require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' context "Erb" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end context "without layouts" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end specify "should render" do get '/no_layout' do erb '<%= 1 + 1 %>' end get_it '/no_layout' body.should == '2' end specify "should take an options hash with :locals set with a string" do get '/locals' do erb '<%= foo %>', :locals => {:foo => "Bar"} end get_it '/locals' body.should == 'Bar' end specify "should take an options hash with :locals set with a complex object" do get '/locals-complex' do erb '<%= foo[0] %>', :locals => {:foo => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]} end get_it '/locals-complex' body.should == 'foo' end end context "with layouts" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end specify "can be inline" do layout do %Q{This is <%= yield %>!} end get '/lay' do erb 'Blake' end get_it '/lay' body.should.equal 'This is Blake!' end specify "can use named layouts" do layout :pretty do %Q{

<%= yield %>

} end get '/pretty' do erb 'Foo', :layout => :pretty end get '/not_pretty' do erb 'Bar' end get_it '/pretty' body.should.equal '


' get_it '/not_pretty' body.should.equal 'Bar' end specify "can be read from a file if they're not inlined" do get '/foo' do @title = 'Welcome to the Hello Program' erb 'Blake', :layout => :foo_layout, :views_directory => File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views" end get_it '/foo' body.should.equal "Welcome to the Hello Program\nHi Blake\n" end end context "Templates (in general)" do specify "are read from files if Symbols" do get '/from_file' do @name = 'Alena' erb :foo, :views_directory => File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views" end get_it '/from_file' body.should.equal 'You rock Alena!' end specify "use layout.ext by default if available" do get '/layout_from_file' do erb :foo, :views_directory => File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views/layout_test" end get_it '/layout_from_file' body.should.equal "x This is foo! x \n" end end end