module Switchman module Rake def self.filter_database_servers(&block) chain = filter_database_servers_chain # use a local variable so that the current chain is closed over in the following lambda @filter_database_servers_chain = lambda { |servers|, chain) } end def self.shardify_task(task_name) old_task = ::Rake::Task[task_name] old_actions = old_task.actions.dup old_task.actions.clear old_task.enhance do if ::Rails.env.test? require 'switchman/test_helper' TestHelper.recreate_persistent_test_shards(dont_create: true) end ::Shackles.activate(:deploy) do servers = DatabaseServer.all if ENV['DATABASE_SERVER'] servers = ENV['DATABASE_SERVER'] if servers.first == '-' negative = true servers = servers[1..-1] end servers = servers.split(',').map { |server| DatabaseServer.find(server) }.compact servers = DatabaseServer.all - servers if negative end servers = scope = Shard.order("database_server_id IS NOT NULL, database_server_id, id") if servers != DatabaseServer.all conditions = ["database_server_id IN (?)",] conditions.first << " OR database_server_id IS NULL" if servers.include?(Shard.default.database_server) scope = scope.where(conditions) end if ENV['SHARD'] scope = shard_scope(scope, ENV['SHARD']) end Shard.with_each_shard(scope, Shard.categories, :parallel => ENV['PARALLEL'].to_i, :max_procs => ENV['MAX_PARALLEL_PROCS']) do shard = Shard.current puts "#{}: #{shard.description}" ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.spec.config[:shard_name] = ::ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[::Rails.env] = ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.spec.config.stringify_keys shard.database_server.unshackle do old_actions.each(&:call) end nil end end end end %w{db:migrate db:migrate:up db:migrate:down db:rollback}.each { |task_name| shardify_task(task_name) } private def self.shard_scope(scope, raw_shard_ids) raw_shard_ids = raw_shard_ids.split(',') shard_ids = [] negative_shard_ids = [] ranges = [] negative_ranges = [] raw_shard_ids.each do |id| if id == 'default' shard_ids << elsif id == '-default' negative_shard_ids << elsif id == 'primary' shard_ids.concat(Shard.primary.pluck(:id)) elsif id == '-primary' negative_shard_ids.concat(Shard.primary.pluck(:id)) elsif id =~ /(-?)(\d+)?\.\.(\.)?(\d+)?/ negative, start, open, finish = $1.present?, $2, $3.present?, $4 raise "Invalid shard id or range: #{id}" unless start || finish range = [] range << "id>=#{start}" if start range << "id<#{'=' unless open}#{finish}" if finish (negative ? negative_ranges : ranges) << "(#{range.join(' AND ')})" elsif id =~ /-(\d+)/ negative_shard_ids << $1.to_i elsif id =~ /\d+/ shard_ids << id.to_i else raise "Invalid shard id or range: #{id}" end end shard_ids.uniq! negative_shard_ids.uniq! unless shard_ids.empty? shard_ids -= negative_shard_ids if shard_ids.empty? && ranges.empty? if ::Rails.version < '4' return scope.where("?", false) else return scope.none end end # we already trimmed them all out; no need to make the server do it as well negative_shard_ids = [] if ranges.empty? end conditions = [] positive_queries = [] unless ranges.empty? positive_queries << ranges.join(" OR ") end unless shard_ids.empty? positive_queries << "id IN (?)" conditions << shard_ids end positive_query = positive_queries.join(" OR ") scope = scope.where(positive_query, *conditions) unless positive_queries.empty? scope = scope.where("NOT (#{negative_ranges.join(" OR")})") unless negative_ranges.empty? scope = scope.where("id NOT IN (?)", negative_shard_ids) unless negative_shard_ids.empty? scope end def self.filter_database_servers_chain @filter_database_servers_chain ||= ->(servers) { servers } end end end