module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE = :XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE end # xcodebuild man page: # class XcodebuildAction ARGS_MAP = { # actions analyze: "analyze", archive: "archive", build: "build", clean: "clean", install: "install", installsrc: "installsrc", test: "test", # parameters alltargets: "-alltargets", arch: "-arch", archive_path: "-archivePath", configuration: "-configuration", derivedDataPath: "-derivedDataPath", destination: "-destination", export_archive: "-exportArchive", export_format: "-exportFormat", export_installer_identity: "-exportInstallerIdentity", export_path: "-exportPath", export_profile: "-exportProvisioningProfile", export_signing_identity: "-exportSigningIdentity", export_with_original_signing_identity: "-exportWithOriginalSigningIdentity", project: "-project", result_bundle_path: "-resultBundlePath", scheme: "-scheme", sdk: "-sdk", skip_unavailable_actions: "-skipUnavailableActions", target: "-target", workspace: "-workspace", xcconfig: "-xcconfig" } def unless Helper.test? raise "xcodebuild not installed".red if `which xcodebuild`.length == 0 end # The args we will build with cli_args = Array[] # Supported ENV vars build_path = ENV["BUILD_PATH"] || "" scheme = ENV["SCHEME"] workspace = ENV["WORKSPACE"] project = ENV["PROJECT"] # Append slash to build path, if needed unless build_path.end_with? "/" build_path += "/" end if params = params.first # Operation bools archiving = params.key? :archive exporting = params.key? :export_archive testing = params.key? :test if exporting # If not passed, retrieve path from previous xcodebuild call params[:archive_path] ||= Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE] # Default to ipa as export format params[:export_format] ||= "ipa" # If not passed, construct export path from env vars params[:export_path] ||= "#{build_path}#{scheme}" # Store IPA path for later deploy steps (i.e. Crashlytics) Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = params[:export_path] + "." + params[:export_format].downcase else # If not passed, check for archive scheme & workspace/project env vars params[:scheme] ||= scheme params[:workspace] ||= workspace params[:project] ||= project end if archiving # If not passed, construct archive path from env vars params[:archive_path] ||= "#{build_path}#{params[:scheme]}.xcarchive" # Cache path for later xcodebuild calls Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE] = params[:archive_path] end # Maps parameter hash to CLI args if hash_args = hash_to_cli_args(params) cli_args += hash_args end end # Joins args into space delimited string cli_args = cli_args.join(" ") output_format = testing && !archiving ? "--test" : "--simple" "xcodebuild #{cli_args} | xcpretty #{output_format} --color" end def self.hash_to_cli_args(hash) # Remove nil value params hash = hash.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } # Maps nice developer param names to CLI arguments do |k, v| v ||= "" if arg = ARGS_MAP[k] value = (v != true && v.to_s.length > 0 ? "\"#{v}\"" : "") "#{arg} #{value}".strip elsif k == :keychain && v.to_s.length > 0 # If keychain is specified, append as OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS "OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=\"--keychain #{v}\"" end end.compact.sort end end class XcarchiveAction def params_hash = params.first || {} params_hash[:archive] = true[params_hash]) end end class XcbuildAction def params_hash = params.first || {} params_hash[:build] = true[params_hash]) end end class XccleanAction def params_hash = params.first || {} params_hash[:clean] = true[params_hash]) end end class XcexportAction def params_hash = params.first || {} params_hash[:export_archive] = true[params_hash]) end end class XctestAction def params_hash = params.first || {} params_hash[:test] = true[params_hash]) end end end end