Before do $queries_executed = [] ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::Job.cancel_thinking_sphinx_jobs @model = nil @method = :search @query = "" @conditions = {} @with = {} @without = {} @with_all = {} @options = {} @results = nil end Given /^I am searching on (.+)$/ do |model| @model = model.gsub(/\s/, '_').singularize.camelize.constantize end When /^I am searching for ids$/ do @results = nil @method = :search_for_ids end When /^I am retrieving the result count$/ do @result = nil @method = @model ? :search_count : :count end When /^I search$/ do @results = nil end When /^I search for (\w+)$/ do |query| @results = nil @query = query end When /^I search for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |query| @results = nil @query = query end When /^I search for (\w+) on (\w+)$/ do |query, field| @results = nil @conditions[field.to_sym] = query end When /^I clear existing filters$/ do @with = {} @without = {} @with_all = {} end When /^I filter by (\w+) on (\w+)$/ do |filter, attribute| @results = nil @with[attribute.to_sym] = filter.to_i end When /^I filter by (\d+) and (\d+) on (\w+)$/ do |value_one, value_two, attribute| @results = nil @with[attribute.to_sym] = [value_one.to_i, value_two.to_i] end When /^I filter by both (\d+) and (\d+) on (\w+)$/ do |value_one, value_two, attribute| @results = nil @with_all[attribute.to_sym] = [value_one.to_i, value_two.to_i] end When /^I filter between ([\d\.]+) and ([\d\.]+) on (\w+)$/ do |first, last, attribute| @results = nil if first[/\./].nil? && last[/\./].nil? @with[attribute.to_sym] = first.to_i..last.to_i else @with[attribute.to_sym] = first.to_f..last.to_f end end When /^I filter between (\d+) and (\d+) days ago on (\w+)$/ do |last, first, attribute| @results = nil @with[attribute.to_sym] = first.to_i.days.ago..last.to_i.days.ago end When /^I filter by (\w+) between (\d+) and (\d+)$/ do |attribute, first, last| @results = nil @with[attribute.to_sym] = Time.utc(first.to_i)..Time.utc(last.to_i) end When /^I order by (\w+)$/ do |attribute| @results = nil @options[:order] = attribute.to_sym end When /^I order by "([^\"]+)"$/ do |str| @results = nil @options[:order] = str end When /^I group results by the (\w+) attribute$/ do |attribute| @results = nil @options[:group_function] = :attr @options[:group_by] = attribute end When /^I set match mode to (\w+)$/ do |match_mode| @results = nil @options[:match_mode] = match_mode.to_sym end When /^I set per page to (\d+)$/ do |per_page| @results = nil @options[:per_page] = per_page.to_i end When /^I set retry stale to (\w+)$/ do |retry_stale| @results = nil @options[:retry_stale] = case retry_stale when "true" then true when "false" then false else retry_stale.to_i end end When /^I destroy (\w+) (\w+)$/ do |model, name| model.gsub(/\s/, '_').camelize. constantize.find_by_name(name).destroy end Then /^the (\w+) of each result should indicate order$/ do |attribute| results.inject(nil) do |prev, current| unless prev.nil? current.send(attribute.to_sym).should >= prev.send(attribute.to_sym) end current end end Then /^I can iterate by result and (\w+)$/ do |attribute| iteration = lambda { |result, attr_value| result.should be_kind_of(@model) unless attribute == "group" && attr_value.nil? attr_value.should be_kind_of(Integer) end } results.send("each_with_#{attribute}", &iteration) end Then /^I should get (\d+) results?$/ do |count| results.length.should == count.to_i end Then /^I should not get (\d+) results?$/ do |count| results.length.should_not == count.to_i end Then /^I should get as many results as there are (.+)$/ do |model| results.length.should == model.gsub(/\s/, '_').singularize.camelize. constantize.count end def results @results ||= (@model || ThinkingSphinx).send( @method, @query, @options.merge( :conditions => @conditions, :with => @with, :without => @without, :with_all => @with_all ) ) end