module DatabaseSlave module Relation attr_accessor :slave_name def initialize(klass, table) slave_name = nil if (slave = ActiveRecord::Relation.class_variable_get(:@@slave_block_given)).present? self.slave_name = slave end super end def using_slave? slave_name.to_s.present? end def unusing_slave slave_name = nil self end def using_slave(slave_name) if Settings.using_slave if block_given? name = "DatabaseSlave::ConnectionHandler::#{slave_name.to_s.strip.camelize}" ActiveRecord::Relation.class_variable_set(:@@slave_block_given, name) begin yield ensure ActiveRecord::Relation.class_variable_set(:@@slave_block_given, nil) DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = nil end else self.slave_name = "DatabaseSlave::ConnectionHandler::#{slave_name.to_s.strip.camelize}" relation = clone if ActiveRecord::Base.slave_connections.include? self.slave_name relation else raise "#{slave_name} is not exist." end end else clone end end alias using using_slave # === Description # # Rails中所有的relation最后都是调用to_a后返回最终结果. # # 这里我们重写ActiveRecord::Relation的to_a方法只是为了做一件事: # # 必须在当前relation返回后将是否使用从库的标识设置为否, # 以免影响执行下一个relation时的主从库选择错误. # # 对应到代码即: # DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = nil # def to_a # 该if语句的作用是: 确保在一条使用从库的查询中存在的其他先决条件的 # 查询也使用从库。例如: # # class Book < ActiveRecord::Base # default_scope lambda { where(:tag_id => Tag.published.pluck(:id)) } # end # # 当我们使用如下查询 # # Book.order('id DESC').limit(2).pluck(:id) # # 时, default_scope中的Tag需要被先查询出来. 为了Book和Tag的查询都使用从库, # 避免查询Tag后便释放了从库连接而导致Book的查询使用的还是主库. 故在这里 # 加了条件判断: 如果父查询已经设置了使用从库, 那么内部的所有查询都使用从库, # 直到父查询返回. # # Supports ActiveRecord::QueryMethods: # select, group, order, reorder, joins, where, having, # limit, offset, uniq # # And ActiveRecord::FinderMethods: # first, first!, last, last!, find, all # # And ActiveRecord::Batches: # find_each, find_in_batches # if !DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name begin DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = slave_name if using_slave? super ensure DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = nil end else super end end if defined?(Rails) # Supports ActiveRecord::FinderMethods: # exists? # def exists?(id = false) if !DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name begin DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = slave_name if using_slave? super ensure DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = nil end else super end end if defined?(Rails) # Supports ActiveRecord::Calculations: # pluck # def pluck(column_name) if !DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name begin DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = slave_name if using_slave? super ensure DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = nil end else super end end if defined?(Rails) # Supports ActiveRecord::Calculations: # count, average, minimun, maximum, sum, calculate # def calculate(operation, column_name, options = {}) if !DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name begin DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = slave_name if using_slave? super ensure DatabaseSlave::RuntimeRegistry.current_slave_name = nil end else super end end if defined?(Rails) end def self.prepended(klass) klass.send :prepend, Relation end end ActiveRecord::Relation.send(:prepend, DatabaseSlave::Relation) ActiveRecord::Relation.class_variable_set(:@@slave_block_given, nil)