en: muck: activity_templates: entry_comment: Comment services: no_tags: "No tags available yet" collections: Collections demo: Demo search_button: Go collections_long: "Indexed Collections" developers_long: "Information for Developers" powered_by: "powered by" no_hits: "Your search - {{search}} - did not match any {{resource_type}}. Please try a different search or choose a different language." no_tagged_courses: "No courses were found tagged with {{tags}}. Start over or show all resources tagged {{tags}}." no_tagged_resources: "No resources were found tagged with {{tags}}. Start over." no_recommendations: "No recommendations were found." my_identity: My Identity previous: Previous next: Next results: Results of: of for: for relevance: relevance metadata: metadata related_resources: related rss: RSS xml: XML atom: Atom rdf: RDF related_resources_title: Related Resources calculated: calculated details: Details gm_title: Related Resources gm_more_prompt: More Related Resources direct_link: '[direct link]' search: search search_link: Find Resources! resources_tag_cloud_label: browse resources using tags [browse only courses] courses_tag_cloud_label: browse courses using tags [browse all resources] narrow_further: narrow results further show_tagged_courses: show only courses show_tagged_resources: show any kind of resource tags: tags start_over: start over course_tag_results: "Courses {{first}} - {{last}} of {{total}} tagged {{terms}}" resource_tag_results: "Resources {{first}} - {{last}} of {{total}} tagged {{terms}}" course_search_results: "Courses {{first}} - {{last}} of {{total}} for search {{terms}}" resource_search_results: "Resources {{first}} - {{last}} of {{total}} for search {{terms}}" next_label: Next previous_label: Previous all_resources: All Resources only_courses: Only Courses add_feed: Add add_feed_url: "Url:" discover_feed_message: "Searching for information about the url you provided. Please wait." select_feeds_prompt: "Select the feeds you would like to add:" display_url: "Url to be displayed:" title: "Title" short_title: "Short title:" description: "Description:" add_feed_title: "Add a new feed" repository_title: "Repository Title:" repository_short_title: "Repository Short Title:" repository: "Metadata" collection_uri: "Address of the Collection Metadata:" collection_home_uri: "Address of the Collection Home Page" collection_description: "Collection Description:" type_of_metadata: "Type of Metadata:" oai_prompt: "If you specify OAI, you must specify the full url to the ListRecords request (not just the OAI endpoint)" choose_service: "Choose service:" select_service_prompt: "Please select a service" add_extended_feed_title: "Add new feed" add_extended_feed_sub_title: "Contribute a new data source" feed_type: "Feed Type" display_address: "Display Address" feed_type_prompt: "RSS is the most common feed type. Only select OAI if you know the repository supports it and you have specified the OAI endpoint." submitting_feed_message: "Submitting your feed..." feed_successfully_created: "Feed was successfully created." feed_successfully_updated: "Feed was successfully updated." new_global_feed: "A new feed has been added to {{application_name}}" feeds_title: "Registered Collections" title: "Title" description: "Description" harvest_interval: "Harvest interval (hrs)" harvested_at: "Harvested" approval_status: "Approved" failed_harvests: "Failed harvests" status: "Status" uri: "Url" discover_feed: "Discover Feed" add_feed: "Add Feed" add_feed_advanced: "Add Feed (Advanced)" metadata_prefix: "Metadata Prefix" add_rss: "Add Rss" add_oai: "Add OAI" add_rss_feed: "Add RSS Feed" add_oai_feed: "Add OAI Endpoint" oai_endpoint_successfully_created: "Successfully added OAI endpoint" ok: OK banned: banned failed_last_request: "Failed last request: {{error}}" visit: "visit" problem_adding_feed: "There was a problem adding the feed:" validate_feed: "Mark feed as valid" ban_feed: "Mark feed as invalid" feed_validated_message: "Feed was approved." feed_banned_message: "Feed was banned." default_language: "Language" entries_count: "Entries" added_date: "Added" feed_id: "ID" feed: "Feed" feed_metadata_address: "Metadata Address" contributor: "Contributor" close: "Close" share: "Share" hide: "Hide" remix: "Remix" login_to_comment: "Login to add a comment" login_or_signup_prompt: "{{signup}} or {{login}} to discuss and share resources." login: "Login" signup: "Sign Up" already_shared: "You've previously shared this page." entry_commment_contents: "commented on {{resource}}" cant_modify_identity_feed: "You don't have permission to access the specified feed." available_services: "Available Services" my_services: "My Services" import_service: "Import {{service}}" service_username: "{{service}} username" no_feeds_from_username: "We could not find the given account" no_feeds_at_uri: "We could not find the given url" successfully_added_username_feed: "Successfully added {{service}}" successfully_added_uri_feed: "Successfully added {{uri}}" already_added_username_feed: "You've already added a {{service}} account with the username {{username}}" already_added_uri_feed: "You've already added the url {{uri}}" rss_url: "Url for your rss feed" blogger_prompt: "Url of your Blog" netflix_prompt: "Netflix Queue RSS URL" netflix_rss: "You can find your URL on your {{link}}. Note that there are several feeds available on your Netflix Queue page (Queue, Recommendations, Movie Reviews, etc). Add as many as you like!" friendfeed_prompt: "FriendFeed RSS URL" friendfeed_rss: "You can find your URL at the bottom of your {{link}}." linkedin_prompt: "LinkedIn public profile URL" linkedin_rss: "You can find your URL at the bottom of your {{link}}." polyvore_prompt: "Polyvore profile URL" polyvore_rss: "Your Polyvore profile URL looks like http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=00000" goodreads_prompt: "Goodreads profile URL" goodreads_rss: "e.g., http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1111" zotero_group_prompt: "Zotero group URL" zotero_group_rss: "Your Zotero group URL looks like: http://www.zotero.org/groups/adventures_in_library_instruction/items" amazon_prompt: "Please enter the email you use with Amazon.com" facebook_prompt: "Your Facebook My Links URL" facebook_link: "You can find your URL on your Facebook My Links page. {{link}} and then click on 'My Links'" facebook_instructions: "On the My Links page, right-click on 'My Links' and copy the link. We will automatically include, status, links and notes." identity_feed_removed: "Removed service" loading_content_image: "<%= t('muck.services.loading_image') %>" loading_message: "Loading... " loading_image: "Loading Image" spinner_image: "Waiting image" identity_feeds: "Identity Feeds" facebook_notifications: "Facebook Notifications" facebook_shares: "Facebook Shared Links" facebook_notes: "Facebook Notes" add_edit_feeds: "Add/Edit Feeds" available_sources: "Available Sources" setup_aggregation: "Setup Aggregation" new_aggregation: "New Aggregation" feeds_for_aggregation: "Feeds for this aggregation" add_feeds_to_aggregation: "Add feeds to {{title}}" edit_aggregation_title: "Editing {{title}}" cant_modify_aggregation: "You don't have permission to access the specified aggregation." aggregation_deleted: "{{title}} deleted" build_topic: "Live Search" search_for: "Search for:" new_topic_title: "Search for a new topic and build the results page." add_aggregation: "Add Aggregation" aggregation_updated: "Aggregation Updated" edit_aggregation: "Edit Aggregation" add_opml_to_aggregation: "Add OPML file" save_aggreation: "Save this Aggregation" add_aggregation_title: "Name for aggregation:" save_aggreation_instructions: "Remove any unwanted feeds by clicking on 'Remove'. You will be able to add new feeds in the next step." remove: "Remove" signup_to_save_aggreation: "{{login}} or {{signup}} to save this search" terms_instructions: "Add as many tags or phrases as you'd like. Separate each with a comma. ie food, recipes, best places to eat, organic" topic_generated: "Results for `{{terms}}`." no_terms_error: "Please specify a term or list of terms." download_opml: "Download OPML file for {{terms}}" opml_generated: "Feeds for {{terms}}" opml_feeds_for: "Feeds for {{terms}}" generate_new_topic: "Generate a new topic" topic_feeds_for: "Feeds for {{terms}}" generating_topic_message: "Searching. This might take a minute or so...." service_feed_name: "{{term}} on {{service}}" related_feeds: "Related Feeds" no_entries_found: "No entries found" read_more: "read more" latest_aggregations: "Latest aggregations" finding_topics: "Searching for relevant stories..." new_search: "New Search" add_sources_by_tag: "Add more feeds by tags." add_more_sources: "Add Sources" no_feeds_found: "No feeds were found" searching_for_feed: "Searching for feeds..." feed_remove: "Feed Removed" photos: "Photos" videos: "Videos" back: "Back" explore: "Search for {{topic}}" language_not_supported: "The requested language is not supported" comment_entries_count: one: "1 Comment" other: "{{count}} Comments"