. When you
# define a parent slot type, the new slot type has all of the same
# configuration as the parent.
# Only `AMAZON.AlphaNumeric` is supported.
# @option params [Array] :slot_type_configurations
# Configuration information that extends the parent built-in slot type.
# The configuration is added to the settings for the parent slot type.
# @return [Types::PutSlotTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#description #description} => String
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#enumeration_values #enumeration_values} => Array<Types::EnumerationValue>
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#last_updated_date #last_updated_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#version #version} => String
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#checksum #checksum} => String
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#value_selection_strategy #value_selection_strategy} => String
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#create_version #create_version} => Boolean
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#parent_slot_type_signature #parent_slot_type_signature} => String
# * {Types::PutSlotTypeResponse#slot_type_configurations #slot_type_configurations} => Array<Types::SlotTypeConfiguration>
# @example Example: To Create a Slot Type
# # This example shows how to create a slot type that describes pizza sauces.
# resp = client.put_slot_type({
# name: "PizzaSauceType",
# description: "Available pizza sauces",
# enumeration_values: [
# {
# value: "red",
# },
# {
# value: "white",
# },
# ],
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# version: "$LATEST",
# name: "DocPizzaSauceType",
# checksum: "cfd00ed1-775d-4357-947c-aca7e73b44ba",
# created_date: Time.parse(1494356442.23),
# description: "Available pizza sauces",
# enumeration_values: [
# {
# value: "red",
# },
# {
# value: "white",
# },
# ],
# last_updated_date: Time.parse(1494356442.23),
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.put_slot_type({
# name: "SlotTypeName", # required
# description: "Description",
# enumeration_values: [
# {
# value: "Value", # required
# synonyms: ["Value"],
# },
# ],
# checksum: "String",
# value_selection_strategy: "ORIGINAL_VALUE", # accepts ORIGINAL_VALUE, TOP_RESOLUTION
# create_version: false,
# parent_slot_type_signature: "CustomOrBuiltinSlotTypeName",
# slot_type_configurations: [
# {
# regex_configuration: {
# pattern: "RegexPattern", # required
# },
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.description #=> String
# resp.enumeration_values #=> Array
# resp.enumeration_values[0].value #=> String
# resp.enumeration_values[0].synonyms #=> Array
# resp.enumeration_values[0].synonyms[0] #=> String
# resp.last_updated_date #=> Time
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# resp.version #=> String
# resp.checksum #=> String
# resp.value_selection_strategy #=> String, one of "ORIGINAL_VALUE", "TOP_RESOLUTION"
# resp.create_version #=> Boolean
# resp.parent_slot_type_signature #=> String
# resp.slot_type_configurations #=> Array
# resp.slot_type_configurations[0].regex_configuration.pattern #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/PutSlotType AWS API Documentation
# @overload put_slot_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def put_slot_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:put_slot_type, params)
# Starts a job to import a resource to Amazon Lex.
# @option params [required, String, IO] :payload
# A zip archive in binary format. The archive should contain one file, a
# JSON file containing the resource to import. The resource should match
# the type specified in the `resourceType` field.
# @option params [required, String] :resource_type
# Specifies the type of resource to export. Each resource also exports
# any resources that it depends on.
# * A bot exports dependent intents.
# * An intent exports dependent slot types.
# @option params [required, String] :merge_strategy
# Specifies the action that the `StartImport` operation should take when
# there is an existing resource with the same name.
# * FAIL\_ON\_CONFLICT - The import operation is stopped on the first
# conflict between a resource in the import file and an existing
# resource. The name of the resource causing the conflict is in the
# `failureReason` field of the response to the `GetImport` operation.
# OVERWRITE\_LATEST - The import operation proceeds even if there is a
# conflict with an existing resource. The $LASTEST version of the
# existing resource is overwritten with the data from the import file.
# @option params [Array] :tags
# A list of tags to add to the imported bot. You can only add tags when
# you import a bot, you can't add tags to an intent or slot type.
# @return [Types::StartImportResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#name #name} => String
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#resource_type #resource_type} => String
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#merge_strategy #merge_strategy} => String
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#import_id #import_id} => String
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#import_status #import_status} => String
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#tags #tags} => Array<Types::Tag>
# * {Types::StartImportResponse#created_date #created_date} => Time
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.start_import({
# payload: "data", # required
# resource_type: "BOT", # required, accepts BOT, INTENT, SLOT_TYPE
# merge_strategy: "OVERWRITE_LATEST", # required, accepts OVERWRITE_LATEST, FAIL_ON_CONFLICT
# tags: [
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.name #=> String
# resp.resource_type #=> String, one of "BOT", "INTENT", "SLOT_TYPE"
# resp.merge_strategy #=> String, one of "OVERWRITE_LATEST", "FAIL_ON_CONFLICT"
# resp.import_id #=> String
# resp.import_status #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETE", "FAILED"
# resp.tags #=> Array
# resp.tags[0].key #=> String
# resp.tags[0].value #=> String
# resp.created_date #=> Time
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/StartImport AWS API Documentation
# @overload start_import(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def start_import(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:start_import, params)
# Adds the specified tags to the specified resource. If a tag key
# already exists, the existing value is replaced with the new value.
# @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bot, bot alias, or bot channel
# to tag.
# @option params [required, Array] :tags
# A list of tag keys to add to the resource. If a tag key already
# exists, the existing value is replaced with the new value.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.tag_resource({
# resource_arn: "AmazonResourceName", # required
# tags: [ # required
# {
# key: "TagKey", # required
# value: "TagValue", # required
# },
# ],
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/TagResource AWS API Documentation
# @overload tag_resource(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def tag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:tag_resource, params)
# Removes tags from a bot, bot alias or bot channel.
# @option params [required, String] :resource_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to remove the tags
# from.
# @option params [required, Array] :tag_keys
# A list of tag keys to remove from the resource. If a tag key does not
# exist on the resource, it is ignored.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.untag_resource({
# resource_arn: "AmazonResourceName", # required
# tag_keys: ["TagKey"], # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/lex-models-2017-04-19/UntagResource AWS API Documentation
# @overload untag_resource(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def untag_resource(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:untag_resource, params)
# @!endgroup
# @param params ({})
# @api private
def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name)
context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new(
operation_name: operation_name,
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-lexmodelbuildingservice'
context[:gem_version] = '1.30.0'
Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context)
# @api private
# @deprecated
def waiter_names
class << self
# @api private
attr_reader :identifier
# @api private
def errors_module