gcd.rb:4 def gcd(a, b) # # This tests the functioning of some set/show debugger commands # set debuggertesting on Currently testing the debugger is on. # ### ******************************* # ### *** Set/show commands *** # ### ******************************* # ######################################## # ### test args and baseneme... # ######################################## # set args this is a test Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "this is a test". # show args Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "this is a test". # show basename basename is on. # set basename foo Expecting 'on', 1, 'off', or 0. Got: foo. # show base basename is on. # set basename off basename is off. # show basename basename is off. # set basename 0 basename is off. # show basename basename is off. # set basename 1 basename is on. # show basename basename is on. # ######################################## # ### test listsize tests... # ######################################## # show listsize Number of source lines to list by default is 10. # show listsi Number of source lines to list by default is 10. # set listsize abc Set listsize argument 'abc' needs to be a number. # set listsize -20 Set listsize argument '-20' needs to at least 1. # ######################################## # ### test linetrace... # ######################################## # set linetrace on line tracing is on. # show linetrace line tracing is on. # set linetrace off line tracing is off. # show linetrace line tracing is off. # #### Test 'autoeval'... # set autoeval on autoeval is on. # puts 'printed via autoeval' printed via autoeval nil # set autoeval off autoeval is off. # puts 'autoeval should not run this' *** Unknown command: "puts 'autoeval should not run this'". Try "help". # #### Test 'callstyle'... # set callstyle Invalid call style . Should be one of: 'short', 'last', or 'tracked'. Frame call-display style is last. # set callstyle short Frame call-display style is short. # set callstyle last Frame call-display style is last. # set callstyle tracked Frame call-display style is tracked. # set callstyle foo Invalid call style foo. Should be one of: 'short', 'last', or 'tracked'. Frame call-display style is tracked. # #